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K Balachandran Jan 2017
This effulgent, white  cactus flower,
a bright thought, a creative impetus
from an eternal source, ever present
in spite of the  callousness all round,
emerging in the whistling desert of mind
like it happens after a single day of rain
tells me how beautiful things would turn
when within a bright thought blooms
defeating all thorny fruitlessness of life.
All prayers are only self inducements to activate the inner resources, ever present,when darkened  areas of brain will light up with the energy self generated,and things start to fall in place...
jules Jan 2017
I feel a deep, deep longing in my soul
To make something more of my life
To turn my story around
To do something productive and of importance
I feel a deep longing to be surrounded by nature, in the calm of the forest everyday
To release all the creativity I've kept buried inside because of my lack of motivation
I feel a need, in my bones, to let all that creativity out onto a sheet of paper.
To let all those thoughts and feelings flow from my brain, to my fingers and out onto the page
I have a deep longing to be free
To be happy
Totally and completely blissful
And content with myself and life
I want to fall in love
Not with someone
But with myself
With life
I want to fall in love with it all
I want to notice the beauty in the small things
I want tears to flow from happiness, not despair
I want to live the life I've always dreamed of: a happy one
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
I'll be sending my thoughts on the waves of wind, to get to you.
Letting my tongue rest and silence do what my voice can't seem to do.
Rachel Dyer Jan 2017
She stood by the window, half obscured by the steam.
She watched him lean against the brick, his shoulders hunched against the bitter wind.
One light shone down and his face was caressed by the beam.
What a beautiful stranger, a succulent muse.
Her gaze turned down to the maze of crumpled papers, all ideas she had binned.
Thousands of ink drops and nothing she could use.
Nothing that told of the battle inside.
Nothing was purging her soul.
She felt his gaze on her then but she didn't feel the need to hide.
She let his eyes linger and she felt he could see all her years and their toll. But under his gaze, for a split second, she felt whole.
Her attention turned to the music that played distantly below.
Her head rolled back and her lids fell heavy.
But her hips moved in time with the beat, and the rhythm began to grow.
It was the first time in a long time she had danced, and her heart lifted its levy.
Her body swayed and her lips parted with the words.
And she felt the draining of the swamp that had settled heavy in her chest.
He watched her dancing in the window and his laughter lifted like birds.
It settled on her ears and brought her mind some rest.
She picked up the pen and began to write, all thanks to the stranger in the night.
Sometimes dreams give us the best poems
Tiarnán Murphy Jan 2017
Many things are needed to live
Hunger is satisfied by food
Water sates our thirst
Love keeps the soul alive

But those who create
They feel an additional need
Sanity is kept through creation
The release of thought into matter

Carpenters, Artists, Poets, creators all
What was not there but now exists
A deep love is held for creator to creation
An idea brewed, bourn, and born.

Life is not life to those who create
When creation is taken from them
Lady Bird Jan 2017
there are as many definitions
of poetry as there are poets
as a writer I feel poetry is
a form of art; the antidote for
depression an illness that can
take a away all hope from a
determined soul with a passion
for living life but not enough
strength to climb from the deep
pit of darkness that shadows the heart

I know from experience that
poetry is a powerful antidote
yet it may not cure depression
but will help keep it under control
my mind I know is an ocean flooded
with feelings, emotions and thoughts
when its too hard to say what I feel I
grab my pen and poetry become the paint
of my unspoken thoughts

poetry is my lasso of words that has
pulled barbwire of confused thoughts
from the crevices of my thinking mind
bridging from the rocky cliffs of frustration
to the solid valley covered lands of peace

hidden in the hovering clouds of depression
is a locked door that blocks the exit of
a crisp and clear wonderful world holding
the true beauty of imagination hostage yet
to free the darkened soul use the antidote for
it is the powerful key unlocking creativity
as a writer I call this; the key of "POETRY"
Daisy Vallely Jan 2017
Use amethyst for everlasting creativity in your organic endeavors, to keep mental sobriety, to calm the drunkenness that is an overtly analytical mind and an emotional heart. Use lepidolite to remind yourself that love envelopes everything around us, and allow your own to radiate and touch those who need it most, never disregarding yourself. Also to trust and have faith in your unique energy, to channel your strength and allow yourself to dream awake, and live every day in love with the universe.
Small patch of thought for those who are interested in crystals. This was my mantra the other day and the crystals i carried around.
Apollo Hayden Jan 2017
Thinking of your artic heart as I watch this winter wind blow over the water.
Emotions open leading me to sparks that I can build up to flames.
When silence is key and the heart is heavy, I leave what's in my head on the page, written in paint.
Writing through easy and hard times upon this canvas of a life;
still learning through living artistically.
Edward Coles Jan 2017
Long divorced from love,
owned three guitars
and slept with nine women.
Remembers every song,
every poem,
scarcely recalls their faces;
lilt of their tongue
as sleep took hold of them-
not him.

Trigger finger over the snapshot
through each baulk and ****** of passion:
"this is the poem, this is the verse
I can lay down in print
and finally live again."

Night sky too full of uncertainty.
Cannot observe a desert scene
without a commentary
on each unanswered question.
She is dressed in sequins
but what for the spaces in between?
He cannot accept filler,
blank spaces that intercede
moments of ineffable beauty.

Maddening crowds emerge,
bright-eyed and stupid
to each early, pink noise morning.
He awakes, drugged to the eyeballs,
slow to movement; formulation of words.

Each night a battle of sobriety
as the sun does bleed
in the skyline before him.
Each night a generation dies,
subtle points of light
lost in the noise of the modern day.
Screams pointlessly, without need:
"don't forget me, don't forget me..."
would rather leave a scar

than no mark at all.
Lives for the colours
he cannot see, for the common thread
that connects everything.
Tweaks the string of each broken seam

to expose each diversity,
each personal loss
as a collective sigh;
every sleepless night
as an off-white lullaby.
Born for collision
beneath a dying star,
long divorced from love;
he is married to art.
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