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Reimar Dec 2015
I was a sweet kid, kind and calm
We lived down by the power plants
I did not have so many friends

Daddy ran some business on Mars
I had my own rocket in the garage
When I was lonely I counted the stars

I got along
Only sometimes
It felt a little wrong

Her sweetest smile would never fade
She was never late
She cooked so well but she never ate

She looked kind and nice
Yet there was no love in her eyes
Her iron heart was cold as ice

I got along
Only sometimes
It felt a little wrong

Ten years later then
I met this ******* Tralfamadore 10
Golden hair and silver skin

I asked her out for dinner, she agreed
We took the Klingon place on 11th street
She drank a lot but she did not eat

*We got along
Only somehow
It felt a little wrong
raw with love May 2014
I know how to say
"I love you" in
English and French,
and Spanish and Italian,
and Russian and Bulgarian,
and Arabic and Dothraki
and High Valyrian,
and Klingon,
and in any other language
you ask,
I know how to
write "I love you"
in Gallifreyan and
I know how to make up
a billion different poems
about my love for you.

But still, it won't make you
love me back. I somehow
was never enough for you.
You keep me awake every night
wondering why you left
and I think it's high time
I started looking up
how to say "I don't hate you",
"I've moved on", "I don't miss you"
and "I am okay" in all these
languages in which
"I love you" didn't matter.

— The End —