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ChinHooi Ng Mar 2019
sitting on the edge of a river bleak
searching for the broken voices of a gentleman
the winds bring blue colored fatigue
the box must be loaded with unbearable things
she opens it in the garden
she is smeared with shadows
of painters
of the century
Zach Mar 2019
I hate to interrupt the show but something terrible has happened.
The creator we have come to know is missing.
Only the worst can be presumed,
A young man doomed.
What caused this?
Why dismiss creative bliss?
Please turn back,
Otherwise goodbye Zach.

The missing creator now wonders,
With freedom on his mind,
Longs for an audience so kind,
Where art exists purely,
Leaving the mainstream behind.

New roads unravel,
Still with no guide,
A blank expanse and meaningless horizon,
Where will my answers reside?

I walk the road right,
I walk the road left,
Trying to separate from all the rest,
Strange roads bring out my best.

Free from a parasitic load,
Letting the past implode,
All that remains is to follow this road.
Mirages flicker showing what could be,
What does this path have in store for me?

The artist you were born soon did not stay,
This is not the reason why you came this way.
An imposter within you must die,
A system you must defy,
Where algorithms decide your worth,
Trends are consumed neglecting the expressive,
False artistry is the true depressive.

But this is what you’ve always wanted right?
A place of rhythmic structure,
Disposable by nature,
Whatever was there to fight?
There’s freedom laid out in front of you,
No longer in artistic debt,
The haunted emptiness now upon us,
A painful path to follow.

The roads we take decide our fate,
But journeys soon get forgotten.
This is not the death of a creator.
This is the birth of an artist.

Zach Ascot
This is a poem I wrote about my past experience being a creator on YouTube and other similar sites. It represents my feelings towards creating art in general.
Colm Mar 2019
You make me smile like a smart chess move
With anticipation no less intriguing
You are the stroke of ivory in the lingering key of whatever tune has been most on my mind

Your heart must be yellow as a sunflower warm
As it melts away and slowly warms
The winter of my mind turned cold

And now, amidst the houring fields
Where this sound once was young
How it is only my wish for the time to grow old
Another sound, another sight
Brian Yule Mar 2019
Acorns in absentia
Adorn the barren field
Ungathered post the autumn fall
Unsprouted seed beyond recall
Withered where once was wherewithal
In accord with the fallow yield

And will the bare earth reignite
Weedwild and verdant, full of fight  
Second wind, second sight,
Some forgotten, refracted beam of light
In shifting dust revealed

Some autumnal hymnal hummed
Will popping fruit to fullripe come
Once this lull’s long hurt is healed
This restless tomb unsealed

For now
Acorns in absentia
Adorn the barren field
With thanks to Ms. Francesca Ruffo for her casual museship.
Brian Yule Mar 2019
She dared sketch symphonies in the winterdark dawn

Faint snatches of melody yet not fully formed

I felt her dignity, frail but unbending

Broken bursts of half-sensed hope: expanding, still pending

I held on heady to each forming refrain

Aching for each frost-cloud breath to scent spring

A phoenix ending

Patchwork dawning

New foaled, febrile, fragile thing

A few notes shy of resolution
CL Fjell Mar 2019
My mind is a blank
Is this what's it like to be empty
To be devoid of any creativity
To be truly
And most certainly
No imagination
Mihle Mdashe Mar 2019
We have skin as muddy as waters. Vaginas smelling of blood, unwanted babies and 400 years of forced entries. That's all we have in common. What I have is sickness in the mind. Many people say depression is the emperor of many mentalities; some say it turns your mind into this forbidden city, giving you 8000 sorts of depressing feelings like no will ever love you, just go they won’t even notice you’re gone. They call it depression dynasty. They give depression so much prestige and many of them romantizes depression. But do they really know what it is? It's all watered down into something antidepressant can tone down but pills can't help all the attacks that come from different angles. Laughter turns into tears cause you can't help but hear that little voice "You're not happy", so I'd rather sit in my bedroom and write. Oh wait I've lost that skill now, thanks to my anxiety that is. That's depressions' cousin, depression felt the need to invite him over. Funny how life goes. I thought I'd abort this poetry thing,when all the pain tones down creativity seems to find a new abode. Failed poet I call myself, I can't use high metaphors, fail to express all these emotions so what's the use. I seem to fail at everything I do. I'm trying not to waste my time, but this is what I want to do. The demons come as a sequence of powerful leaders and I just can't sit here and let them dictate to me.
A poem of what it's been like having to live with depression.
Christina P Dec 2021
Sometimes I wonder
If I'm cut out to be happy.
And sometimes I wonder
If I even want to be.
I realize how crazy that sounds
But my pain
Is my creativity.
And I'm not sure
I'm ready to give that up.
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