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Before Eve turned into...


...or evil tempted Eve.

She and Adam,


played amongst its leaves?

A sage could say they were the same,
parts of some degree,

Say so as they will about the double-tree?
For life and knowledge go


..which wife and husband weave.
Traditional rhyme.

All myth is based on observable celestial phenomena. As language has progressed and mankind has become more complex they take on a more modern character from each successive cultural interpretation. The original man was earth and the sun/sky was his consort.

Husband provides life, Wife provides knowledge.
N Jun 2016
Her, watching you silently. You, doing the same.

Stealthy like a cat.
Innocent glances that are not so innocent.
Forbidden, like the apple. But so sweet--
never mind the toothache or
the possible heartbreak.

Your name rolling on her tongue
so smoothly, so holy
makes you want to sin again and again.
You ask,
How do I stop?
She grins, bares it all.
You do not want to stop.
Skin burning hot, careful not to touch but
not touching feels like hell.

Hell, she sings songs like an angel in pleasure
and in pain
so you sing with her an immaculate duet.

Your warm mouth on hers,
bodies gracefully moving together.
A perfect synchronization;
one thousand over ten.

T'was the night before Christmas, And at the back of the bar

Sat a man all alone, Lighting up a cigar

The waitress ran over and waving her hand

You can't do that here, Smoking is banned.

If you must smoke that thing, you can go to the street

And stay away from the building, by at least fifty feet

The man took a puff and with a voice like a croak

He said, "You're kidding, right miss? You're making a joke"

I'm sorry, but sir..I'm afraid that it's true

But the law is the law, and it's not only for you

That we must say **** out, please extinguish your smoke

So our place can be filled with other fine folk

For ninety two years I have walked on this earth,

I have broken no laws and you know what it's worth?

Bupkiss, no nada it's not worth a thing

Would that law still apply if I was a King?

I've been coming in here for 60 odd years

And I think I've consumed a truckload of beers

I've smoked in this corner on many a night

Now you say **** out, I don't think that's right.

I fought for this country at the end of the war

I came home with a war wound, and you know dear...what's more

I came to this bar to have drinks with my friends

Who all weren't so lucky and met terrible ends

They died on the beach, heart as big as a house

Taking on the unknown for their country, their spouse

They battled for honor, the right to be free

And they all weren't as lucky, to come home like me.

I was here in the sixities when Camelot died

I was here with my son, and we both sat and cried

It was that night in November, I remember it well

That my son said he'd joined up and was heading to hell

He had joined the marines and was all set to fight

For freedom and honor and he knew it was right

Because I'd gone before and stood with others like him

And I said just be safe, and come home Jim

In the years he was gone, I came down here to think

Of why he was there and I shared smokes and drinks

With friends, all now gone from this world of distrust

Now they all lie beneath us, decomposed back to dust.

My son made it back and we came right down here

To spend time with our friends, both from far and from near.

The years passed us by and my grandson joined too

And we sat and we prayed in this bar, for we knew

He was fighting for freedom and the rights we hold dear

Like having some fun, over smokes and some beer.

He never came home from his war, don't you see

That's why we're sitting alone here, just you and me

Tonight is the night that his letter arrived

Saying "We regret to inform you...that no one survived"

So, each Christmas Eve I come back to this bar

To savor my memories and to drink from this jar

And I finish each year thinking of what now is gone,

Of my battle scarred boy and his now deceased son

Now, you come and tell me that I must go outside

To continue my smoking and so I'll abide

'cause for 92 years that I've been on this earth

I've broken no laws and you know what that's worth

Then the waitress reached back and she pulled out a match

From a box on the bar with a rusty old catch

She said Sir, I am sorry I didn't mean to offend

For this one night each year, the law I can bend

So please light one for me on this Christmas Eve Night

And Thank you from all who continue the fight.

