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Sweet darlin known only to me.
You hide in the shadows.
And dance on empty floors so others will not see.

You hang onto words empty as your heart.
And cast aside  all who care.
For there is no heartbreak if you never start.

You wrap yourself in lies and so freely twirl.
I wonder does anyone ever truley see.
My invisable girl.

once she was there only to vanish a little at a time.
I new the person.
More than a simple ryhme.

We loved and lost.
Shared a pain  and suffred the cost.

As we live more like ghosts in a empty shell.
I wonder In your isolation.
I pitty whomever thoose secrets you tell.

Like a old cat beside a fire into a emotional ball you do
I wonder  if ever you will return my invisable girl
guy scutellaro Oct 2021
...the meadow and the puddle
you wouldn't come out of

wild and simple joy

invisable to eyes, now...

I wander the meadow grass

the fields where the flowers glow
in early morning

the fields you
only dream of
where your soul is always free...

and you come running
spectral through the mist,

I walk lonely fields
Amber Blank Mar 2015
Its a pain that I'm unable to explain.
Physical yet emotional all in the same way.
To the outside world its invisable and non-existent
But inside there is a stabbing, gut wrenching pain.
A blade being ****** through my abdomen over and over again.
Until nausea over comes and chokes me close to drowning
The very organs that make me a woman are poisoning my blood, my life force
Every emotion is magnified, intensified
made into a life ending dilema
Every nerve throbbing, transferring through every part
Making my legs weak and my heart race
The blood running through my veins has become acid
Alone in this prison of emotional and physical hell
No tender hand to caress my cheek
No soothing, comforting words to lul me to sleep
No strong arms to wrap me up tight
No soft lips to kiss me goodnight
The darkness of solitude is seeping in
To encompass and destroy any small bit of hope left
Fate has cursed my every move
Tarnished every hello, expecting and waiting for the goodbye
Destined to wallow for all eternity in my own tears
Diagnosed at age 18, this has been a struggle my entire life. This is Endometriosis awareness month and the pain is real for all women
guy scutellaro Nov 2016
blue checkered jacket
the cloth faded.
kneeling onto yesterday
holding on to tomorrow
her leathery tan hands cup
a wrinkled  tired face.
the white tasseled hair and the bulbous nose.
hope has left her eyes,
the light has turn to rain.
beneath a torn brown skirt
short varicose  bowed legs
forever journey to no place.
everything she owns in a big paper bag.

She has no home.
SøułSurvivør Jan 2015

It is all around us
a realm we cannot see
but unlike this weighted world
there we can be free

It is never subject
to senses yet untuned
it is like a vapor
lit only by the moon

another dimension?
perhaps this will explain
but you will surely know it
as an unseen rain

though it has all knowledge
it will only tell
those who practice wisdom
like the music of a shell

but you must place that cockle
to a patient ear
those who are impatient
perhaps will never hear!

you won't see see it glowing
with a human eye
but it is ever present
as real as you or i

though it is very lovely
through spirt-eyes is seen
it is the real world

our own is just a dream.

(C) January 20, 2015
I wish I could say that
I have seen the spirit rhelm
(The side of light)
I saw my bible glowing
and shimmering once
When I opened it
But that is the extent of
My spirit-sight thus far.
I know that I know
It exists.
I pray to experience it again!
Jesus Christ is a real person.
And sometimes He
Manifests Himself to those
Who love Him in spirit and truth.
guy scutellaro May 2023
kenny composed songs
and sonnets to an angel
that lives down his street

a woman he has never spoken to

3:13 p.m.

skinny as a reed
4 foot eleven
kenny laveg
did some acid
that turned him invisable
being invisable
he had no need for clothes
kenny walked the 2 miles
to heightmuller's house

had a growing disorder
6' 5 in the 8th grade
250 pounds

kenny was not impressed

who is now invisable
strolls up cold stone steps
crashes through
the glass front door
where heightmuller

kenny is chasing heightmuller
around and around
the kitchen
and heightmuller
jumps on top of
the refrigerator
screaming for his mom
and kenny rips
rips the door
off of
the refrigerator

and kenny laveg stares
at heightmuller
for a long
long moment
and says,
"you don't **** with superman"...

