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Kei Darling Dec 2020
The sharpness that they hated
The egotistical smirk
The love that smears but doesn’t lift
It’s in my blood.
jjsnaksdnjsdnjs well cool (┬┬﹏┬┬)
Abner Ros Nov 2020
Alone, you stand, as you always have,
In a Time unlike your own.
Resurrected only by memory,
You know where you must return,
For now is not your Time.
Donning trousers which are not your own, and
A Life similarly unfamiliar.
Run, run, you dreadful brute.
Escape what you used to know.
All that remains
A toxic cocktail of bittersweet envy.
Your pale fingers plead once more,
Extend outwards, and beg.
Beg for another chance.
Beg for one more day.
Beg for a single moment.
Though, the unkind creature refuses.
You know where you must return.
I know where you must return.
GQ James Nov 2020
Family ain't always family. Ever felt like you were on the outside? Ever felt like you were outcasted? Ever felt like you didn't get in the family? It be like that sometimes. We are all born into a family but that doesn't mean you're family. Family is more than those who you're connected to by blood. Family loves you, cares for you and there for unconditionally.
The ones who aren't your blood treat you better than the ones who are your blood. A brother ain't always a brother. A sister ain't always a sister. A father ain't always a father. A mother ain't always a mother. Just let it sink in and marinate in your mind. Families aren't as close as they should be.

The ones we should keep close, we distance ourselves from. Let's put the hate down and let's share the love. Life is too short to have so much hate in our hearts. It's easier to love than it is to hate. Why spend your whole life mad and angry about something so simple? Is it worth it? What if they die, would you be okay with that? All that anger you're carrying around ain't doing nothing but hurting you.
Angel Nov 2020
I come over & embrace the one I considered dad at some point.
I grab a piece of birthday cake from a somber room filled with all too familiar eyes that say too much. They ache.
Quick tongues & vacant hearts.
Shaky hands & no love worth calling art.
These are the actions of the product of generational trauma & broken homes.
Halfway through my cake before we hear threats of death from liquored breath.
I continue to eat because it’s the only thing I would call sweet in that visit.
Everywhere I turned there was a story, ones that would make you weep if you had empathy & a reason.
I finished the slice of cake & finally break, call my mother because she’s a strong woman I know.
I learnt it from her but this time I couldn’t help. I couldn’t help this time.
I couldn’t ******* help.
I cursed God
I cursed the moon
I cursed myself
& then I cursed some more
Easy to understand the picture when you’re in it because it’s not just a moment it’s moments & more.
I fear for the future & what is & could be.
But I know fear is the devil so I’ll try not to curse no more.
Nothing more broken then the family I know too much & too little about. I know im only one person but when you’re wading & your loved ones are drowning it’s challenging not to get swept up too. I feel like life is a constant ache. I wish I had more love. Maybe that’s why I’m so greedy, I don’t get much love from family. I’m only one person ******. I wish I were more.
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
He went on and on about his childhood
About how he walked miles to school barefoot in snow
Oh how we chuckled to his many stories
Grandpa spoke about where he and grandma first met
He rambled about life
And how the news was so important to watch
How saving money was mandatory
And material things wasn’t
I remember the smell of his homemade biscuits
baking in the morning
Long before the rooster crowed
He attended his garden faithfully as if resting was a sin
Grandpa’s words were heard miles away
Even if he spoke in silence
As a child he didn’t have presents for Christmas
So he explained that we should be thankful
Even if nothing was wrapped with a bow and given as a gift
I remember as he sat in his recliner
And his gray hair shimmered under the lights
And how all of us kids would laugh when he and grandma argued
This year will be different
Now it’s our time to reminiscence about him
He has decided to finally rest
Because Grandpa won’t be here this Christmas
                                           -LaToya Martin
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
Sold for what she wasn’t created to be
Given for the pleasure of another
Oh how pain is now her newfound love
Beaten by the hands that constantly degrade her
Forced to love those same hands
Wants to give up
But struggles for her children
Oh, dear Rebecca
Thrown away into tomorrow’s day
Seeing a future that can’t be visible
Oh how she once admired the sun
But now angry at its rays
For it despises her skin
Here today
But wishes she was gone tomorrow
Ready to meet the God
Who left her, she claims
Now hanging from the same tree
Her grandmother once owned
Now a breeze of the field
Finally released and allowed to return home
My Dear Rebecca
LaToya Martin Nov 2020
I love you
But yet I hate you
You are the hope of my future
You were my guidance in my past
My father despised you
But my mother adored you
You were her will to live
You were a constant guest in our home
You were the scent my mother wore daily
She neglected me for the happiness of you
She confided in you
But your greed took her away
After all the hurt and pain you caused
I welcomed you back into my life
But now you are my foundation
I finally see what my mother saw in you
You helped her cope with her wounds
Even though you helped cause them
My family doesn’t understand you
And honestly nor do I
You’ve ruined my past
And I have acknowledged
That you have ruined my future
You are the end of my tunnel
My Whiskey Bottle

-LaToya Martin
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