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Pauline Morris Jul 2017
Just as things are coming together, it falls all apart
It starts in the mind, but ends with the  heart
At the end of the rainbow, what is found wasn't sought
When the beginning becomes the end, simply restart

©Pauline Russell
Kelsey Lauren Mar 2017
I don't want to do any of this anymore.
I just want to walk out the door.
I've been tired of this for such a long time.
I keep waiting for all these dots to align.
Right now, that doesn't look like that's ever going to happen.
They're all spread out without any rhyme or reason.
These dots won't connect.
I feel like a wreck.
I stuck in the middle of this.
With dots representing my existence.
Thanks for reading :-/
You ask me why I cling to you like you’re going off to war
It’s not you going off to war it’s me
Everyday is like a battlefield in my head
I can’t seem to get the words right
I can’t tell you how I feel because of the fear
I can’t let you in because that means you would know
You would know the monster within
I’m toxic and I can’t resist you
Maybe I’m young
Maybe I’m naive
I’ve seen more things and been through more to last me ten lifetimes
My heart flutters when I see your face
The brush of your skin is enough to give me a heart attack
I ask you not to hurt me
You tell me you won't
We both know that's a lie
It's a lie it's all a lie
Because you walk past me like I'm not even there
You talk to my friends and don't acknowledge my presence
I'm invisible again
I'm a ghost slowly being hollowed out
**** it
not this again
This vicious cycle
that kills me from the inside
I'm slowly deteriorating
please I'm begging you
Don't hurt me
DON'T hurt me  
Like they did.
There's a centipede inside my heart
And it tears this ***** apart
For the bug is my pain
Sometimes it travels to my brain
Where the centipede might slither around
Causing more pain to the areas bound
It's this thing inside me, my heart and mind
It mangles my brain where dangerous thoughts are unkind
It shatters my heart leaving it broken and pained
And, from it, everyday I am drained
There's a centipede inside of me
All the torture, pain, and suffering, from it, I will never be free
Kelsey Lauren May 2016
She had such a big heart.
If only things hadn't fallen apart.
She missed every opportunity to live.
Due to all the fear that held her captive.
She pushed all of the people that cared about her away.
Because she was scared that they would break her heart one day.
But, what she didn't know.
That it would one day be the killing blow.
For, every person she ran away from.
(And that soon came to be a great sum.)
A chunk of her heart would deteriorate.
And something came to fill that empty space.
Soon, what was once that big heart, became a glacier.
Some believe that it was all on her.
Others think it wasn't her doing.
That it was never really her choosing.
To be ruled by fear.
This debate that took place in her head was always unclear.
I guess it's just up to you to decide.
Whether or not fear would be able to override.
Why do they say ‘suicide is never the answer’?
They never give any other solution, do they?
Just a caution to the wind
A guilt trip to the Internet when you look for methods
If someone put a gun in my hand and told me to defend myself
I’d place the gun to my temple and pull the trigger
If someone told me to stay alive for them
I’d place the gun on the table and do as I was told
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I'm coming unglued
My pieces are falling

I'm coming unglued
My voices are calling

I'm coming unglued
My minds come unplugged

I'm coming unglued
I could use a hug

I'm coming unglued
Shadow Men are drawing near

I'm coming unglued
My bones tremble with fear

I'm coming unglued
Sutures in my heart are starting to fray

I'm coming unglued
I can't find my way

I'm coming unglued
Nothing anyone can do
Pastell dichter Mar 2016
It takes a million time longer to put yourself back together than it does to fall apart
Cuz everybody's got a cracked heart
The only thing I have left is my sadness
The jagged pieces of myself scattered across the floor
I wish there was something else
I wish I could do something other than fall apart
But it seems I have no choice

Could blame it on my brain
Irony gets me once again
For I try to avoid weakness, cowardliness
But in doing so I make myself just that:
Weak and pitiful to think any different
It's actually back
It's that pit in my stomach
Lump in my throat
Weight on shoulders kind of feel
And I know what it leads to
I've been down this road too many times not to
There's never a going back from this point
I must ride it to the end
But this will be the last
I will not do this again
This is the last time
For better, but most likely, for worse
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