Merry Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019
A Christmas Eve Poem that was posted earlier, I have not added much, but, I think it is fitting to read so those of you who haven't seen my older works, and The Street Poems, may get a chance.
Kristine May 2016
I always pass the blame
but, really, it was eve
to eat the fruit, not me.
I do not lead into
temptation, you find it
and say it was my fault
for not keeping you safe.
It's kind of nice to know
that evil is somewhere
and you can find it
but you don't have to look!
So think, there was freedom
east of eden, so thank
eve not me, she freed you.
EG May 2016
it took me an hour just to take a bath
thinking that traces of your touch would leave my skin
if i only scrub hard enough

they don't
12.31.14. new year's eve
Isabelle Apr 2016
An angel and a devil
A sinner and a saint
She's a painting- black and white
Innocence tainted with darkness
Broken wings, horns starting to grow
Angelic smiles turning into a devil's grin
Her glow starts to fade
Eyes were dead
Consumed by chaos
She turns into a monster

*All because she's seen humanity
EM Mar 2016
Shall I explain why women are divine
When God made man he had no companion
While Adam slept, God took from his side
To share a love no one could imagine

So when Adam awoke to his surprise
There stood Eve in God’s perfect creation
With sparks in there eyes, love was realized
Short a rib no need for explanation

He said bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh
Not created from mind to rule over
Nor from his feet to step on or to thresh
From near Adams heart he pulls her closer

Created by God’s design from heaven
Now taken from man, he called her woman

- Jared Escoto
My friend Jared wrote this poem and I absolutely love it, so I thought I'd share it with all of you.
Jett Harris Feb 2016
Not too long ago but the wisdom still alluded me
And not be Frank, I was never one for the Ocean and sand.
So the salt in my lungs, your gaze into my eyes was new to me.
Scared but not enough to tell you, I took your hand.

(The waves felt good on my coarse skin.)

No TVs there, it was Remote.
The locals wagered on a pair of dice.
Coladas with two cubes a pair of ice.
I was living in, and you are my Paradise.
Everything I wanted and more, but still not willing to sacrifice

(I rebel, I rebel)

All that was asked was reciprocation.
She said” Boy just say my name, that’s all I want”
“ Show me joules. Life, Love, and Dedication.”
Told her “ stop trippin” She said ”why you front?”

(Time Passed)

All that was asked was reciprocation.
But society’s serpent wouldn’t let me. ( Boys aren’t supposed to feel)
Eve’s whisper led me to condemnation. ( No room for my pride)
Wiped the Salt water from my eyes “Just don’t forget me.” ( she apathetically pointed at the door)

The rain fell

… I’ll never forget raindrops I felt, that night I plead with you
Same raindrops I felt that first night that I kissed you.
And I cannot lie and say that I don’t miss you.
…That I don’t miss my paradise.

But – sometimes stories don’t end the way you want’m to right?

(Lost Happiness, Lingering Pain)

I miss you

Right hand to god, Left hand holding the remains of my heart.
My own spin on Adam and Eve
Adam - the protaganist
Eve- his pride
Serpent- society
deadly sin- not showing his love for paradise( the place and girl)
joules/jewels is a double entendre
PoorLionNotKing Feb 2016
I heard my mother yesterday
like an echo with something to say
with a heart patched up with love,
and trials for all she hasn’t lost.

I fall apart with my friend
like a rock carried by the wind
with the gifts she always gives,
and the lies she takes away.

I say goodbye to my lover
like the whisper of a broken heart
with every scar she delivered,
and her heartfelt silence.

I forget myself with my sisters
like a secret in a song unsung
with a faith of perfect vision,
and all they share with their brothers.

I hold the hand of my bride
like a dollar you’re afraid to be apart from
with every trap that’s before us,
and the time we lose track of.

I look into my daughter’s eyes
like the eye in the hurricane
with her mother lying right beside me,
and my girl hears an echo in the wind.

I’m told that Eve's the cause of every sin
like one tree unjustly burned among the others
without the chance given to the man,
and were it true, Eve would be worth it.
Eve Feb 2016
I am
deceived and taken advantage of, by you, an every day viewer.
I am
thrown to you, at you, by you
Piercing into flesh, leaving a scar that not even tender kisses from mother can heal them
Scar after scar, life after life, taken away by me. By us.
I am
ripping you piece by piece
I am
devouring on your precious soul, until there is no more left.
I am them.
I am you.
I wrote this for a class, but it was kinda good so I'm posing it
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