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Mister J Jul 2019
You came in
A gentle breeze in summer
A warm touch of sunlight
A cool drop of morning dew

You went out
A vicious winter blizzard
A chaotic typhoon
A raging storm of emotions

You left
A devastation like no other
A life unrepairable
A hole unfillable

Being loved is a gentle breeze
Being unloved is a chaotic storm

Gaining love makes you king
Loosing love leaves you a beggar

Wanting love is a summer kiss
Getting love is a heart-wrenching battle
Keeping love, an unforgiving war

Having you was my idea of love
Losing you..

I don't even know where to start over
Dumping words at 3am

Happy reading!
Hope you'll love this one!

Matt Bernstein Jul 2019
The last star before the dawn
fights all the majesty of a brilliant sunrise.
The last remnant of the night,
drowning in an over saturated sky.

When the curtain calls come
to usher everyone off stage,
the last star before the dawn,
through morning haze and window panes,
takes its final bow
Niki Gray Jul 2019
My favorite gift
is tied tightly around my wrist.
A simple word etched that reminds me
of how my daughter perceives me to be.
This word will forever be my battle-cry.
My 'strength' I can't deny.
Thank you to my beautiful daughter Sydney you inspire me to be the best mother I can be.
Mark Wanless Jul 2019
i felt a kiss
upon my mangled cheek
Ankita Gupta Jul 2019
To this day, I pray to not know it again
To this moment, I wish to live it all over

If we were to live a life agian, read an old chapter afresh, pluck a different flower this time; we would pick a rose from the most memorable garden of life.

If we were to rewrite endings, take back spoken words, walk a different path; we would speak of the most tragic war and hand that rose of peace to the soldier inside.

To all those on ground battles and in house victories in life, let's pat the cat and drink a little; we know we put the best fight
Mark Wanless Jul 2019
the battle was
and yes i saw
a tempest

to tell to all
not a victor here
nor a conquered
just a soul not dead

Zeus was called upon
   and failed
the Titans were called upon
   and failed

men fought unaided
   as always
sharpcastuser Jul 2019
The sound of death approaching near
Call to the battlefield was clear
To uphold, honor, and obey
No turning back, he chose to stay
For loved ones and those that were dear

Swallowing his pride, wiping tears
No pain did he feel and no fear
A soulful song, for him, they play
The sound of death approaching near

From above, an angel sings cheer
Saint Michael himself doth appear
Victory rings true, how brave were they
There is no night, no more the day
Their cry is all that he can hear
The sound of death approaching near

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feel free to comment - my attempt at a rondeau
A Poem About War
Nexus Sammy Jun 2019
Dear you its me
Its been a while since we talked
I know sometimes life gets hard
Sometimes things don't make sense
Nor do they add up
Sometimes you feel like giving up
Sometimes you don't feel the will
You feel like death is calling
But you keep pushing
I want to assure you I will never leave you
I will forever be beside you
I will motivate you
Untill things get better
And definately death do us apart
farhan Jun 2019
A soldier
Is only remembered
When he dies in battle.
OpenWorldView Jun 2019
i love the feeling
this strange and eerie calmness
after lost battle
make your peace
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