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Derrick Feinman Feb 2015
A mosque vandalized,
A Muslim family killed.
Where is this "freedom?"
Week of Feb 8, 2014 was a bad one for Muslims and for America.
kanma Oduwegwu Feb 2015
these lines won't stop
till something starts
as pain goes on and i sleep in peace
with dreams for tomorrow
that they don't have

i wish but don't
to stay with them
to ask these questions
that cloud my head
and clear my mind of strange weird stuff

i think they dream
'cos they're human too
of the morrow bright
that never come
or horrible faces
with bombs to ****
and shatter their dreams
without much thought

I dream of a dream
to soothe their pain
but can this still work?
when death abounds
or increase their pain as i try to help

they seem to be soft
but no not them
for the pain that strengthens
even the lame
has come to them
and given them speed
but help they need
and without the us it might get to us

This faith that says
Yes or death
does it bring peace?
or more of death
to innocent fools that believed their pranks

My heart is washed
with tears of mine
as i write these lines
that give me guilt
for watching in peace
as they die strange deaths

I know i can help
and so i must
for destinies are buried
in tombs unmarked
for no one can tell
the dreams that lie there

some miss and miss
and never return
yet they flush our eyes
with economy sheets
to **** our hearts that pleads for peace
and leave these souls
to suffer till doom

we believe in you
Oh! creator divine
look at our case
and seal their lips
for help we want
and peace bring forth
as in a matter of days
we might be sold

I know their fate
may become mine
if i shut my lips
and gather more wealth
for so we have lived
forgetting their pain
these brethren in need
that we really don't see

*will your choice bring peace?
or many more deaths
in a few days the general elections will take place in my country (Nigeria) and many people are roasted alive, massacred, beaten to death daily in the North and a Muslim is at the top front for presidency please spare a little time to say a prayer for us...... For the innocent die without any record
Nicole Louise Jan 2015

let them do the job
as they do we need to simply look the other way

The Islamophobia is suffocating
the saturation is enough.

There are children there
but we don't see that.

Children without fathers.
Children without mothers.

The Christian fanatics
are not so different.

You have your flag,
You have your gun.
So do they,
but they're the evil one?

Take a mirror and as you do,
you will see, they look like you.

Your religion is no better,
no holier or worthy,
we are all human
all equal.

But some are more equal than others.
Aren't they?

N. Hedges
A message to Judge Jeanine Pirro on her rant about Islam. I am not Islamic, but I am passionate about human rights and I think the recent terrorist attacks have made more people Islamophobic.
NZ Jan 2015
The way of the tears is the way to comfort,
Sigh my dear friend so you can rest,
And make emotional supplications in private,
The universe will encompass your voice.

By the will of God all wounds heal,
and the broken,
and the wounded hearts recover,
and the sick,
and the ill become full of strength again,
while before they lay there sick.

- Muhammad Al Muqit
This is the first part of Nasheed written personally and sing by Muhammad Al Muqit, a nasheed singer.

Very inspirational lyric to me.
Deenah Jan 2015
You've made a mockery of our beliefs,
And our prophet you defame.
I think and think and think,
From this, what is your gain?

We stand for peace and mercy,
We always have and will.
The actions of some may scar us,
While they remain sinful.

I will condemn their actions,
As every human should.
But apologies I will not,
For its not under Islam's hood.

I can't claim responsibility,
For something I've not done.
Neither can I say sorry,
For its not part of my religion.

Anyone can say 'Allah',
And do atrocities in His name.
But what of those 1.6 billion Muslims,
Who His name they rightly claim?

I have only one request,
That I'd kindly wish you do,
Look beyond the hate and hurt,
And see Muslims are just like you.
Peaceful. Loving. Caring.
We have families too.
Islam is a religion of peace,
Peace be on to you.
The world needs to know, we stand for peace alongside it. We are one with you on this, as we are one with you on every life that is taken in cold blood.
Zainab Attari Dec 2014
The smallest coffins are the heaviest!
The smallest coffins are the heaviest!
No one wears stained clothes
No person likes stained walls
We make sure that they are cleaned
We make sure it is all stainless

But on a colourless Tuesday
Terrorists spilled red all over a school
They ransacked the classrooms
They set a teacher on fire

They shot aimlessly at tiny hearts and hands
They murdered their future
They banged bullets through budding brains
And all that was left were stains.

