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Derrick Jones Aug 2020
Inside of every line there is a meaning hard to find
A moment of the mind
A breath of sacred life
A body not to bind
A sharpness like a knife
Pure attention
Not a weapon, but slicing through each second
Severing summoned notions
With smooth motions
Leaving only seamless being
Flowing like an ocean
Coming and going
The ebb and flow
Of life under the light
No longer lost in night
Now caught in perfect sight
For but a moment
Where the flow went
Before returning to the sea
To effervescent infinity
With equanimity
You are here with me
Like the ocean
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!
Billie Marie Aug 2020
Is it okay to only be in this self;
my own self,
without noise and interruptions from other ones -
other not things that wanna be things?

The mind reaches out?
No, it is not the mind.
This ego grasps and clings.
It doesn’t want to end.

Do I want to see it end,
or only just not see it?
There is a difference:
One is only real
and one is more of the same nonsense.

Is it okay to be what I am:
What God gave this Spirit to witness its world?
Can I let this here be enough?
Let this truth and real matter
be what it is?

It is a difficult thing to be what we are
in this culture - in this world.
Is that more better,
sophisticated and such;
to make a world
where this true being’s self
is never home
and crowded out
of the picture
of view?

Is this what you crave -
with bloodied nails and
ground down teeth
and tight and  leathery, stiff muscles
and electric jolts juicing down your lips?
No, no - a thousand times no!

Show me away
out of this mess
and a way to the self
that can live in this moment -
this space and this time -
which Conscious Love
has already provided.
Ever wonder what you really are and if it's okay to be that?
Breethyr Jul 2020
As i find the dream i fall
Into the night.
With what could lie
Beyond the eyesight, the unknown -
Barely seen yet clearly heard -
Makes me think throughout the night
What is time and what is I?

Questions rise and answers flow,
Awareness drifts in search for more,
Unraveling psychotic fight
Within the mind.
My neurons form a structure type
That supports a living mind -
A quantum flow over time.

No computer can describe
The consciousness,
And nor can I.
There's no way to look within,
Only to look outside,
But not inside another's mind.
We use our masks and find it fine -
We look inside each other's eyes.

An illusion of self
Makes it convenient to tell
Each mind apart by mask alone -
Embodiment of anecdote.
What's going on inside my head?
I am clearly not a self,
Not a being, nor a soul,
Not computation, just a flow.

Probabilities increase of finding
That which could decrease
The chances to conceptualize
Existence of space and time.
Is universe just a shard
Of something that once fell apart?
Can we find the clues and solve
The mysteries of our home?

As long as something must exist
All probabilities align
For me to somehow be alive
In this small window of spacetime,
For me to question my own mind
While being part of cosmic tide,
For me to seek the answers by
Looking outward and inside.

I will someday realize
What it is that makes me I.
Aaron Mullin Mar 2019
Caught a moonbeam to Muskogee with a dark angel
Where it started, it's hard to know. Maybe I was a traveller
hitching a ride on an ideology maybe I was trying to find my space,
then she was there and we were sharing space

She was all anodyne and icicles with a presence magnetic and
manner so soothing,
she allowed me to forget
from where I had never
                 ­                                  from

And from our first tryst
she was careful to explain that
it is never the shadow bringing the light.
This, of course, illuminated nothing

I was hooked, however, on her ominous banter
Lack of curves, and cubist edges
Hooked and ready for processing:
In her presence, I allowed myself to feel

That I was such a pretty thing
while she kept me under wing...
kept me as her play thing, and
this I allowed for much to long

With her I felt
but could not see
thus I paid the price for wading
into the shallow end of identity

We journeyed through the desert
for a thousand years while I satisfied
my thirst with a state of dementia and
was rewarded with emptiness for doing the time

This infatuation transformed my youth into
disenchanted wisdom and I finally understood that
It’s never the shadow that brings the light
Which for some reason, illuminated everything

Once you know that
you can find freedom in addiction,
wealth in poverty, purity in excess,
then step by step, ferociously

