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When I become lunatic keep me in chains
But what I request is do not leave me alone
I am ready to take my cross thru disdains
As a plain man I have committed sins I own

If you travel with me like an image of love
All difficulties will vanish like blown wind
I know when I move you travel just above
Take me on and please never ever rescind

That bond of love that chain of communion
To enjoy real comradeship to be really one
At the peril of love let us celebrate reunion
Let us be in love like a burning blazon sun

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Take me as your very own
tie me as your love demands
use me now and use me fully
force me down to your commands

I need to know your chains upon me
such craving there will always be
to want your ropes to hurt my body
so your bonds will set me free

Submission is my total needing
wanting you to make it so
taking me to places strangely
where I cannot help but go

You’re the one who now must hold me
I’ve sold myself to your control
with my freedom gone forever
now that you possess my soul

so tie me tighter yet and tighter
my screams must bite the gag you give
use my mind to make me suffer
this is how I want to live.

.....Francesca Anderssen 2016
I write verse from the place I know---deepwithin me.
******* and submission are my delight within a loving relationship, between two people who care about each other and the intensity that can bring
I write of what I know from life as I have lived it. ***** yes, but in the company of liked minded people who have invariably been kind and courteous
My book of collected verse is on Amazon (**** Verse Francesca Anderssen)
on kindle and paperback
What combination of words equals beauty.
What poem or sonnet could change the world we see.
If imagination is endless and we are truly free.
Why can't I break the chains that bind me.

Deep into that darkness peering
Long I'll stand wondering but never fearing.
My mouth will not be a prison for words that my mind has condemned
My hand will not be stayed or swayed to withhold the writing that refuses to be said

My statements will be bold and my questions will go unanswered.
Unanswered yet people will know they have been asked as if political correctness was murdered.
I will be charged and found guilty
But I will break the chains that bind me
One has to carry along his cross till death
Man is chained from first till the last breath
Entire life is hidden and is just like a myth
What we do is to continuously pay the tith

Let us go with just the flow of life to glow
What we aspire for is a an archer and bow
At times trials , tribulations  make us blow
Entire life is a circus and a wonderful show

The distance between man and God increased
Eyes at a point became worthless and ceased
A heart less man is but permanently deceased
With bartered body,heart and soul fully leased

Col Muhammad Khalid Khan
Copyright 2016 Golden Glow
Eloi Jun 2016
I am a prisoner of my own mind,
I think too much,
Wasting my time.

I am a captivated wild animal,
Trying to return to the wild,
But my mind, it will find
A way to make me stay.

I will never be free,
These chains are bound to me,
I strain under the pressure of my freedom dying.
Genesis Hawley Jun 2016
What are we?
But the sum of our experiences?
We walk around
The chains on our shoulders
We all have chains
The chains are what’s left of those experiences
We feel our chains but
The chains of others are invisible to us
We forget
That others may have greater chains than ours
That they may suffer daily like us
So we walk
Letting our chains
Slap into others and give them more chains
Without a second thought
For how they might feel
For our only concern is for our chains
So we lash out
Emily R Jun 2016
Here in the world
a soft heart
is seen as a weakness
but how can it be a weakness
when a world
of spikes and metal
cannot break it
kindness and empathy
go hand in hand
a firmness in mind
and a strong yet soft heart
are the real talents
of our confused race.
Dyrr Keusseyan Jun 2016
Dark chains - bind us all,
tied to another, look at the wall
drawing & symbol' on this wall seem true,
Is no reality for me - nor for you

Said Chain cannot be broken
Nor can it's locks be ever open,
For this cave - Love is of no avail,
One speaks of truth - to be justly impaled?

"For one can only speak of blunder
cries of pain turned rain from thunder
a path or spell, trapped in or under
primed a task to a dictated hunter
to curse, to maim, to harm one other;
If one should speak of love or compassion
Not wealth nor example but positive action
If One speaks of truth, or of which; but a fraction,
It will be viewed as a wrong, as an abstraction."

For the crowd boasts one happy hell,
for the fallen, as it is - there is nothing new to tell
All is squalid, unheard of pretend - my friend
garbage cans to propaganded pineal glands
wedding bands to the holy soldier with no hands,
or to walk alter aisles with knees lost and dammed,
some horses better left unsaddled -
condemned to capers of deserts untraveled

A frozen thistle - thought to be in re-bloom
a hidden aged wonder in my evil dark room
WiltingMoon May 2016
What holds me to hate
What holds me from future
What holds me here...
Rubbing my skin
Till red and raw
The sting of blood on cool metal
An all to familiar feeling...
Each link
My breath
Each link
My mistakes
Each link
Did I know
I held the bolt cutters all along?
I saw the key withjn my grasp?
Did I know
It was I that held onto the chain?...
The past does pass
The chains do rust
And the skin dose heal
As realize...
Chains can be broken
And the future can be reached
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