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Das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd, zu einem ungenauen Zeitpunkt
Unser Matrosenbruder aus dem Pantheon der Dichter war an Bord
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Der in Eile den letzten Akt schrieb
War zufällig wie durch ein Wunder im Hafen
Er stieg ein und verließ das Schiff, ohne zu sprechen, ohne Geld
Ohne seine Meisterwerke, ohne ein kleines Haus
So ist das Leben, wir verlassen das Schiff zu jeder Jahreszeit.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne ist nicht weg
Er ist irgendwo, in Ravine-Sèche, Haiti, auf den Straßen
Seine Inspiration ist die Show „The Point“
Wir haben keine andere Wahl, als uns zu kümmern
Um seine Erinnerung, seine Erfindung und seine Vorstellungskraft
Franckétienne war ein haitianisches Genie, Dichter, Dramatiker und Spiralist
Kulturminister, Wortschmied, Sänger, Maler und Künstler
Sein Name war ein langer, langer Satz
Und seine Worte brachten die Leute zum Lachen bis zur Ekstase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Zu Lebzeiten hatte er sein kleines Haus nicht bekommen
Er war ein legendäres Genie, das die Vorstellungskraft herausforderte
Die Diktatoren, das Gewöhnliche, das Ungewöhnliche und das Abstrakte
Indem er ein Mapou wurde, ein Baobab. Wendell würde sagen
Was für ein Potomitan! Was für eine Kathedrale! Was für eine Zitadelle!
Um den Sohn des Direktors von McDonald's zu paraphrasieren:
„Wenn du fällst, lerne schnell zu reiten.
Dein Fall, lass deinen Fall zu einem Pferd werden, deinem Pferd
Um die Reise fortzusetzen“, den Ausflug.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

„Nach fünfzig zählt jede Minute.“
Frankétienne sagte einmal, da du gehen kannst
Jederzeit, in jedem Moment
‘Galaxy plomb gaillé‘, nicht zu weit vom Nadir entfernt
Eine unsichtbare Spur auf dem Kopf wie bei Valentino oder Tino Rossi
Frankétienne ist nicht mehr, der Künstler ist weg
Er bleibt mehr denn je ein neues Wesen
Der Riese, der Schriftsteller, der Schauspieler, der Schöpfer von Worten
Er ist in Hosenträger gekleidet wie ein großer weißer Neger
Nicht wie ein Monster aus Dr. Frankenstein. Wie ein Gangster
Ein Dieb, das Schiff kam wie ein fliegendes Pferd; es ist der Tod
der uns bedroht, als ob wir im Unrecht wären.
Wir weinen, wir weinen, und wir schreien jetzt wie eine Mutter in Trauer
Für diesen fortgeschrittenen Achtzigjährigen, für diesen Fürsten des Lichts.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Eine Hommage an Frankétienne und Familie, an Wendell Théodore
und Gesellschaft, an Radio Métropole und an alle guten Haitianer
Mein aufrichtiges Beileid an alle! Sit ei terra levis!
Dies ist eine Übersetzung von
„Le Navire Est Venu À Cheval, Ou Hommage Au Fameux Poète Frankétienne“
‘The Ship Came Like A Flying Horse or Homage to the Famous Poet Frankétienne’
‘El Barco Llegó Como Un Caballo Volador U Homenaje Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘O Navio Chegou Como Um Cavalo Voador Ou Homenagem Ao Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’
‘La Nave Arrivò Come Un Cavallo Volante O Omaggio Al Famoso Poeta Frankétienne’

Copyright © Februar 2025, Hébert Logerie, Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Hébert Logerie ist Autor mehrerer Gedichtsammlungen.
Vianne Lior Feb 13
The canvas stares back at me,
Blank, unforgiving—
A mirror of my mind,
Its emptiness a cruel reminder.
I pick up the brush with trembling hands,
But every stroke feels like betrayal,
Each color too loud, too bright,
Spilling out in chaotic bursts,
Nothing like the picture in my head.

I paint, I paint,
But nothing comes close.
The reds are too red,
The blues too cold.
Each line, each curve,
A mistake I can't undo.
And still, I push forward,
Hoping for something that feels right—
But nothing feels right.

The shadows of doubt creep in,
Dark, relentless—
They mock every attempt I make,
Every flick of the brush a ghost
That haunts the edge of the canvas.
I try to fix it,
But the more I try,
The more I destroy.

The paint smears,
A bloodied mess under my fingertips.
Each flaw is magnified,
Twisted in the light,
A grotesque reminder of my failure.
The work I once cherished
Now looks like a battlefield,
A war between my vision and reality,
Where nothing wins.

I tear the canvas in half,
The fabric screams in protest,
But I can’t stop.
I rip it apart—
Brutal, raw—
The fibers of my frustration
Fraying in the air.
Nothing feels like it's mine anymore.
The brush trembles in my hand,
A weight too heavy to carry.

I collapse into the mess,
The chaos I’ve made,
And the silence comes,
Not as a void, but as a truth—
The eerie quiet of an artist
Who’s found their shape in the ruins.
In the stillness,
I see the pieces of my soul
Scattered across the floor—
But they’re not broken.
They are just pieces.
I wonder—
Am I the painting,
Or is the painting me?
And perhaps…
We both need this destruction to be whole.