Terrorists stained crisply ironed uniforms
They spilled blood in corridors once filled with colourful paintings
They blemished the thoughts of little souls
They damaged the hearts of parents young and old.

Terrorists persist in staining their hands
They exult in staining their nation
They stain the meaning of Islam
They stain the words of Allah in the holy Quran

The redness of young blood will haunt them
These red pigments will soak them into hell
These blotches won’t be disregarded
These stains will sustain till eternity!

-Zainab Attari
#PeshawarAttack 16th December 2014 is a day no human will forget. We are deeply sorry for the loss of all the families, we are all with you dear people of Peshawar! Let's #FightBackTerrorism because we cannot afford losing a single drop of blood of anymore innocent lives.
Aisha The Poet Dec 2014
The eyes are the windows to ones soul; they say...
If such a statement is true,
then your eyes illuminate every essence of true beauty,
And your soul must be the kind that one would long to be attached to...
The way the mountains long to one day be within arms reach of the sky,
Up in the clouds,
Cloud nine, high... Off of love
Like a once blind man watching the sun set for the first time.
As deep as the depth to the ocean floor,
As sweet as natures honey...
A love that could have became a reality,
But there's no pain in dreaming...
Dreaming of a love that is eternal like the sweet fragrance of Jannah,
Where rivers of milk and honey flow endlessly,
Where worries cease to exist and happiness, tranquility and sincerity take it's truest form.
A love I that I would cherish, the way I cherish sunny weather,
An exhilarating love that would hopefully last forever,
So I'll dream.

ipoet Nov 2014
It’s a revolt.
A revolution.

And in the name of God, they are building schools,

Delivering doctors, door to door.

They are conveying the message that people care,

And that no one is forgotten,

Cameras are not allowed in some places.

People hoist burning American Flags which melt and,

Scar children with big brown eyes.

Women will not talk about this;
Allah is a man in uniform.
MdAsadullah Nov 2014
I t is a way of life.
S urrendering one's will to one and only God.
L oyal and loving towards your parents and kins.
A dmonishing evil and inviting towards good.
M uhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger of God should be the belief.
Mary Ab Oct 2014
As I sat in the library waiting for my lecture to start,
A beautiful girl came along  and stood near to my heart

As she sent me peace with a smile full of delight,
Revealed such a beauty of hidden appealing light

Her eyes somehow met mine in a sudden peep
Took me somewhere over the rainbow leap

her eyes were iridescent with every shades of hope,
kindling sparks of spiritual faith and defeated mope

As I was wondering among her beautiful face ,
I heard her voice ,tingling my heart to race

She asked how to improve her langage to fulfill a dream,
To call for Islam and invite people to know this perfect Deen

She loves Allah more than you could ardently imagine ,
Her eyes glowing with the radiant of this noble message

I was fascinated by her alluring faith and love ,
by her appealing beauty and optimism shining above

Her heart was a precious peace of sincerity and faith
Studded with the most redolent shimmering gems

A full blossming hour spent without a doubt ,
Bringing faint hint of smiling sunshine ,

Pure love of Allah mingled our spirits ,
refreshingly flourished my heart and lissomed my soul

Islam is our biggest bounty so let's be grateful,
Let's relax our hearts and spread this bliss all over ...

The tips I gave she kept with an excited determination ,
To realise her dream and be among the callers
For this native religion and truthful decision,

With a glorious gratitude we ended our meeting ,
Promised our souls to get to strengthen our faith,
To noble our path and find our truthful basement

Speechless expressions are all we were able to keep,
In  front of Allah's super mercy and grateful deeds

she was  a pretty faithful soul that entered my heart,
Took me higher , and sowed love in every single part ...

Thank you Allah for all your bounties and fascination
Blissful we are to belong to your super fetching creation ...

I've been inspired by her faithful soul , embedded between her radiant light and fascinated by her pure love for Allah ...
Masha'Allah ♡

I met a precious jewel this morning who stole my heart and melted my soul ...
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