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j'aimerais manger les étoiles,
qui échappe mes mains,
mais reste en mes yeux,
j'aimerais manger les étoiles,
ces fantômes qui me moquent,
leur distance plus grande que je peux imaginer,
j'aimerais manger les étoiles,
qui danse en soirée,
et parle avec le soleil et la lune,
et je sais que c'est une folie, ce souhait,
mais j'aimerais manger les étoiles.
doing a little poetry unit in french class :)
Le français n'est pas ma langue première (c'est la troisième langue que je parle)... donc s'il y a des erreurs, je suis désolée.

Translation into English:
I would like to eat the stars,
that escape my hands,
but remain in my eyes,
I would like to eat the stars,
these ghosts that mock me,
their distance greater than I can imagine,
I would like to eat the stars,
those which dance in the evening
and speak with the sun and moon,
and I know it’s crazy, this wish,
but I would like to eat the stars.
L'odeur qui émane de ta peau, brillante sous les rayons du soleil
Adoucit mes narines, par lesquelles l'air frais des montagnes s'y mélange

J'ai aimé te prendre dans mes bras hier, t'enlacer
Lorsque les feuilles des arbres ainsi que ses grandes branches
        nous protégeaient naturellement de la pluie battante
Cette face de ton visage que tu collais contre mon torse et
        ma main passante sur ta nuque au travers de tes cheveux noirs humides

J'avais comme l'impression que nos corps étaient enracinés ensemble
Que de la terre, s'échappait une énergie transcendante qui renforçait nos émotions
Le silence des hommes qui laisse la parole à la nature vieille et dominante
Du milieu de cette vaste forêt, la composition de la cascade à distance
        des lourdes gouttes d'eau tombantes, glissantes sur les immenses feuilles
        des oiseaux, rois, et de ton cœur battant à rythme régulier mais avec
        l'intensité d'un coup de tambour donné lors d'un carnaval
Nos corps en vibraient.

À nouveau je ressentais que nous faisions partie de quelque chose
Bien au-delà de notre compréhension : notre essence même

Nous, Êtres.

La prochaine fois, sur tes lèvres qui n'attirent que convoitise à mes yeux
J'y déposerai les miennes, si tu me le permets
Car du fond de mon âme,
        je te désire
J'ai à tes côtés de l'appétit pour la vie,
        qui m'apparaît alors comme infinie.
le 28 février 2025
fish-sama Feb 12
cry. Decide to
Lie. again to
moi. Pourquoi
toi. Tried to

Glory, l’amour
story. restore
la mort aqueous
encore. Tedious.
Again, Theseus?
Being distrusted because of  failing even though you did so well before, tears like death in liquid form
It happened slowly
an approach
a rustle of fabric
in the soundtrack
a dot of glue
on the image
and then the confused feeling
that something is off,
a counter-melody,
a misstep in time.

I was three, maybe,
the film fraying
the movie skipping
and me splitting
in the rip
and fall.

The dark staircase
the gray dust
on the black steps
the black steps
the gray dust
the cobweb
like a sail
on the stairs
waiting for the wind
as I wait...

It came softly
a rustle of fabric
a quiver of an idea
a shadow in the mirror
that I followed
and the film resumed.

From the depths of my mirror
I look at the screen
and put on a brave face
I give them the illusion
I pretend
to follow the measure

Laurent Chaineux  Schenmetzler
These are English translations of Voltaire, one of the world's most prolific, best and most influential writers. Voltaire, born François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778), was an amazingly prolific writer who produced works in nearly every literary genre, including poems, plays, novels and novellas, satires, parodies, essays, histories, Bible criticism, and even early science fiction!

Les Vous et Les Tu (“You, then and now”)
by Voltaire
loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Phyllis, whatever became of those days
We spent riding in your carriage,
Lacking both lackeys and trappings,
Accompanied only by your graceful charms
And content with a humble supper
Which you (of course) transformed into ambrosia …
Days when you abandoned yourself in your folly
To the happily deceived lover
Who so earnestly pledged you his life?

Heaven had bequeathed you, then,
In lieu of prestige and riches,
The enchanting enticements of youth:
A tender heart, an adventurous mind,
An alabaster breast and exquisite eyes.
Well, with so many luring allurements,
Ah! what girl would have not been mischievous?
And so you were, graceful creature.
And thus (and may Love forgive me!)
You know I desired you all the more.

Ah, Madame! How your life,
So filled with honors today,
Differs from those lost enchantments!
This hulking guardian with the powdered hair
Who lies incessantly at your door,
Phyllis, is the very avatar of Time:
See how he dismisses the escorts
Of tender Love and Laughter;
Those orphans no longer dare show their faces
Beneath your magnificent paneled ceilings.
Alas! in happier days I saw them
Enter your home through a glassless window
To frolic in your hovel.

No, Madame, all these carpets
Spun at the Savonnerie
And so elegantly loomed by the Persians;
And all your golden jewelry;
And all this expensive porcelain
Germain engraved with his divine hand;
And all these cabinets in which Martin
Surpassed the art of China;
And all your white vases,
Such fragile Japanese wonders!;
And the twin chandeliers of diamonds
Dangling from your ears;
And your costly chokers and necklaces;
And all this spellbinding pomp;
Are not worth a single kiss
You blessed me with when you were young.


Once fanaticism has gangrened brains
the incurable malady invariably remains.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Love is a canvas created by nature
and completed by imagination.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

If God did not create us, it was necessary for us to create him.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

My only prayer to God was, “Lord, make my enemies ridiculous.” And he granted it.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

God is a jester performing for an audience too frightened to laugh.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Doubt is an undesirable condition, but preferable to ludicrous certainty.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Faith is believing what reason cannot countenance.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

‎Life is a shipwreck, yet we must sing in the lifeboats.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Every man is a product of his age and few are able to rise above its misconceptions.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Judge a man by his doubts rather than his certainties.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

The secret of being a bore is to reveal everything.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Common sense is uncommon.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Once fanaticism has gangrened brains the malady is usually incurable.
—Voltaire, loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

Keywords/Tags: Voltaire, Voltaire English Translations, Voltaire Poems, Voltaire Epigrams, Voltaire Quotations
These are English translations of Voltaire poems, epigrams and quotations.
Je suis dans amour.
Mon amoureuse est brillant,
C’est juste nous.
Tout ce que je sais c’est elle.
C’est gentil,
Tu m’as apporté des fleurs!
J’ai juré,
Mais j’ai glissé,
Maintenant je tombe à nouveau.
Je suis amoureux.
Happy Frenching everyone! I was feeling a little exotic, so I decided to write this. I'm not perfectly fluent in French so there might be a few mistakes.
Patience Egesi Dec 2024
I laugh to myself—
I am learning.
I speak the French:

Bonjour, Bonsoir,
Je m'appelle...
It sounds so funny,
Yet I try.

C'est la pratique qui fait la perfection,
And so, I keep going.
inkedsolace Dec 2024
c'est un great chose,
i mean,
like voir ceci,
i am typing cette ligne,
et vous are translating,
dans the span d'une seconde,
c'est parmi the meilleur chose in the monde,
i mean,
je suis rendre speechless,
a votre intelligence,
this ability n'est pas granted a tout le monde,
vous êtes chanceaux,
et moi, i am too.
egg hot pot Dec 2024
es tu mange ma coer
will you
egg hot pot Dec 2024
heaven is where you are
in your petite heart
lives an anomaly
waiting to rediscover peace in me
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