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Laurel Leaves Jun 2018
you are standing on the edge of the cliff
one way is relief
The one thing you’ve been striving for since the sudden jolts of pain sparked you awake three months ago
and have not disappeared since

the other is the life you always wanted
the person you love
the dreams
the hopes
the goals
everything you had planned for when you were pain free

which one do you pick?
is it worth living
moving forward, trying to pursue them if you cannot move
if you cannot think
if it hurts
hurts to hold
hurts to walk
to climb the mountains you once loved conquering

will it get better if the prognosis adamantly insists it wont
are you strong enough?
do you want to be?
aubrey sochacki Jun 2018
one in ten women they say
that’s a hell of a lot of women

but still i’m here
at twenty years of age
speaking with the doctor
about infertility
and pain only manageable by
hormones and narcotics

we talk of a diagnosis
only discoverable by surgery
there has to be a better way
there has to be
soph May 2018
I mourn for the past
I mourn for the me I once knew
Someone carefree
Someone healthy
Going and going without thinking twice
Jumping and leaping without a care
What I would give to dance again
To walk on the beach without being in pain
To climb to new heights without fear of a fall
I miss my old spirit
I miss being a normal teen
I miss achieving the highest and being the best
It’s all different now
I had a plan
I miss my plan
I want a plan
But I can only play life by ear
If only
I could jump back into my old body
Crawl back into my old brain
Feel young again
Feel the weight lifted off of my shoulders
Rip the labels off of me and toss them aside
I miss Sophie, the honor roll student
I miss Sophie, the actress
I miss Sophie, the future teacher
I can no longer escape the boundaries
Of Sophie, the sick kid
another emo poem about chronic illness?? whaaa??
yeah, that’s going to be a repetitive topic here. don’t want to get t o o emo, but it can **** sometimes being sick this young. I’m just lucky I had a childhood before this. I was looking at the Instagram account of a toddler with so many illnesses, and it made me realize how lucky I was to have those healthy years. that thought pattern led to the existence of this poem
soph May 2018
I open up the cabinet
Take out the box
Flip the tab
Pour the contents into my hands
Little capsules
Little tablets
Each doing a different job
Controlling my lungs
Regulating my minerals
Making my body functional
One little tablet
Or the lack thereof
Can change my life
I direct my hand towards my mouth
Take a swig of water
And swallow
yeah I wrote a poem about taking my nightly medicine dhdhsj im a mess
SallyGoesRoar May 2018
It starts as a dull ache
Trembling, shaking, jostled  awake
Time passes and the throbbing is deep
Cant catch my breath, cant sleep
This pain inside cant escape
This is my life, My twisted fate
How long must this last?
Being punished for things in my past
I'm no longer a young girl
Gone are the days of jumps and twirls
The ribbon once tied in my hair
Now sits in a box on the shelf over there
I not quite sure where it all went wrong
The days once fast are now twice as long
For once I wish I could just catch a break
To enjoy my life, nothing at stake
Sunshine, beaches and peaceful nights
Just a few simple requests for a perfect life
soph May 2018
My sick is different.
My sick follows me like a dark cloud every second of every day.
My sick stalks me like a lion, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
My joints ache as I walk, but I keep walking.
My stomach burns as I eat, but I keep eating.
My insides scream as I smile, but I keep smiling.
I keep the sick hidden under a smile.
I accept it as my best friend and worst enemy.
I have learned to be tough so I won’t become my sick.
I wrote a poem about my chronic illness (Sjögren’s syndrome) a few days ago and it felt fitting to post it today because I’m getting an infusion today woohoo!!
ab May 2018

will consume me
from the inside and
swear it's for the best when i
start feeling the attack


want me dead.
i'm sure of it, i know my cells (and or)
you and your patterns and
the funny way you fill my face with



make me want to not die
just to spite the hell out of you
even if you leave me wheezing
and shaking in my bed (low low low)

Y      O       U

are doctors appointments without
the lollipop, the fear and longing for
sleep, the way i cannot breathe
when you are active (lack of empathy)


make me suffer
suffer make me
me suffer make
make suffer me
suffer me make
me make suffer

beep boop
i'm tired of tubes and needles
and pills

i look like a ******* ******
Desmond the poet Apr 2018
I fall faster than gravitational acceleration.
Body jerks, vibrate like an earthquake.
Body and mind go separate ways.
Physical overcomes mental strength.

Muscles gain strength.
I can kick like an Ostrich.
Dare not to touch me.
Only I can reunite my body and mind.

The reunion results in confusion.
I get electrically shocked by migraines.
The joy of the reunion is short-lived.
I ask myself all the “Whys” in the world.
Only God knows why.
Poems about what I go through in the midst of an epileptic seizure.
Tøast Apr 2018
My thoughts are killing me in this wild overgrown mind,
Where lumps of ash and debris slowly fall downhill.
Water replaced by the blood in his veins.
Where once swallows swooped down from branches in summer,
Crows now crawl out from cracks in his skin.
As he swallows the lump in his throat,
He just wishes it would rot away.

An overgrown mesh of brambles and pain.
Mud and grit coursing through his bones,
Clogging up routes and cutting off his joy,
A broken boy and an overgrown mind.
Nahida Mar 2018
and the bones you pick up
not unlike a marionette you have to puppeteer yourself across a room
your bed, a warm case that you wish to stay shut.
you clatter awkwardly, all elbows and hunched shoulders
a performance that few people sit through
you do not have enough laughter in you to keep them smiling
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