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Farzaneh Qaf Jan 2020
You are Deaf to my songs
And I'm the only song writer
Who writes your existance
Through her musical notes
Jack Jenkins Jan 2020
I missed the moment to kiss you
You would have tasted the pestilence on my lips

Dried lips suffocated by dust form the word "goodbye"
For love has run its due course on this coarse heart

Weariness has worn down what hope was once planted
But darling love doesn't grow in trees, does it?

so why did it have to die?
//On love//
Colm Jan 2020
Quiet is a comfortable path
      Known well to ways
    Better to feet
And most best know to this mind of mine
         As I create based on what I see
      Scene lived as me, try
   It's not where I've been, or stand that's me, inadequately
Quiet Is A Comfortable Path
Heavy Hearted Jan 2020
I realize now while I pursue
an artful path away, from servitude
that better memories are minefields too
as they conjugate the life
I  once thought through
Colm Jan 2020
Patience is no freer than sky
No further than breath from within you breathe
No more mapped than oceans collected cold
And yet warmer than the touch of summery springtime bold

Patience is cost
Patience is free
Patience is you, still
Waiting for me
Patience Is We
Bhill Jan 2020
What IS it about
It changes without notice
What WAS it about

Brian Hill - 2020 # 10
Really, you have to ask?
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