you can find peace
at the top of the mountain
while losing your identity
and finding your self
1, 2, 1, 2, 3...
Simon Jul 2020
Time is not as relevant as they say it is. (Tripping over their very senses in the very process that’s getting them…NOWHERE!) It could be, only if “space and time” both actually mattered. Which they entirely don’t when there’s something else that should be added to both space and time, whilst one or the others should be removed (becoming their own stated claim). Meaning space isn’t as relevant as they it is, either. Instead of saying space and time, you should actually be removing the “space” itself and putting the word “pace” in it’s (once thought “spatial” place). Now calling it both “pace and time” for ALL (in due time) too essentially bear! So, if both space a-and time are not relevant, then why does it seem like time doesn’t get the credit it deserves for being the more recognized characteristic of this discussion…? Because space goes in a category of it’s very own. That’s why! Something that need’s ONLY a good pace and time too filter it on through. Because pace is nothing more than the aptitude for something that needs a good time management either (ahead of time or beforehand) for time to not become as relevant as they say it is. Showing the truth behind the matter, altogether. Time being a thing that truly does “transcend” ALL states of matter! And ALL states of consciousness! Even going beyond what any state of consciousness could ever “assess” simply what the entire magnitude of the force of “time” itself truly is about? Nor can consciousness even define its own properties against time, instead (“with time”). When its very meanings aren’t always accountable when trying to always reason through something that essentially goes beyond yourself. For consciousness tries (as it must) to traverse every property of it’s very meaning in order to redefine over and over again. But essentially, doesn’t get anywhere. Its pace is foreboding a claim that is merely (not to be). Ordering a newer service too take its rightful place. Space on the other hand, can’t afford consciousnesses claim to help traverse ALL states, when consciousness is still a very limited piece of source material of its own former limited boundaries. Making time less relevant in this scenario. S-so space and time are out! But “pace” still is the “ticking time clock” that keeps on moving forward, even if consciousness isn’t exactly doing anything. (When it truly is…it’s just tripping over it’s very senses the same way people have said “time is relevant”.) It’s still the functioning and operable thing it’s always been. So, in order to simply traverse every property of its very meanings over and over again… Needing pace in order to hold on tightly, as both space and time is limiting their own resources each time that consciousness suspects something could be wrong. Space being in a completely different category of it’s very own needs to own the newer characteristic into being defined as both space and time. Taking time’s spot. While pace takes one half of the spot that space (was once and still currently is in a way) than for it too essentially be removed in order for it to be then (in due time) called simply “pace and time”. Marking space as the newer ownership as being both itself and time (simultaneously)! All at the same point in time. However, that doesn’t exactly mean time is anywhere now but undefined…. How all this essentially works is that when time is not relevant, space takes over ALL priorities (even time itself)! Then pace comes in because time is becoming more and more nonrelevant the more the truth is truly “perceived”, than for it to be normally seen, (as a result). Forcing time to reveal why it is not in fact, relevant. When (truthfully) it is entirely something else altogether. It’s entirely made to go beyond ALL states of matter and consciousness. Simply because where time truly flows from… Or “flows out from” (to be more accurate). Is something going beyond the normal universe (as we know it today), essentially! Some type of known space (I guess too essentially call it) that’s trying to take over the normal universe’s current representations. Something like space wanting to essentially own ALL! Abruptly becoming top dog for ALL staring representations (in the current normal universe) to surround themselves in awe around and around… Showing no further representations available, anymore. Just an empty abyss! Until there was nothing left, but true…empty space!
Space could very well be a non-realistic form of a past impression that says it’s merely the pale imitation of a simple illusion! Yet, a simple illusion that (still to this very day) could defy ALL comprehension towards the one’s who are tripping over their very senses saying things like “time is relevant”! When that get’s them only so far, before they start to eventually realize that something could be amiss….
Simon Jul 2020
Who am I? Well isn’t that the silliest question to ask someone something so personal like that! However, it doesn’t mean you’ll get results. Want to know why…? If you do…then I’ll let my true self invite you straight past the conscious mind that is always “wilting” at the presence (besides my own) that gives it such fear! The true self is feeling the urge to make it’s move. Now we are passing by the ending borders of whatever makes up the outskirts of the conscious mind. What I’d like to call the “caressing at the edge of one’s own consciousness”! Now the true self is feeling they need to do something quicker! Or else your very invitation would become too quick (not too judge roughly). And not meet up too the standards of what my true self truly wants from you before we essentially meet (sooner rather than later). That’s when the outskirts immediately became blackened! As if something simply just “***** out” the light keeping the waking state forever lit so regular information could be normally processed by your very thoughts. But I think we ALL know better than to trust something too lightly (this time around). Whatever just happened, had never happened before. Except when it always did, apparently. Just not in a perceiving (still “consciously” lit sort of way) when your still able to see everything on through. But then…whatever was the “blackening of a lit focus” all about then…? It wasn’t… Well not literally, anyways. That blackening was just my conscious mind being removed from standard reality altogether. And the caressing at the edge of one’s own consciousness was actually the most literal physical touch from something I don’t ever want to engage with! But that doesn’t mean it was my true self. That’s why we simply continue on towards one’s very subconscious (which I think is a complete sham)! A fake meant to lure you into a very “disembodied” atmosphere! A mere pre-setup distortion meant to confuse everyone