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J Bjork 6d
She wakes up every morning
with a frown on her face
as he stumbles from his bed
and into a chair that
he will never get out of-
there is tension in the air
as she downs another
exclaiming, "bottoms up"
when it makes her glass world
at the rise of a cup

All he can do is watch the pieces
as they become pronounced
while the shift of retreating cats
induces a pitter-patter
and more pictures fade out;
the happy memories
now stained
from her cigarette smoke
to ensure they'll die together,
yet somehow alone

He is cursed with a disease
that has rendered him pitiful
but alcohol doesn't care,
she drinks another swig,
becoming more cyclical
and deems the mans hindrance
as sinful

Stuttering, he can't escape
a liquid she's drowned him with
by pouring it into her own veins-
maybe it's better this way,
to watch the walls as they cave in

What else can he do
as he slowly degrades
from Parkinson's?
Anais Vionet Mar 3
How many women here
have been impregnated
by Elon Musk? looking for hands

He plans to repopulate the planet
single handedly - well, not handed
exactly - you know what I mean.

In Australia, great swaths of Texas,
and of course Mar-a-Lago, he’s a serial offender,
because his ***** is legal tender.

Factoid: you might catch a disease,
he’s sleeping with everyone north of Belize
and several of them, frankly, look ******.

Of course, you’d have to listen to him talk. shivers
Unless you say, “Hey, can we do this without conversation?”
That’s when you’d slip on your sleep mask, and, well, you know.
But what would you be thinking about?
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 03/01/25:
Factoid = a brief and usually unimportant or trivial fact.

These pieces I write are like essays, I have to take a point of view—that doesn’t mean I’m RIGHT, I could probably write the other side of these points just as well.
I judge Musk a *****-rich-man-dog. If that sounds harsh, it isn’t, he seems to care for these (14?) children - I don’t think he’s an Epstein, P-Diddy, Weinstein or Cosby. It’s funny me, maybe because I’m a woman - if you are rich, get a mistress, get 10! You don’t have to drug and ****—but that’s more about power, ya? If a woman wants CrAzY ammounts of ***, it's easier.
In France, it’s perfectly acceptible, in most circles, to have mistrisses - very few couples in France get married - they have civil, financial agreements instead called ‘Civil Solidarity Pacts (PACS)’. So I was just making fun of Mr. Musk because republicans are such moral posers. (aka ***** loving Trump).
Zywa Jan 28
John's illness is called

John, Ella's is called Ella --

mine, well, you know me.
Novella "De zomer hou je ook niet tegen" ("You can't stop summer either", 2015, Dimitri Verhulst), page 8

Collection "Specialities"
Lalá Jan 14
Tu és um milhão de coisas;
Desejos, pesadelos, alucinações que nem bálsamos aplacam
Olho ao meu redor, e lá estás,
Porém, em meu ser, não te sinto.
A voz do povo, como um roubo de opiniões, revela a lógica
E o absurdo,
Pois o verbo é o que é,
E também o que não pode ser.

Antigas poesias,
Clamando às estrelas e à lua,
Mais um divertimento fugaz.
Sentimentos que não encontram sentido em tua mente turvada,
Como uma epiléptica a observar um estroboscópio sem fim.

Tu fizeste flores brotarem em meus pulmões
E em meu peito;
Embora formosas sejam,
Não consigo respirar.
Arrancaria tais flores e te as entregaria,
Um ramo de “eu te amo” que jamais foram ditos.
Teu nome, como gelo, cala meu coração.

Espero, aguardo, pela próxima mensagem,
Risadas que me impelirem ao retorno,
Ansiedade que confunde o pensamento,
Sofrendo por males que não ocorreram… ou ainda ocorrerão?

Na minha sepultura, portas se fecham,
Meu corpo se desfaz,
As flores se tornam parte de mim,
Pouco chegam a mim as vozes que falam
De uma fantasia.
Resta, enfim, a solidão.
cleo Jan 14
so scared of losing yourself
to a future disease
you forgot about the rage inside
and your family's grief

there's a lifetime of love here
but it's getting hard to see
this thing you think you're fighting
well it's really fighting me
Zywa Jan 10
Pressure in my chest:

it's happened before, I know --

nothing to worry!
Novel "Omstandigheden" ("Circumstances", 2020, Koos van Zomeren), page 220

Collection "Actively Passive"
Arobeum Dec 2024
I would write about you hundred times over till my breath is hitched,
And I no longer feel the blood in my veins.
I would remember your name even If i have alzheimer's disease.
Remember your every feel till I am numb and till death makes me sleep.
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