Like living with a monkey,
monkey see monkey do,
Being distracted with everything,
Even when there's nothing.
Like having a hidden malicious hand,
Loves playing hide and seek,
Items seem to dissappear,
As if they were warped to another world,
By a magical hand in your head.
Like having thousands of voices pleading for your attention,
Yet you hear none,
Just unintelligible sentences.
Like you're always on a pill of joy,
Yet feel so hollow,
It can be a double edged sword,
As your awareness of others' emotions,
Is comparable to an infant's knowledge of the Lorem Ipsum.
Like having your psyche torn apart,
A battlefield,
When you're fighting for control,
You lay waste to your own mind,
Even if you won,
The exhaustion and lack of motivation,
is a sign of a pyrrhic victory.
Adhd is ******* exhausting, especially with a comorbid.