who simply wanted to know simply about their very general make-up. You latch onto it, and in the (“spur of the moment”) you become executed from your very visual sights altogether. Seeing something completely in a very black smudge sort of way. It’s unmistakable! You are perceiving everything (and yourself) as this very black smudging representation. It’s ghastly! But it’s working it’s very magic! Because it’s real (nonetheless). Real as anything real can get! As your own already perceiving touch that which can’t hope to match up to this one. And yet, this is from the literal inside out of who and what we truthfully are, essentially. In this state, you start to lose ALL sense of yourself one piece at a time. Slowly forgetting you even came here in the first place. That’s when you then suddenly feel this non-physical tug. A tug that couldn’t have been real. When it’s just your own mere mental projection meant to feel your bodies limits back upon the surface trying to tether it’s pull on you back to that very surface. Your body was trying to enact an official “recall”! Judgment that was meant to be just that…pure “judgement”! Judgment that will slowly eat you up, if you aren’t so lucky as to continue going deep within yourself…forevermore! That can’t ever happen! Which is why my body is desperately now trying to reel me back in too safety. Trying to pull me back to standard reality where sense was meant to hold on tightly too everything you held dear! Especially also saving the one you brought with you. The invitation was merely becoming stepped on! Spit on! Disgracing a true self’s audience…was like upsetting your soul’s very effort’s at trying to desperately re-establish the connection with both your mind and body. When your body was able to reel you in, you will feel the very lightest of a single tug (besides whatever else was tugging on me). The tug again (that was not my bodies “tethering” effort), was that of a non-physical nature. Made to easily trick and silence ALL your efforts in one globalized realization. A globalized realization that was false at first. Then once again remained it’s inviting tone to say the least. I simply didn’t distrust myself of whatever was down there would let me flow freely. Because whatever was pulling me back towards the surface, was the (“safe harbor of trust”) itself. Something I was always used to. Not the uncharted territory that myself was never used to…but (nevertheless) is attached too ALL of us! I was still being pulled backward, whilst the lightly non-physical tug that seemed eerily non-existent. Impossibly so! All I see when looking at the thing grabbing onto me, was that of a very translucent sight of a glossy glow made to be the colour of slight gray. Whilst the darkness itself enveloping it slowly distorted any other colour for me to simply recognize. Because that’s all I saw from beyond the shadows. More blanketing darkness that seemed to be a face more then just some regular representation of a normal pitch-black void! (I didn’t see a face necessarily…as I “impossibly so” could certainly sense one!) That’s when I was slowly (but surely) seeing the quickly enveloping darkness being pulled away from itself. But that was only but a small illusion among the different representations of distortions that had to do with being ****** through and inward throughout different conscious realms and their (seemingly) scary states collapsing me one piece at a time. (Not to mention whatever it was doing to my friend.) I didn’t understand it until afterward, nor was I even aware of the continuous strain that seemed to go on for eternity! I was losing myself one piece at a time. But that doesn’t mean I was losing my intelligence in my very senses not to know the difference. Especially “conscious wise”. When I came back to my senses…it had felt like everything was that of a complete blur…! However, there I was, completely sitting there in class on another regular day of school. Except this time, there was a friend of mine that reminded me fully of what essentially just happened. And then saying they were scared for their very life! Simply perceiving them as if they were still my bodies entire representation reeling me back into the light, to “jump-start” my consciousness once again! (As if hinting this has happened to me on “more than one occasion”!) Because it seems that when I came back, my entire system was still in the process of essentially “rebooting”! I did after all reportedly lost pieces of myself, that were still (slowly but surely) reassembling itself. As they weren’t entirely “ripped or stripped” only to be forever lost in that seemingly eternal darkness. FOREVER! Yes and no! They were merely misplaced (more than anything else). Thrown off into the background somewhere, only to be “lashed” for their very representations, openly. Somewhere entirely behind the scenes where I had no right to go. (Probably because I needed to fulfill the necessary wishes of my true self’s invitation…likewise with a friend, this time around…) When all the sudden my friend started speaking to me (as if they simply were trying to snap me out of my supposed “shocked spell” I still was apparently in)! Then before I knew it… They were simply running away from me (as they always reportedly seemed to do.) Wailing with both hands covering their very eyes as if they were suddenly crying! (I was flabbergasted!) Then I simply opened my mouth just a crack, and said one thing… ******! I messed up...again!
When it comes to voicing your opinions about the subject of “Who Am I”. You come to a very fine example that one’s very self (that they’ve always known truthfully) isn’t all it’s (seemingly) cracked up to be. Especially apart from what you’ve heard from other’s and their true experiences with that of their very own…true self.
Ces Jul 2020
Inside me is
a quiet murmur
a steady mental rut
an unceasing

Continuously permeating
filling empty cavities
with tension,

This is a vague description
of this qualia:
my consciousness
in the present
Jess Jul 2020
Leather straps pulling
me tighter
constricting my breath.
I pull myself into
the thick gravitation
of what they think it
means to live.
Countless experiences pass
where I question
the sanity
which bestows my heart, the wisdom
of my soul.
The mind drowns out
the true inner knowing
"No more", I softly declare
in a calm soft whisper.
I cut through confusion of
the dizzying self-doubt.
Gracious servitude naturally
here, allowing myself
the space to be.
Jess Jul 2020
I feel like a drink
to wash down the burning intensity of anger and frustration
Temporary feelings of momentary exasperation

I don't expect for you to truly see
what precisely is going on within me
Jul 1, 2019
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2020
I'm dancing on the head
Of a Cosmic pin
fluctuating equilibrium...
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