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Chris Apr 2019
Every moment, every mind,
All the world is bent and blind.

Heavy tears, free flowing blood,
Putting cruel stars in place.

Every call and every voice,
echoes, nothing but this noise.

0Da pacem Domine,
(I die by your behest)
1Quam tranquilitas,
2Quam serena mors est.

Every human ever made,
All our tears an icy glade.

Stary skies a sea of loss,
We know now, but what a cost.

Every angel every wing,
To hole of thine grave shall sing.

0Da pacem domine
(I live by your command)
3Dictat, sicut Deum
4Verb tuo,obito meum!
The sentences in parentheses are NOT translations, this poem is meant as a text for a song and this marks the backup vocals....
0= Give peace o Lord
1=How peaceful
2=Death is
3= As God commands/dictates
4= Your word, my death
M yesdniL adnamA Apr 2019
"deformis puella! discesserit ab illa!"

eyes gone pale (for lack of light)
a sniffle is heard in the depths of night.
and whilst the candle shrinks, there becomes
a soft quiver of sound, the voice which barely hums.

"non omnis moriar."
It’s clawing at the back of your head
And you can’t shut it out.
The pain is neverending,
The voices won’t stop.
It just stays where you can’t escape from.
The very back of your mind,
While always looming at the forefront.
Your thoughts storm in your head
And all you want is silence.
A chance to escape this hell you made.
Inadequacy is your one fear.
Your attempts and trying isn’t good enough anymore,
But you don’t want to give in yet when there’s still so much to do,
So much to see,
So much to try,
So much to experience and live for.
It’s suffocating.
All engulfing.
It eats and tears away at you.
There are times where its worse than ever and times where you can tame it.
There are just certain things that can set you off,
Without you even knowing.
An ache settles into your heart and you’re clueless as to why.
How much can you endure before it’s too much?
“I don’t know.”
You never know until you do.
Contradictory maybe, but true.
Anxiety clouds your thoughts and plagues you with doubt and uncertainty.
“I’m trying.”
But is it enough?
It hurts.
You cry.
It's useless.
You rage.
You’re a bird trapped inside a cage.
Constantly beating against the bars that surround you,
The bars that are your depression,
Your trauma,
Your anxiety,
Your ever-looming fear of the unknown in this effort to get better.
“Save me.”
No one can hear your screams but you.
Try again.
There are some days that are better than others.
There are some days that hurt.
Some that heal.
Some that rip you apart from the inside out.
Some that feel like nothing could sour your feelings but it’s all lies.
Indifference is a blessing.
Ignorance is a curse.
Knowledge isn’t power, it just makes you feel worse.
Being too depressed, too suicidal, too manic to function is draining in the worst way.
Sometimes you just want to be happy but that isn’t always the case.
Sometimes you just want to cry your heart out but it’s just a waste.
Sometimes you want to live and survive; sometimes you want to die and end it all.
Living for something or living for nothing matters not.
It’s the functionality, the purpose you serve to yourself that does.
This too shall pass but alas, in its fleeting moments it is almost unbearable.
“Maybe,” you say, it’s but a whisper.
You know that you’ll be okay someday; just not today.
Let’s try again tomorrow.
Avery Feb 2019
Astrum, lux caeleste et clarus
Princeps aetheres et spes
Dux meus in aeternum

Rough translation:
Stars, light celestial and clear
Ruler of skies and hope
Guide me for eternity
Wanted to mix it up and try posting some of my non-english poetry
Alice Feb 2019
The witch whirled around her golden cauldron,
Her shoes clacking on the stone floor as she
Chants in a language that's now forgotten;
Perhaps chanting to awake the ancients.
Her voice resonates in tune with the smoke,
As it rises in ever growing wisps
Like the clouds that shift to veil the moon’s face.
“Fumus! specula!” she cries as she stirs,
She’d lift the wooden spoon from the bubbling
Cauldron only to find that it’s melted.
Still, she'd flick through her potions book, searching
As her eyes would flash verdant as glow-worms.
Against the starry night sky—Constellations
In their own right against the cave’s night sky.
She’d cast madly in a fervor as bolts
Of lightning illuminate the night sky.
Knowing what’s good for them, the ravens scatter,
Their shadowy bodies blocking the moon.
Still, the witch would brew, throwing anything,
And everything into that dreaded void.
Outside, the cicadas would hum madly,
While the moon would drip silver in the brew.
Madness is found behind her vibrant eyes,
As she stoppers the potions into vials.
Lining her shelves with the odd colored vials,
She waits, hoping for someone to visit;
Waiting for someone to knock at her door.
And yet, after all this, no one will come,
So the witch sits drinking her tea, alone,
Watching as the ravens fly though the night
Preparing to brew another potion
That will never be shared.
Eres un Angel
de cabellos de madera
hueles a flores
       puedo mirarte
               noche y día
                        una obra de arte
                                              con vida.

                                      Me hacen falta
                                palabras dignas,
                    para decirte
                 desde adentro    
    tu silencio
me calma.

Te soñe...
                     me... alumbras...
Te soñe...
Ciel Jan 2019
Carpe noctem.
Seize the night.
Make it your own.
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