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Chris Chaffin Jan 2021
There was nowhere
left for her to turn,
after the rains
came and washed him away.

So she lay down
upon the softened meadow,
lost in a stream
of consciousness.

She tucked herself in
between the sheets of Ulysses
and dreamt with both eyes open,
eating lotus fruit and flowers
as the river widened its mouth.
Oda Jan 2021
"The Drawn Ones
Not the chosen ones."

"Let's go... thru Melodic Existence
Into Hypnotizing Non-Existence..."

You can say it
However you want so
But things, come
and go.
Passing by
All Beginningless Time,
The River of
Never-Ending Lifetimes...

Sinous Word flow
Of Ever Rhyming
Saying So's;

So you can say...

Since Beginningless Time
Yet it could Never Be...

And so goes on to Culminate
Paradoxically United...
Becoming Defined
In You Looking back at it
Once Again....

....But otherwise,
A Prison of The Mind
Lost in the
Illusory Tide...

...And with each Passing Facade
Forms Begin to take Shape...
And So The Soul
Begins to Focal-Point,
Preluding a Flowing
Of Coming and Goings...

....Thru Melodic Existence

....Into Hypnotizing Non-Existence

....So it will go;
The Push and Pull
The Ebb and Flow
The Ying and Yang
A look into the Universe thru the lens of my wonderfully driven mad soul.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
All humans on earth are one.
We descend from the same family of common ancestors.
We are, in a quite literal sense, siblings,
and like siblings we depend on each other's love
and care and responsibility.
We are interdependent not just in our families and communities,
but in nations, and increasingly on a global scale
- just as we are also interdependent with nature,
with earth and the universe”.
So, different souls  and cultures but one earth,
so, different stars but one universe.
annh Dec 2020
  from sequestered     
out by                      
      ancient tributaries;

   ­     with
            the current
of experience;       
  the floodplains
of my sorrows,              
   to the
foreshore of
                my dream time;

A river      
             of breath,
a watershed        
               of meaning,
                         in spate.

“Here is born the Po,
Anon, its waters flow;
So too I will upend,
From spring to shore
And back again.”
- AH
Zywa Dec 2020
Together we will

live in good times as in bad –

a dream of our own.
For Mark Huilmand and Marijke Terpstra

Collection "Summer birds"
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
In every moment
life offers herself,
whole and ardent,
in every moment
life invites itself at the banquet of possibles,
possibilities, silent messengers,
through the mists of time,
they invite the world to take shape,
to come out of hiding place of eternal silence.
Sabika Dec 2020
I close my eyes because
I want to sleep through the darkest nights
Of December,
Sink into the depths of my consciousness
Who doesn’t remember
The events of earlier today.

They’re trying to **** me.

Polluted my mind,
And soul.
Left me to rot, freezing
In the bitter cold.

Poisoned me with pure
Lies and deception.
Almost made me believe there is
No solution.
Almost made me believe I
Have no power in this situation.
So yes,
I should cancel my endeavours?
And wait until the damages are reversed?
So yes,
I should stay inside and
Keep my head down
Staring into the
Darkest glowing light
And get ****** into an abyss and miss
On what it truly means to be free?

You almost made me believe it.

I close my eyes in hope of a reset.
I worry if my future will be plagued
By regret.

The soul of my civilisation is infested
With worms and centipedes from the root.
My generation have been bent, burned
And broken into submission.
My elderly in ambivalence die neglected
In isolation,
My needy bite their lip in frustration
Because yet again they have to get
Used to a new brand of corruption.

And we stay silent and lower our heads
And keep our tails between our legs
And say “yes do whatever you please”
And hope that finally they have
Our best interest?

Is this madness?

This is a form of sick, twisted art,
But when did this level of manipulation
Even start?

And there comes a point where
I have to ask myself:
In all this mess,
What is my part?
Why is the government not asking the people, the citizens how they can protect us? And why are we okay with them making decisions without them consulting us? They are spreading lies about everything from the origin of the virus. You want normality so bad you are prepared to sell your soul and still in the back of your mind you know you will get nothing in return. This is actually a world war 3 and the funny thing is that we don’t even realise it.
Alexis karpouzos Dec 2020
The earth, a grain of dust,
suspended in a sunbeam,
it underscores our responsibility to treat
each other with more kindness and compassion,
and to preserve and love this pale blue dot,
the only home we have ever known.
Caleb A Johnson Dec 2020
You awoke in the blackness
A ghost in the kitchen
A weight pinning you to your bed
And here's the interesting thing
About ghosts and spirits and such
Not because I dislike them
Not because I wish them ill
Not because with reason and wit,
Should I weild my pen
and ****
But because
The subtle things are often missed
Things that are better
Than all of this
Are hard to see
With the pressing of the moment
When right and wrong
Are both their most strong
When true and not
Make all else to be forgot
But in the cracks the scientist stoops
Finding missed information
Little treasures and reminders
Of what was lost
In the gap
The smallest of oversights
The alternate worlds
Of pancake batter cooked
with the children
On a Saturday since forgot
Or the trace of *****
on the couch
From the love made last Christmas
The dna of a lover
Hiding under your nails
In our presence
But also separate existence
The shortcut of a conversation
Where words were said
But those heard were not
How is it different from that spectre?
A trick of the stimuli
A preset of the brain
Or remembering that place
Where I last put my keys
But they aren't there.
I find them in a space
But I know I didn't put them there
It must be a ghost!
But if a ghost it be
Does it want me to see
It's misty form
Or hear it's clamber in the next room?
Or is it a subtlety
Come to visit me
And show the moments
Of my life
Lost in the crevice
Never even noticed
What if our minds are calling for our attention? What if the things we call consciousness are only one part of reality?
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