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Dom Mar 6
As it began,
The great blank expanse sprang in efflorescence
Inscrutable thaumaturgy of color and light
Baffled and bewildered by bioluminescent marbles
As they circled ‘round the brightest numen
How are we not constantly amazed to grace the great maze
Of this wondrous arcane apotheosis?

We are but dust of its great purpose
Transmute in ever sibylline change
Palimpsest clay in ethereal hands,
We too circle the Lucent arcane.
Oblivious of our infancy
Ornate in our chrysalis
The temporal larva becomes the moth
Chasing the numinous flame,

Returned to dust,
Among the rest
To which we came,
From the celestial ephemera
Back to the flesh
Our vessels are a temple transcendent

We are all children of the stars
Jia En Feb 10
All I really
Want us for someone to love me
Like I love almost everybody
Else-- my friends would've heard it before--
Because more
Often than not
I'd happily think my last thought
For most people in my
Life than shoot myself between the
Idk. All I want is for someone to love me
As much as I love them. Why
Does it seem so easy
For you guys?
How hard did y'all have to try?
i would **** myself for you.
Orion Mistral Dec 2024
The old folks chant a madrigal,
Of a warlock answering creation’s call.
His hands craft from void the light,
Weaving worlds, writing history bright.

The wizard’s glance shoots sparks—drip-drop,
Sets stars to brawl, to shine nonstop.
Planets rise from fairy's dust, to Chaos's scorn,
Entangled in a cosmic dance, from dusk till dawn.

Gaps gape, gaudy,
Mountains mound, massive.
His breath hisses, lovely,
Through the ****, aggressive.
“You oceans, you airs—roar and quake!
All that is, was, and will be moves with my shake.”

The mage declares: “The beard makes the man,
And I am the one who holds time in hand.”
He counts the hours, souls flutter spellbound—THNX!
And sets every rule with powerful pranks.

He grins at numbers, theories, and light,
For it’s sorcery and mystery he speaks, alright?
Shadow, shimmer, soul, sense, salt, scent—Wow!
Without him—Bang! ***!—blown by now.

The old New falls, as the new Old flies,
Being may fade, but Be never dies.

For real?
Seize the logic—Infinity’s ordeal.
The only thing worse
Than pulling the trigger
Is spending your entire Life
With a barrel on your mouth
Just waiting for that 'bang'
P.s. This is not a poem about suicide. It's about expectations. About living with a heavy burden and never being able to set free of it.
ZACK GRAM Jul 2024
My secret service tatted
My team got bodies
Zack Cody hotel lobby
Rich **** movies
Shoot me once
Shoot me again
Unlimited beds
Unlimited rooms
Sunshines sundowns
On time put em down
Unwrapped tie em up
Lead an rope
Sunken ocean
12 miles no drag
Rag empty
Might seas
Bills go bangs
Many different days
In chains
Release concept
War ready
My service tatted an got bodies
My bills go bangs
Odd Odyssey Poet Jul 2024
/ˈhɝmɪt /
A recluse; someone who lives alone and shuns human companionship.

One last promise of a kiss; but who hears the words of
someone’s misplaced lips— Memories are all archived, those
experiences, a treasure to bury deep in the chambers of a heart
And any extra time: an excuse for me to procrastinate…how I
choose to express my reasoning, is an explanation for another day

for the all the memories we had, will all remain locked away
our experiences a treasure I’ll never get the pleasure to
saviour in their worth. and any reason to chase after them
all in a day, becomes the procrastination of tomorrow…
our story ends here

In a thin book of divination; the conclusion of a love
that had the fill of a loaf of bread- here we are- with the
crumbs, holding onto what’s left. There is no grasping it.
All climaxes eventually fall into the obscurity of being
an old familiar harmony; the laughs of many, soon becomes
the quit chuckles of one who sits later alone. And all joyous
songs must play their very last chord

anticlimactic will be the story of us, painfully laughing ourselves
to sleep— those fortunate enough to sing our once beautiful song-
the words, chords, keys, and harmonies are all gone…
our story ends here

I am something inadequate; a follower to the gun,
the bullet that led me astray in its cold lead. Still don’t
lend me your sorrow; shunning the idea of love
For the gun that killed a benevolent concern, was
a gun I had pointed at myself.

Existence of human life is derived from living microbes,
Living microbes created from carbon, hydrogen oxygen and other elements from earth’s matter,
Cell development three billion years ago has led to creation and subsistence of plants and animals,
Living ecosystem and animals developed from monkeys to apes,
Evolution of apes to human’s transition has been the most controversial phenomena,

Making brains think of black hole and big bang theories,
Bringing Theory of coexistence and Theory of Evolution in place,
Finding substantial evidence is key to understanding the formation of life,
Where 7 theories on origin of life was initiated,
Biogenesis and abiogenesis became the cult of living hypothesis,

Where DNA and RNA has given the living forms to read the genetic blueprint,
Searching for the new theories of existence and evolution,
Developing new atmosphere in the universe across earth, ocean and sky,
Where each process is dependent on natural existence,
Life is moving with the physicochemistry of biological survival.

By Madhusudan Dabhole
Human Existence
Rama Krsna May 2022
i bow
to the dark one,
hued like the rain bearing cloud,
who adorns this universe as his anklet.

that deep hum,
in the cosmic backdrop
his outgoing breath

dulcet tunes
from his golden flute,
the gravitational field
binding our Milky Way.

salutations to the unborn one,
who’s also the eternally playful one.
karma keeper of the cosmos,
bearer of the mountain of human pain!

© 2022
Inspired by a beautiful painting
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