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Rustle McBride Jan 2017
Rise!* Oh, Mighty Jupiter;
Our Father now forgotten.
Come claim your rightful reverence.
Your pagan pedigree misgotten.

You were once our Shining Father;
Great King of all the Sky.
But you allowed your world to set
so a new Son could arise.

Zeus once ruled before you, and
Jesus became your heir.
Today not many realize
how we got from here to there.

I have considered for some moments
how our thoughts of god do change.
Plural notions of so long ago,
today can seem so strange.

We like to think we've come so far,
since those pagan days of yore.
Have we abandoned superstition
or just embraced it even more?

It was millennia ago
that Zeus ruled Mount Olympus.
He, their leader, more than father,
often beaten by hubris.

The Greeks, they worshiped leaders,
seeking standing in this forum.
Such desires, democratic
became their gods that ruled before them.

As the centuries moved on,
your new Latin home was Roma.
Your title too, transformed
to reflect a new persona.

To Zeus we added "Father",
or in Latin, pater, we prefer.
So Zeus, becomes Zeus-pater,
Zupater, then Jupiter.

Our names for gods reveal
exactly how they fill our needs.
Over time our needs evolve
and so a new name supersedes.

As Rome aged, it developed  
a need to know god as a man.
To be one of his number.
To see themselves as of his clan.

This zeus, he can be talked to,
can be greeted and be known.
They "Hail Zeus" as HeyZeus.
And now its Jesus on the Throne.

Through such inquests we can see
the needs Gods fill evolving,
from cold, covetous Kings
to a begotten Son absolving.

We imagine in the Heavens
things to help us understand,
how a universe so endless
can be the realm alone of man.
on the evolving nature of God
SabreLi Dec 2016
It was the end of the world when Ares met Mars
Supposed to be counterparts, brothers in arms
But on opposing sides they stood
Couldn’t see eye to eye
And instead of stemming the blood
Each took an eye for an eye
Until in time the whole world went blind

The sword attacked and the spear struck back
But that’s what happens when cultures clash

When cultures collide
With anger and hatred it starts to divide
But nobody wins, cos the dead look the same on both sides

It was the mother of all storms when Jupiter met Zeus
There could have been a deuce; could have called a truce
But each wanted more and more
The two as black as thunder
And instead of stopping the war
Each stole the other’s thunder
Until in time the whole world went under

The thunder attacked and the lightning struck back
But that’s what happens when cultures clash

When cultures collide
With anger and hatred it starts to divide
But nobody wins, cos the dead look the same on both sides

The underworld shook when the earth caved in
Pluto and Hades together couldn’t take us all in
We didn’t see when being heartless
In wanting the best of both worlds
That the second of the two would be darkness
And together the weight of the worlds
Would send us crashing down to Tartarus

The rivers overflowed and the fires turned to ash
But that’s what happens when cultures clash
As the title says, when cultures clash.
Aaron Goold Sep 2016
When the storm in your eye,
bends the marbled surface,
and rains fury on what beneath,
might be nothing but hot air,

remember Jupiter,

the majestic, heavenly titan,
failed to become a star.
No matter how hot his fury swells,
he remains a magnitude less than the Sun.

Remember Jupiter,

the jolly, red giant,
making enough light of his anger,
to glow while farther than the sun,
without being a star,
and his time being not nearly so different,
from yours.
This is a draft for a (perhaps) a larger poem, ideally with rhymes. Just thought it would be interesting to post my drafting process. All criticism, advice, feedback welcomed
Anand Jul 2016
Standing on a launchpad
I was readied for a push
Countdown had begun
The trajectory was set
And I was prepared,
For a journey unmade

The gush of fire beneath
Had ****** me up
And as the fuel burned,
I moved ahead
Against the friction
Of atmosphere
Against the Earth's
Into the

I left behind
The ball of life
Traveled beyond,
Much beyond
into the abyss of

I surpassed the red Mars
Towards the Giant.
That's where I was headed,
A journey that was
Never before made.

Through the dark of
Through the unseen
Traveling in
Traversing the
I finally touched
The ****** soil,
Of Jupiter.