...kenny stole
a 5 ton garbage truck
the day he got out of jail

you showed me how to think crazy
and be free

kenny laveg
sharp-edged and fearless
the patron saint
of us tortured souls and dreamers
midnight prague Nov 2010
you played to pursudae
my golden parade
into your midnight blue finger tips--
to hinder me to beg to be a part of the edge of your lips

oh young man why do you throw me in your bed like that
and touch my ribs and sides the way leaves touch the ground in autumn

your palms have left invisable marks along the small of my back

dont make me loose whatever is left inside of my thoughts
the waves of eminent energy that rush down your masculinity
as I simply watch adorning every crevice of anything that ever exsisted inside of you
and everytime I noticed this passion grew
and I always seemed to notice

when I felt blindness and artless
your name skipped in my blood
and I am no longer heartless
Poetic T  Jul 2014
Invisable Man
Poetic T Jul 2014
To her I'm the invisible man,
She stares right through
As if I were transparent,
like looking through air.
To her I'm an inanimate object
That doesn't need a second look,
Or even a quick stare.
My heart is beating,
I am alive,
I have feelings that get bruised
Just like any other man.
A simple smile,
A warm hello,
These would fade these bruised emotions,
But its not like she could tell.
In her eyes I'm nothing but an
Invisible man,
As she stares right through me,
With out even the faintest hello.
The scarecrow, solitary in the field
Tatty coat, all astray
Looks out over all his land
If he could talk, what would he say.

Summer,autumn, winter too
Wind and rain, clouds of grey
He never flinches from his post
If he could see, what would he say

Children play amoungst the crops
Neatly parcelled bales of hay
Days grow shorter, crisper, cooler
If he could hear, what would he say

Invisable tears and a broken heart
His lonely vigil every day
Timeless days and empty nights
If he could walk, would he walk away.
Syd  Feb 2014
among antiques
Syd Feb 2014
As a child I always covered my ears
whenever I started to hear my
parents fighting about whose weekend it was
And I hated that term
Whose weekend it was
Like they owned me

As if I was nothing more than some
quarrelsome barter being habitually swapped between living quarters at the end of every week
Sometimes I wished nothing more than to be
invisable, camouflaged along the wall
of dusty old antiques
Because the only ones you ever saw
fighting over them were old people who smelled
of pastries and lilacs

But I got tired of waiting for that
And I got more tired of the *******
small talk and forced awkward smiles
and when push came to shove,
At eight years old I was tired
of being handled with kid gloves

I grew up feeling like a token of fair trade
And in school I learned that fair trade
really wasn't fair at all
Some were taught to run while others
are forced to crawl to cross the finish line
but even that can't buy you time

Because at the end of the day
I still find myself coming back to that
original thought of the antiques along the
wall of items that nobody bought
And when you see that your only
company is dust and stale air,
life finds another way to remind you
that nothing is fair.
FallenAngel93  Jan 2015
FallenAngel93 Jan 2015
I feel like I'm invisible,
I feel like no one sees,
I feel like you don't care,
I feel like I'm invisible,
So here is to the people,
That feel like they are invisible.
Michael A Duff  Nov 2017
Michael A Duff Nov 2017
She was drown in the shadows of a past she dare not escape.

Bound by an invisable chain, anchored, and weighting her down.

In a painful comfort of dysfunction, this chain rubbed raw places in her mind.

Like an addict in her ways, kindness and happiness slipped through her open grasp, so she could wade into the familiar waters once again wrapped in her sadness.
it is sad how some you love SO dearly seem to love their problems and past more than the life they could lead in the present. The observation is this damage creates a dysfunctional behavior where the victim thrives on problems, not happiness, and can and will help everyone but themselves.

— The End —