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Zuri E Jun 2020
lonely is YOU
when you are not comfortable with yourself
the things about you that make people ask questions
that make you question
the very essence
that is YOU.
lonely can also
be you accepting YOU because you finally realize
it is ok to be you in your own skin
you are enough
Zuri E Jun 2020
a mat on a floor at night
from them, I came
hips cracked open
like earth gives way for tinny little
green crops to emerge
dreams are feathers
ideas too
they come from nothing
and then they grow
while we walk over troubled waters
I grew in stride inside a god
she was woman
and the earth
her *****
let me be magic
an army of a thousand marching
in full-force through winds and earth plains
shattering glass ceilings
like my ancestors did before me
let me walk in their ashes
let my feet be sanctified
I will cross every bridge they built
I will walk in purpose
I walk in thousands
it is what you believe
that you see
because they were
Sparks fly, and people die;
A cycle that tends to repeat

Bullets fly, across the sky;
People mourn and cry for love lost;
Grieving for their future days
That would never come,
That has paid the cost.

The cost of what may you ask?
The cost of being black.

Sparks are shot into the sky;
Blood is shot into the sky;
Sweat is shot into the sky,
Tears are shot into the sky,

For being of color,
An eye for an eye?

No? / Then I wonder why?

Why nothing is done until
A fatal outcome?
Why peaceful protests urge uproar,
While unarmed men lay pinned
In the street...
Beneath someone’s knee,
Unable to breathe?

Tell me.
Tell me what the answer is,
To stop the violence,
But most importantly,
To feel safe in my skin
With my melanin.

I love humanity, but this is a message
That needs to be known;
In hopes for all to be seen equally;
Not to feel estranged,
Or be a victim of prejudice,
Or alone.
Black lives matter. I wrote this when the protests and riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the world started. This poem is only the start of what I have to say and is certainly not the end. This is the first iteration of this piece, and I will not be responding to any hateful messages on this. It's all about love. It's all about understanding. That said, let us spread love. Let us understand in finality that hate doesn't solve a thing. This is only a fraction of the pain it causes, especially for those of color, which I understand firsthand. I will continue to hope for peace, and for an everlasting love that will bring forth the mutual and equal freedom for all that we have yet to reach. Keeping that hope alive.
Francie Lynch Jun 2020
I wear an old 45 for skin.
Side A is the surface you see;
White and pale under our winter's skies,
But much darker by September.
Side A does a fine job
Keeping my entrails in.
I like the harmony, beat and rhythm of it.

Side B of my skin is harlequin,
A melting *** of mosaic colours
You can't see,
But if you listen,
My lyric is a palette of hues.
A 45 is a record with two songs. One on Side A, one on Side B. Whereas Trump is also #45, but he's two dimensional at best. :)
Leamas Jun 2020
Made me lose my sanity
Day after day
I find out people are losing their way
Stealing, Burning , killing
How can they find this fulfilling
Madness thriving
Good will needs reviving
Burning bee hives
We need people like luis vives
The father of psychology
Came with a philosophy
To reform society
One with a variety
Of mental illnesses
As scary as the spindlelegs 
If it wont be fixed
Good intentions are in a midst
Due to the society i love in , I've realised that humans are the ******* creatures ever
Shofi Ahmed Jun 2020
What can tell my colour?
When I am inside
and when out
not in the heart?
Zuri E Jun 2020
“we all have them”

where I come from
men and women wear scars with pride
there is no judgment
because beauty
is hips that giggle
and ******* that sag
wrinkles on faces
are road maps of places we have been
ghosts we have seen
battles won
hills climbed
they tell stories. some
bodies tell stories that if brought to light
will annihilate men
who do questionable things to women
because they have been given the power to for centuries
so they walk the earth in masks
ghosts lost at sea
scars, they are beautiful
I too own a few
I keep mine honest and clean
so it does not decay and I with it.
there is power in knowing
you are beauty
scars, they are moments
held on flesh
In minds
they are there to make you remember
You are beauty and complicated
Des Jun 2020
Hating someone for their skin color
Is like hating a certain color of skittles
Don't you know
All skittles are the same flavor
The colors just represent different smells for the flavors
That make people assume they're different..
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