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Cecil Miller May 2020

Get down in time,
With Clemintine,
You'll have a chicken,
Sausage, feta omlett,

At breakfast time,
Or when the water's fine,
When it's time to go,
You gotta do what you can to...

Get, get, get, get, get, get, get.
If they are against you they will lose that
Bet, bet, bet, bet, bet, bet, bet.
Each for his own,
Each king his own.
Every rolling stone,
Gets down in the hoosegow.
Just something I've been working up. It's sort of my answer to Jailhouse Rock
Aditya Roy Apr 2020
The pallid expression on her absent face
Her fair skin has lost it's marble touch
She is prudent and prurient as her gaze
There is a youthful grace that I cannot judge
Must I comprehend, this alabaster?
Should I presume, the sculptor made an erroneous smudge?
In a park of tracks and pulverized people
Their faces clutch at her words
As they are left only with the epithets and hardly any details
My landlord pleads for rent as I reach upstairs
He wonders and wants to know more
Should I reply with mumbles?
It is a festering wound at my heart's core
That coagulates at my throat as I fumble
For there is no answer
There is no question
It is just to do or die without her
All of it can coalesce
If I give in to my fiery adolescence
Based on poems by Eliot.
Bhill Apr 2020
we all have a caterpillar somewhere inside
that spirit that wants, but it just can't decide
there are roadblocks and hurdles that get in the way
where will your caterpillar take you today
what will you be when the caterpillar selects
we all hope for the Monarch, DO we get, what we get

Brian Hill - 2020 # 119
Where will your caterpillar take you today?
David P Carroll Apr 2020
Bring Back Your Special
Smile Mary Lou
I hear you're not
Doing to well
May you return
Soon with your
Beautiful bright smile
We all miss you
So hurry up
And get better soon..
Member Of The Irish Gouverment She's Sick
Bhill Apr 2020
we dream so we can SEE past what's real
we dream so we can GET past what's real
we dream so we can REACH above
we dream so we can STAND outside of ourself
we dream so we don't DWELL in despair
we fantasize existence, unlike reality...

Brian Hill - 2020 # 102
Dream away and see where you go.
Maja Feb 2020
Her heart had been broken.

So she got rid of the broken.
Because to heal and break again, the pieces did not dare.
So she got rid of the broken,
because you can’t break something that’s not there
Did you know rejection causes the same reactions to your body as to when you have been physically hurt?
Ayn Dec 2019
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If you had the time and took the pain to translate binary to text (its using ascii conversion) don't take any offense in the contents. I translated this by hand... it took a while.
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