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Steve Page Mar 5
Beginning with ash.
Leading to blood and tears.
Ending with love declared
out of the grave
into a new light's dawn.

Lent gives pause.
Jesus gifts life.
Seeing a few ash crosses today.
showyoulove Dec 2024
Remember Death... Remember to Live

Today is a day of reflection and remembrance of death, of the frailty and fleeting nature of earthly life. Jesus is dead. Some feel the pain and loss, some carry on with life, but everyone is changed. Jesus was only thirty-three when he died and had only been in his public ministry for three years. I don't know how it was back then, but by today's standards, that's awfully young. I've known several people who were quite young who have passed away recently, and it makes me stop and wonder "What am I doing with my life?" Am I focusing on what really matters or am I not utilizing well what precious little time I have? It is important to remember that we will die, and things of this world are fleeting that it may temper our lives, but we should also focus on making the most of life. Live, love, hurt, laugh, cry: all of these things help us know we are truly alive. It is not just physical death that is important to remember either. Sin causes spiritual death, and true love is sacrificial: dying to oneself for the joy and well-being of another. Jesus died to give us life. His life was His love and He gave it away. Jesus gave us everything. We can and ought to give something back to him because "we would have nothing, nothing, nothing if we didn't have Him". Jesus died to nail our sins upon the cross and as we die with Christ, so too will we rise with Him. May God help us to die to ourselves and live for others. When we live for others, we also live for God: "Whatever you do for the least of my brothers and sisters, you do for me". I pray that at the end of your life, that you don't have any regrets for wanting to do something and not doing it. Don't forget to tell your parents, your spouse, your family and friends that you love them and cherish them. Call that person, that friend that you haven't talked to in years. Be generous and compassionate to the person on the street. Don't wait, because tomorrow could be too late. We are not promised tomorrow, we are only promised right now. We are only promised today. So, today and everyday we pray: Memento Mori... Memento Vivere.

Remember Death, but most importantly... Remember to Live!

Written on Holy Saturday 2019
showyoulove Nov 2024
Why must they take my Lord from me?
Why, oh why, can they not see
What it is they have really done?
They have killed God's only son.
I know he came to suffer and die
But I hold him in my arms, and I cry:
"Abba, my father, why must this be true
For Jesus, he was my son too.
Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.
Father, my father, if only they knew"
Let these tears that fall be as sweet perfume
As I lay our son in a borrowed tomb
Father, my father, cleanse them from their sin
Father, I beg you, don't let Satan win.
In my heart I knew this day would come,
But part of me, to this fact, was numb.
I am pierced by sorrow so deep and wide
Your cousin and I alone stand at your side.
My heart is broken on the altar of love
As my tears mix with the rain from above.
In an instant, I would trade my life for his.
I would die so that he might live.
But may it be done according to Your Will
You were my God, and you are still
My faith remains steadfast even in this darkest night
I believe that we will once again see your Holy Light

showyoulove Nov 2024
No matter what, in our lives, we do
Everything is better when I work with you
He created us to be together, created us to share
In His Glory and feel his presence everywhere
On our own, we try to create a song, a work of art
It's simple and awkward, but filled with such heart
We were not supposed to go it alone
But as iron sharpens iron to help and hone
We try to do the will of God
We try to hear what He is saying
Our attempts are small and feeble at best
But he sees us and quietly he smiles and nods
He whispers in our ear "Don't stop. Keep playing"
And transforms our sad solo into a divine duet

When we find ourselves taken by bitter sorrow
When we don't know if the sun will rise tomorrow
When we drink with Jesus the cup of suffering
When we think about his blood that is covering
When we recall the seven sorrows of Mary
And how, her son's lifeless body, she would carry
Midwives used myrrh against pain in childbirth
Mary, of all women, knew how much it is worth
Her very name is from Myrrh: meaning bitter
And through it all she wasn't a quitter
It is costly and rare, signifying suffering and death
But it is also used to prepare and purify
The bodies of those who had died
She shares our sorrows, and she dries our tears
She listens and prays for us; she understands our fears
We can run to our mother and be safe in her arms
To find healing and peace away from all that harms
She knows the value of suffering
And she knows just what it cost
A gift of love transcending everything
Her son hung on a rugged cross

Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death
Through our suffering, prepare our hearts and purify
That we might be an acceptable offering to God when we die
Take us back home to Heaven where we belong
When we are together, we are better; we are strong
March 20, 2019
As I take a look at some Lenten Reflections and Resources for today, there are two distinctly different reflections. One, a story that parallels what is possible with God's help and the other based on the gospel and speaking of suffering and Mary. I find a common thread to be "Better Together".
showyoulove Nov 2024
There are many ways to fast and many things to fast from. The gospel from Matthew helps to unravel the deeper reason for fasting. One is to give up something pleasurable like eating, drinking, watching TV, or being on the phone in order to bring our minds and hearts to remember Jesus' suffering. We can also recognize how good we have it and that many people have so much less. What little things can we do to help them? By fasting from these things that give us pleasure and satisfaction and take up so much of our time and attention, it allows us to quiet our minds and our hearts to connect with God and hear his soft voice. In fasting from a meal or part of a meal, we can become hungry. This hunger can be a reminder of the time that Jesus was in the desert after his baptism with nothing to eat or drink. In the "Our Father" we ask God to "Give us this day our Daily Bread". God will provide for all of our needs both Physical and Spiritual. Our hunger is physical, but it can also be a reminder of our spiritual hunger and the ways we try to fill the God-shaped holes in our hearts with things that can never truly satisfy. Fasting reminds us of our need for God and helps us to be dependent on Him in everything. We are called to be His children. Should we not, then, depend and rely on Him to be the perfect Father?