A journey that was
Never before made,
Is now, a journey
Copyright: Anand
PaperclipPoems Jun 2016
I'm thinking about you.
Laying in bed, watching the ceiling.
Waiting for a great life change to come knock on my door
Hoping maybe you will be that knock.

I'm thinking about how you make me feel.
Trying to analyze the emotion and put a label on it.
It seems impossible to understand.
It swirls around my heart and sends messages to my brain like a fast paced satellite
But the messages are not clear so I'm left to decipher them as best as possible.

I'm thinking about your hands.
How there couldn't possibly be another hand in this universe that could be so perfect.
Not one single flaw.
They have their own language and they explore my body every time like it's the first time.
You clear my mind and kidnap my soul.

You take me out of this world.
Take me to Jupiter.
Seven Glorious Ones,
Are searching for our Tin!
Across seven vast ages,
Though here’s where we’ll begin.
And those twinkly-ones appear,
Stare from the painted haze…
Those ‘eyes’ attract, erratic mind…
Tin settle’s on their gaze.
Run Tin! Run! Her falling velvet,
Stag-man hangs now on horizon,
Hunter’s purpose, -rage!
Mourn the loss, Oh brave Tin,
Brave hero Tin, -seven dancing on your grave.
The myth of Tin is Jupiter is Jove is God is Yahweh... The seven who dance on the god's grave are always the Great Bear or seven pole stars...
Ron Sparks Apr 2016
on this cloudless night
pushing through the Pittsburgh haze,
daring to present themselves,
entwined in cosmic tango, are
Jupiter and the Moon.
the bands play across a
diluted Jovian face. while the storm
    rages on
the lunar rocks and craters,
perfectly visible imperfections,
cast petulant shadows -
reminding me that
from destruction one can
   still find beauty.
Kurt Carman Apr 2016
On this hillside where the homeless rest
The Song Sparrow bursts into psalm,
Reciting beautiful exclamations to the heavens above
For the forgotten souls that are concealed below.

In this place called Potters Field lay one million souls
Unknowns from 200 years ago....more & more arriving everyday.
Nestled thickets of wild trees hold these memories past and
Shadow the headstones with prayers inscribed.

How could one small place hold so many forgotten souls?
How could we have forgotten those less fortunate than us?
Saint Benedict's tear filled eyes scan the field
As he try's to to make sense of what has happened.

Lift up your eyes New York and make your voices heard.
Don't let their memory fade away.
God holds a special place for these children because....
In the Kingdom of God....
                                 The last shall be first.

K.E Carman 2016
Hope you'll read this NY Times article.........

I must tell you that I had to stop often through out the article to wipe the tears from my eyes. I write this poem in memory of little Anthony DeJesus. God has taken your broken body and made you whole again sweet boy!
Kurt Carman Mar 2016
As I peer across the Mountain range of my life,
I see a vast array of peaks and valleys,
Roads that wander near and far.

Some roads seemed unsurpassable,
Some roads were thought to be inconceivable,
Some roads I felt were unapproachable,
And I see them all as landmarks in my life.

The one road in the very middle of my lifescape,
The one that's known for being less traveled,
I so often avoided and I don't understand why.

Some roads seemed impossible,
Some roads were thought to be infallible,
Some roads lead to intimacy,
And I see them all, good or bad as milestones in my life.

Standing at the base of the mountain top,
I feel a presence encouraging me to climb the summit.
My breathe becomes heavy, my limbs are numb but my mind is focused.

Advancing the summit, I pull myself above the misty clouds,
Peering below I find oceans of generations that have gone before me....but were never forgotten,
And one stands at the forefront, with arms outstretched, an unforgettable smile, and love thats unending.

There's only one road that leads us to an island universe where we live on forever past fatality.
All roads have the same waypoint which leads us to forever.
Close your eyes and imagine a place that does not judge and only loves.

K.Carman 2016
Miss my mother everyday. Leaving us at 45 years old was the day my world stopped. Now I look forward to our reunion. I love you Mom!
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