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bones Dec 2017
Abby Jo Dec 2017
The saddest of feelings are pent up with nowhere to escape
I'm almost sure they feel the pain in my voice
My eyes are drowning in tears that refuse to fall
I let myself get too excited
It's all my fault
I knew it all along
I tried to outplay the system that I am all too familiar with
Orchestrating love is impossible
Please, my friends,
listen to me and take my words for what they are worth
This is an all too common mistake that hopeless romantics make
When your gut speaks to you, do no quiet it
SL Dec 2017
There are so many questions in life
Questions that aren't that important like what should I wear? or what should I do with my hair?
Questions that are important like should I take my life? or should I just continue to live my life like this?
But all questions have answers
Answers you like and answers you don't
You are told that you have to go to all your appointments, to show that you are changing and getting better
You lie about everything to prove to them
It feels like you're a broken record because you have to start from the beginning
You lose hope, until you find one new person and you don't hate this person
You start to think that everything is turning around
Then bad news struck again and you can't see this person anymore
You're back at square one and you're worse than ever
The question is now WHAT'S THE POINT?
You believe there is no point
A friend tells you to not give up
You try hard
You try to stay strong and to stay clean
You've lasted longer then ever before but that thought of accomplishment is gone
Now was it worth what you did?
I was in a bad spot on the 22.11.17 and I wrote this
Dylan Mcconnell Nov 2017
Love. Love is so much. Love can be that hug you get at just the right moment. Love can be the song she showed you. Love can be the first time you two had *** on the bathroom floor. Love can be an object.

Love is the sound of a pen writing and typewriter clicks. Love is the sound of keypad clicks because you know that means they're typing something just for you. Love is playlist after playlist. Love is the sound of knitting needles going back and forth and back and forth because she's knitting the scarf for you. Love is the sound of the perfume/cologne bottle spritzing. Love is the sound of pottery. Love is the sound of comforting words. Love is the sound of confessions late at night. Love is the sound of hang-up buttons and cars starting up. Love is.

Love is the feeling of the universe and stars moving to my brain stem and *******. Love is the feeling of you kissing my lips and moving slowly until you're at my collarbone. Love is the feeling of you moving my fingers to match yours. The feeling of poetry being written about me. The feeling of the zoo and butterflies, and even the robin outside moving around in my stomach because that's how you make me feel. Love is.

Love is the sight of you in the red dress that I bought you for our one month anniversary. Love is the sight of the paragraphs when I wake up. Love is the sight of seeing your wrist clean for a year. Love is the sight of waking up and realizing it's our one year anniversary. Love is the sight of nakedness. Love is the sight of you smiling. Love is the sight of our first date and delicious looking food.

Love is the smell of ha long bay and ginger tea. The smell of perfume on your girly days and the cologne on your not so girly days. Love is the smell of our house, along with bath and body works. Love is the smell of your hugs and your chapstick. Love is the smell of fresh vinyl and flower bouquets. Love is the smell of marshmallows and a crackling fire. Love is the smell of **** on my favorite sweatshirt. I love the smell of your sweatshirt and that's perfect.

Love is the taste of ha long bay. Love is the taste of her lips and chapstick against me. Love is the taste of wine and blood. Love is the taste of well, love. Not much to say for taste is there? Love is you.
Luke Nov 2017
On the darkest side of the moon,

Demons bathe in the ****** afternoon

On the darkest side of the moon,

Darkness comes, earthly bodies aren't immune

On the darkest side of the moon,

Wickedness plays another sinister tune
Garry Nov 2017
Dance, you little worm and
keep that smile on your face,
Because I know how to keep
the likes of you in your place

Spend your best years jumping through
my flaming hoops of fire,
Until you're old and of no use
And begging to expire

Now just do as your told and
there'll be nothing to fear,
Or I'll steal your children
and all you hold dear

Mindless entertainment,
Money, *** and war,
Will keep you dumb and scared
and in a state of shock and awe

So take this crap and worship it
because it's all you're going to get,
You're nothing to me remember
you worthless marionette.

I've poisoned the air, the water,
and the seeds you grow and eat,
My flames are everywhere now
and there's no escaping the heat

I'm in your mouth, your hair,
your eyes and, of course, your heart,
Come in now, your time is up
And mine's about to start...
Bit bleak this one. More poems about flowers, puppies and everlasting love coming soon...maybe.
Isabella May 2017
Occasionally, somebody comes along and unlocks
a part of me, that I never knew existed.

Sometimes, I am okay with that,
welcoming, the rush of warmth that floods my body.

Then occasionally,
more often than not,

I mess up.

Time, and time again -
never learning but always loathing.

I have changed though,
yet it appears it's too little, too late
and those that could have been an option for
joy, those who could have held my very own
personalised key to happiness,

have left already.
hannah Nov 2017
we are sentient,
we carve ourselves from gravel,
from volcanic rock and dying evergreen.

we crawl through clouds of dust,
limp on injured feet, tired hands.
we are arbitrary, we evolved to decay.

because we live in graveyards of our own
dead selves.
we bury grief, after every
collapse, every bitter break of these bones.

we keep our skin as treasure.
we dig out our eyes,
to replace them with hands,
as if what we see,
could somehow be grasped,
and what he hold,
could somehow become lost.

cotton we wove from webbed skin,
from burnt hair.

that were never meant to burst,
veins we thread needles through,
as if they were yarn,
as if they were something we could use to stitch ourselves back up again.
I feel no less than broken. It's 3 in the morning and I have been crying into my pillow, my hands, my clothes, for the past 2 hours. Something has broken, something, that for so long, I thought was unbreakable, but now it settles itself in front of me like smoke. And i am trying so hard to not inhale it.
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