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"im lonely, so lonely."
the saphire cries.
"the moon is dark, gone frome the skies."
she glistens and sharpens in her hue.

"if only, if only"
the gemstones reply
"you would be moved, we could see your eye"
they believe a change is due

yes only, if only, the change would come
being left out when others did want to include you hurts.
kel Aug 2024
i crave to have friends
when i am alone
crave to make amends
for myself but i should've known
i would want to be alone
when i'm next to my 'friends'
so i just scroll on my phone
igoring the loose ends
i'm leaving every single day
Rickey Someone Mar 2022

If I could speak to you
I’d tell you how special you are
I’d tell you that what makes you cool
Is that I can see the love of Jesus shining

If I could give you counsel
I’d tell you how valuable you are
I’d tell you how infinitely important it is
To wait patiently on God’s will for your life

If I could ask you a question
I’d want an answer from your heart
What is your pressing passion, I’d ask
What drives you, what things do you love?

If I could watch you
I’d want to see you smile
I’d want you to be safe and happy
I’d want to watch you live your dreams

If I weren’t so self-conscious
I’d be confident and encouraging
I’d want to be intentional and inviting
I’d want to be the person I’m meant to be
Leeeena Aug 2020
If only I had been


If only I had been


If only you had loved me,
then perhaps I could have loved you,
and then you would have


If only people were


If only they had


If only they hadn't broken your trust,
then you could give it to me,
and then you would have


If only you were still


If only I had the guts to tell you


If only I had seen what was going on,
then I could have helped,
and then you would have

Abi Jul 2020
I find myself dreaming of how life was before
I find myself longing for the ways things once were
I wish I'd of been content instead of always asking for more
I wish I remembered it vividly but now its just a blur
Going out with friends and the time that went by so fast
If only I had known that it wouldn't all last
Now confined within the walls that make up my home
I feel so trapped like I'm quarantined inside a dome
Just a few months ago everything was as it should be
Just a few months ago we had no restrictions and were free
But now because of fear, our freedom has strict borders
We have no other choice than to follow the government's orders
I suppose we'll recall a few months ago as the before
Because It's doubtful that things will ever be like that any more
Please no rude comments, it's been forever since I wrote and It took a lot of confidence for me to post this!!
Tint Mar 2020
Tear me up
salt my wounds
and I will come back
patched and proofed

Stop my tracks
tie my foot
and by this pavement
I'll starve and stood

Call me in names
of sharp refutes
and I will breathe in
to calm my thoughts

But tell me to change
the one thing I be
and you would break me
into insanity

I have known words
to estrange my mind
and I have heard you
brought back my life

A disfiguration
of what I was
A continuation
of who I am

And I,
I am
A broken
If only I was a different me
Vic May 2019
Wake me up
At the cracks of dawn
Because you had
A nightmare

Wake me up
In the middle of the night
Because you need a hug
And you want some cuddles

Wake me up
When I'm not asleep
From the daily nightmare
That's called me

Wake me up
When you're thirsty
And need someone to walk you down the stairs
Because you're scared alone in the dark

Wake me up
Whenever you need me
4 AM, 6 PM
I'll always be there

Wake me up
And make me
Stand up with tangles in my hair
To dance with you at midnight

Wake me up
Before you leave to work
So I can wake up next to you
Like we've always wanted

Wake me up
To make love
I wish you would want me
To be your passion
Will you ever?
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