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Mel Gadd Apr 2021
his words are bridges
that leads you over the sea
his words are fingers that whisper;
come to me, come to me.

but my bridges lead no one,
arrive nowhere.
lost at sea,
and swallowed up by the breeze.

my words mean nothing.
How could they?
when all that I am
are as noticeable as stars during the day.
Charlie Rose Mar 2019
I See People smiling as colors dance around them
Trees bowing down to the wind with forceful  mercy
Shadows following everyone like a stalker always sneaking closely  

I Hear Water gracefully slamming into the crowded shore
Laugher erupting from the throats of nighbores called friends
Deep conversions running into sharp whispers cutting the silents

I Smell The fresh air run past me quickly
Sickly sweet perfume flow softly along the waterside
Children's sweat barely masked by wilting flowers they carry

I feel The hot sun beating on my back
Like a stalker watching their prey I shiver sorry
Alone even though everyone looks towards me with smiles

It Reminds me of when I was there, alive.
Poetic T Jul 2017
Lonely is a statue in a room
of movement, I'm static in loneliness.
The collection of others looks onwards.

My smiles static on the reflections
gazing in my heart. Never showing
others the loneliness woven inside.

I want to be more than a ornament
in a room of life. Finding it hard
to breath in a room I'm drowning within.

Why cant I be the flower that radiates
instead of the crystal rose, whose petals
never glisten in colourful  hues of life.
Ana S May 2016
I am quite.
Nobody listens!
Hear me out!
I am small.
I just want to be heard.
Listen to my screams.
When nobody hears your voice
Stfuitsjordan Sep 2014
I never knew
that I could be seen
I never knew
That's why my heart allows me
To be mean.

I never knew
That for you I care
I never knew,
I was just ironically always

I never knew
I could let my true colors show
But look at you,
You call my colors out
As if I'm signaling smoke.

I never knew
I was capable of making
Anyone's attention so indivisible
I never knew what's it's like
To not be invisible.
Awesome Annie Mar 2015
I open my mouth just to speak, but all that comes out is air. You look at me without seeing, but I'm always standing here.

Walk past me without a glance, all I wanted was to matter. Disregard me and how I feel, it makes me all the sadder.

A pretty face that lost her voice, you took what made me complete. Now I'm just a whisper of wind, that can't see her feet.

I tiptoed past you but you didn't notice, tears streaming from my face. Still invisible I pack my bags, and leave this lonely place.

I wanted so badly for you to see me, but more to set my own self free. I knew I could only be whole again, once you instead became invisible to me.
~ Christi Michaels~December 2014~

The Evening Sky
Opens to a Canopy of Stars Above
A warm yet cooling breeze
Swirls a gentle Push
Against my Legs
I am waiting once again
To have you acknowledge
My words

This Moment will be much Easier
If I stay Quite
Just Listen
Bite my Tongue n'
Swallow my Thoughts
When you Speak
Knowing it best to Withhold
My Reactions
My Opinions

I have become Numb now to it All
Apprehension fills my throat
When I am moved to Speak.

So much easier to look
To the Stars and Moon
for a Comfortable
Sharing of thoughts

 Copyright © 2014 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved.
Poetic T Nov 2014
"I am the spirit of the dead,"
They talk through me
The living must walk the halls
Life* is the wrong
All must
"Sing the song of silent breath"
Essence of warmth is a sacrilege,
All must be cold in
Will not be found, all must release themselves
From the torture of life
"Only death is eternal"
I have taken many,
"I am telling you this,"
There is a
You will sleep in persistent peace
Like the rest,
So many immortal in
The halls, each have a place,
"The missing are never to be found"
Prey with relief, when I release your burden
"I Am The Spirit Of The Dead"
Life is fleeting the only comfort is in death
Invisible like the spirit never known or seen,
You don't even realise I'm out there, culling the herd.
The spirit speaks through me, all life ends cold.
The best serial killers are the ones you never know are even out there

— The End —