Lord, when we fast from things this Lent, open our hearts and minds and in your mercy, reveal to us the deeper value of it. Help us rid ourselves of the distractions in our lives in order to draw us closer to you. And while fasting is good; it alone is not sufficient. In the void of giving something up, help us to do something good, something pleasing to you Oh Lord. May we all "(Finally Find) What We Have Been Looking For". May we all find you!
showyoulove Nov 2024
Up on the mountain he took them: Peter John and James
And before their very eyes, their Jesus was changed
His clothes became the most dazzling white
A cloud came in and they fell down in utter fright
The true weight of God's Glory came upon them that day
As Jesus went up to the mountain to pray
The disciples were given a special peek
Something to give them strength when they were weak
It was hope, it was light, and it was profound peace
In praying, that which we receive down on our knees
We are transformed with Christ; made new and clean
And while we may never have this very scene
We can have a similar experience and feel the glory
We can, today, share in this great Gospel story
We can adore and, like candles, burn in his presence
A gift for the greatest and least, for kings and for peasants

Lord, some days we can't see you because of the shadow, and sometimes we are blinded because you are so close to us. Most of us have been blessed to have Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind and felt the weight of your glory. The pure power of the energy and love in that moment is like a nuclear reactor. We become radioactive and sometimes even positively glow from the experience. Though it may be forgotten at times, it is still in us. In our darkest moments, help us call to mind this sunshine and cast away the doubt and fear. In your goodness, you have given us this hope of resurrection that we are longing for on Easter Sunday while we wander through the desert of trial and temptation for these forty days to obtain the true conversion and transformation. Thank you, Lord, for Close Encounters of the Spiritual Kind that bring us into the light of your presence and the weight of your glory! Amen.
showyoulove Nov 2024
Come back to me with all your heart
Don't let fear keep us apart
Turn from your sin and cling to the Lord
Be wholly changed by this Love outpoured
The world is screaming for our attention
While He patiently waits for our affection
In this dry and barren land
Our hearts learn to understand
How to walk with the Lord and hear His voice
And, back in His arms, we will rejoice
For in the desert there is suffering and pain
And we cry out for a single drop of rain
But there is a focus and a silence
With a beauty all its own
And in the midst of hatred and violence
We know we are never alone
You have moved my heart in ways I can't contain
The words are filled with healing and pain
You have pierced me Oh Lord with your unfailing love
And I am powerless to resist this precious holy flood
Your music stirs my soul to sing to you
King of my life and all that is good and true
In these forty days help me focus now
Help me hear you in the silence somehow
In this time of trial and testing
Be at peace my soul for, in God's merciful heart, you are resting
We walk in the light with darkness around us
We are free because God's grace has found us
Today, right now, my soul has been stirred
For we live not by bread, but by God's word
Ritz Writes Mar 2024
He met me in my mess
When I was wrestling with my flesh
With hopes & dreams started to crumble and crash.
On the verge of breaking under stress
He met in my mess.
Lost in Oblivion
I ran into paths Unknown.
To ease the ache inside my chest
When tribulations put my faith to test;
When guilt won't let me rest
I cried unto Him
Until I shed no more tears to face the fears
I found God in my mess.
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." ~ Matthew 11:28
thepoeticwit Apr 2022
we are wanderers in a foreign land, exiles in search of home.
nomads who shift through dirt and sand.

Is this where we belong?
A desert, a wilderness.
A path made through promise of a kingdom paradise,
so close and yet so far away.

40 days and 40 years
are but a lifetime
our lives are but a wilderness
though we fast and pray
trials and temptations come our way

Be not fooled by Devil's sweet whispers
But continue past these 40 days
and though you fail in one way

There is One who fasted and prayed
overcame, and calls to you

"Behold, the Kingdom is near"

mindlessly passed through to the end of Lent, and I didn't really fast and pray, what more succumbing to my sins. But a firm reminder of Jesus who succeeded in His fast and prayer, right through His passion, death and ressurection. Though I fail, He succeeds on my behalf, and has mercy on me.
Steve Page Mar 2022
The truth and power
of our faith
hangs on the cross,
on the height of sacrifice
on the lengths and depths
Christ was willing to go
from holy conception
to physical resurrection
from passover supper
to Emmaus meal
to fish on the beach
to the promise of a feast
at his Father's high table.

The truth on which we stand
hangs on God made man
and on us made new
all due to our LORD Jesus Christ,
God's Son, our Saviour,
our once and for all time
holy, acceptable sacrifice.

The truth and power
of our faith
hangs on His cross.
Easter's coming.
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