I'm sick of feeling calm
and 'Brave' and 'Strong'
I'm longing, for once, to
not have to balance to maintain
'Right' and 'Wrong'
Because it's 'Right' that people
either play the 'Soldier or the 'Victim'
But, I've never had a ******* say
Never get to say ***** it
Never run away
Never raise my voice
Never add to the confusion
Because I'm the only one who can sort it out
Well I'm sick of playing Clean Up
Sick of wiping up your Slime
your Anger
your Hate
your Uselessness
your Ineptitude
your Spine and
your Gluttonous Selfish Views
Sick of your **** and sick and bile
Sick of having to smile and say "I'll be fine"
Sick of having to whine
Because it's the only way I stay living
Why do I have to be forgiving?
******* All
For the length of this poem I'm
going to be TALL and HAPPY and POISONOUS
then I'll go back to being small
and fading
and I'll never tell you all,
as I rearrange while you blame,
that the 'faults' are
our faults
after all.
It's just that I clean up the mess.