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Kenneth Gray Oct 2020
You were supposed to love me til death do us apart.
But Then you let go and decided to trample my heart.
You've turned love into a lie and made heartbreak a work of art.
It was something I should have seen coming from the very start.
I was so foolish. Choosing someone like you wasn't at all very smart.

I fell in love with you because I knew your heart and knew who you were.
Now everything good about you has been wiped away, now a blur.
When I told you I loved you I meant it. I didn't stutter nor slur.
Now, after all is said and done I wish this charade had never occurred.

My heart, soul, time and tears were all taken advantage of.
Oh, how you lied to me because what you offered was never love.
In spite of the suffering I went through by you, I still considered you sent from above.
You disregard the times I treated you like a queen, when you were my white dove.
When my heart utterly melted for you. When your beauty was my treasure trove.

Now that its all over, you've given love a bad name.
Now that its over, I'll never look at it the same.
Love is no longer beautiful. Its a disgrace, a pity, a game.
Because of you Ill probably never find true love and that's a real shame.
However, I do hope someday I can find another that'll light my heart aflame.
But for now its a darkness a void. Because of you that's what love has became.
I had been writing nothing but dark and depressing types of poems and wanted to switch it up. My ex wife did me ***** and apparently just "stopped loving me." That's just a garbage thing to say. So she just turned her back on me and abandoned me. This poem is what I now think of the "love" she used to have for me.
Aubrey Jones Sep 2020
I feel like I'm drowning
not drowning
drowning comes with resistance.
I am sinking to the bottom of the ocean
my every thought is a stone in my pocket
my mind treads ever forward though it knows I will not float
it doesn't care
It is only after my head dips below the surface that I start to realize the severity of what I cannot undo
I open my mouth to ask for help
but instead, my regurgitated words bubble out of my lungs and float away
and I'm distracted by the beauty of the scene
isn't that so like a poet?
so engulfed in the romanticization of my death that I pick up the shovel
and I dig the grave myself
so distracted with the view
I can't force out the words I need
I won't betray those stones in my pocket,
Can't give them away
But then again, what have they ever done for me?
Isabella Sep 2020
My trembling fingers are losing grip
Any moment now they’d slip
But what’s the point in holding on
If my heart isn’t quite that strong

My broken eyes can hardly see
The shaking ground right beneath me
But what’s the point in waiting more
If the ending’s just the same as before
just a second longer, perhaps it will be worth it after all
Cas Aug 2020
Resting your head on the side of the bathtub,
Half-hoping you won't fall asleep and slip under the water.

Walking into the street without looking both ways,
Half-hoping you won't be hit by a car or some other vehicle.

Running down the stairs, taking them two at a time,
Half-hoping you won't trip and fall all the way, all the way down.

Turning off the oven after cooking your dinner,
Half-hoping the gas hasn't leaked and isn't filling your entire house.

Leaving a candle lit for a moment as you leave the room,
Half-hoping it won't fall over and set your bookshelf ablaze.

Doing any number of seemingly monotonous chores,
And half-hoping your mind won't hope for the dreadful way it could

I'm half-hoping once again
Raven Jun 2020
Can’t take it easy, not this time
Watch, I am covered in all this grime
Wish it was easy, just this time
Hear, I am wheezing a mournful whine

I think I will let myself fall
The way down is not so long
I never reached your height, never was tall
I never was as strong and now I’m gone

In the end
I wish I could see
But there is nothing to mend
And no reason to flee

In the end
I wish I could feel
There is no reason to stand
Or even to kneel

In the end
We all die alone
To death we bend
Lost without a home

Now it seems so easy to me
I let myself glide through the wind
This is my only chance to be free
When the branches are weary
And the leaves could only
Helplessly fall on the ground,
The birds sigh in unison.

When the clouds are in deep burden—
They try to hold it in for quite a while
Until a sudden downpour occurs,
And nostalgia creeps into every person.

As you watch all these happen,
You come to realize that sometimes
It's okay to just give in to the universe,
Because beauty isn't always in holding on.
Mr Tendy May 2020
Depressed , sadness , emotional pain, giving up hunger, hopeless sene, helpless times.

Are this what we feel at every given time.

Am I right?

Then tell me why am feel so about you right now please?

I thought you were just one of those things but it ends up that I was wrong,

You got a better grip on me than I gave you space too.

Now all of you is what I want and take it from me,

Am not giving up until you see me not ready to be giving up on.
Things are not aways  the picture we think they are until we understand them.
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