I stand, brush in hand,
Ready to start again—
With the same trembling hands,
The same uncertainty,
But this time with a quieter resolve.
I lay a fresh canvas before me,
The blankness no longer a threat,
But a promise.
A chance to begin anew,
To make something beautiful
From the mess of the past.
And so, I paint—
Not for perfection,
But for the beauty in the trying.
The canvas, once a symbol of endless possibility, now feels like a reminder of the dreams I had as a child to become an artist. Aspirations do change, but the perfectionism that once fueled me has now drained the joy from the process, leaving me in limbo between creation and surrender.
Archer Jan 31
Blank pages
Scattered brain
Even greater scattered words
Slurry falls out of my skull, into my mouth
Like tumbled rocks
Schrödinger’s paragraphs
Both written and not
Until I decide to sit down
Pen in hand
Pencil in hand
Paper staring
Eyes staring
Scattered brain
Even greater scattered words
And thoughts
She looks at the canvas
Blank, taught, pristine
Background decisions
All in the mood, how does she feel?

Oil, water, spray, or acrylic
So many choices, to let her soul lay bare
Subjects to paint, what will it be
Endless options, What does she see?

In her paintings, a dragon often revealed
Sometimes, fragile
Sometimes, fierce
A self-portrait of sorts, How is she revealed?

This is how I saw her, how I fell in love.
Tiny brushstrokes, her heart for those to see
But only to those who knew how to look.
Beyond the brushstrokes, beyond her veil.

But I lay distraught, this is not an easy love
Like our mutual favorite, I stare into the Starry Night
Sometimes I feel the despair, the doubt, and I am unsure
Hoping I fair better than the ear in hand

Her brushstrokes are upon me, like paintings in her hall
Hidden hearts, separate and removed
She paints me, a poet with her hand
I accept her, and her brushstrokes upon my heart
I realize that some of my poetry is happy, some sad, but all is from a place of love. As I weave the tale of how this artist captured the very thing I thought I lost. Or am I merely an idea upon her canvas, each brushstroke, a gentle nudge upon my beating heart.
First stanza:
Where do I find the words to begin this piece?
Should I go for one or two stanzas—maybe even longer. tell me what will you like more?
What kind of meter or rhyme scheme would make you hear the humble knocks of my knuckles to your door?

Second stanza:
And what if I do it all wrong—
If I made it rhyme when you wanted a free verse?
If you could not hear the rhythm I aspired to contrive?
If you could not picture the imagery I had drawn?
If I wrote five stanzas when you wanted four—
What if from the moment your eyes landed on the first line, your face would tell me that you have heard me knocking but you will not let me in?

Third stanza:
Still, my fingers are wrapped around the body of this pen,
desiring to make its first stroke.
Held back however, by the thoughts of your words that has always resonated with my soul—
the very reason of why I am facing this difficult task in the first place.
Ambitious, I am very ambitious.
How dare I come up with this silly idea?
What literariness do I have that does not pale in comparison with yours?

How do I write a poem for a poet, when this is the first time I have tried, and all I have is a heart that made me believe it was possible?
From the perspective of someone who has fallen in love with a poet.
Kaiden Dec 2024
A broken artist doesn't **** you in their mind,
Doesn't rip the pictures apart, wishing it was you, no.
A broken artist will let you live forever,
As the worst of the worst punishments.

They might make you an entire new person,
Let you into their world,
In their notebook
Or canvas.

You'll be cared about
As equally as despised.
For them to tell you one day,
"This character was based off of you".
I often base my characterss off real people, mostly the bad ones. For example, a character based off my stepfather plays a giant role in the story, it's pretty well written but it's also one of my most hated characters.
Kara Shirlene Dec 2024
Feed your starving soul,
Let inspiration flow.
Thus you slip away;
Don't wait another day!

Capture every glance.
Still the water's dance.
Freeze the hands of time;
Your Spirit needs to shine!

Look now through the glass.
Don't let the moment pass.
Starving soul, feast on,
Before your spark is gone!

©KSS 11/2014
boonthemoonluv Dec 2024
no, i was not a poet then
because i glazed upon my skin
and saw it as paper i could easily cut.

no, i was also not an artist then
because i painted over my scars,
hoping to become a work of art.

yet, i bear the title of a poet
and wear the badge of an artist,
for indeed, i am a poet and an artist,
but far from the spectrum that society
has manipulated and stapled into your head.

therefore, i'm only human-
one that has always been a work of art,
and a luscious garden of poetry at heart.
i am simply a nuclear fusion
of calmness and chaos,
with a spark of uniqueness.

Kaiden Nov 2024
He sat on the cold, wooden floor,
His only source of light a dim lamp outside
He was shivering from the cold but that didn't matter
As long as his words were given life

The quiet sound of the pen hitting the paper
The notebook being the only thing he owned
Yet so treasured
A portal to the past

Some pages were torn
Seen as useless
But so truly beautiful
As they gave character to the brown notebook filled with nonsense

Exhausted with his work
He fell asleep in the middle of a word
The pen slowly tracing a line down the page
Only for it to be found, another reason to shame the boy
For that he is different
Some of us start young (this one feels so unfinished tbh)
Angie Nov 2024
If I stay a nervous bud
my full bloom will not encroach upon the grandeur of another
& I will invite no retribution
Though the artist in me knows
that a whole field in bloom
Pollinates the world.
Bloom with the artists.

If I stay silent
my words cannot be smithed into a weapon of censure,
and be used to cut me into smaller pieces.
Though the poet takes my words
& alchemises them
into an elixir for healing.
Speak with the poets.

If I smother my fire
I inspire no ire from neighbouring Suns
for whom my shine is a punishable theft of thunder.
Though a sister moon mirrors my light and illuminates the next.
Shine regardless.

If I stay in my armour
my vulnerability cannot become the missile launched at me
by the traitor who begged for my truth
Though an ally reveres my courage
and meets it with the honour of their own open heart.
Open, even though.
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