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romy Jul 2020
The hair on my pillow isn't mine
I still think of how fast time went by
Your side of the bed remains intertwined
with hopeful tears and tainted smiles

Sleepless nights, unsung lullabies
faint memories kept in photographs
with the sun in my eyes
and freckled-cheeks wrinkled by endless laughs

My candy-coated nightmares of you
dancing with monsters and angels
singing with the devil
interrupted by your hair on my pillow
Emily Donoher Jul 2020
pearl feathers you refuse to call white
scared it would mean something if you did
scared your scepticism will cup cold palms
around your warming neck and squeeze
what little belief you have out of you
a corpse will always be a corpse
but the soul of a wanderer will wander
into the wind and sky and I
and you too if you just let him
so let him

let him be the breeze
that forces you to stop counting
the number of days that have passed
since he last hugged you

let him be your buoy that
serves ground in an ocean
that knows of no stillness

let him be
the flickering light
the white butterfly
the fallen feather

he will be forever with us
let him be
SøułSurvivør Jul 2020
If millions of angels can dance
on the head of a pin
How many devils are impaled
on its tip??
Jtlbl Jul 2020
His pain is deep, he stroles through hell
Valley of the shadow of death?
Is nothing If u knew his anguish.
He suffers well
A good day that's where he go's to catch breath
There his deomos truly get rest
eyes closed
His minds eyes spoke
Lies it told him he died
he lost all hope
To face his own story though his own eyes
Feeling the pain he caused and all his lies
Choosing death sounds best said in jest
If that good guy had to die???
just know it wasn't you are you high?
Trying to stay positive and keep it light
Clearly loosing the fight
was he a hero, hell No
Not a hope in hell hed see heaven.
Villan disguised,
lies in his eyes
A Romeo, maybe tho?
cassonvoa? sky blue eyes it's over.
Juilets life spiral down the drain
He died 1st
So she would have time to recover
Find find a new lover
He he was rotten the worst
His death was not litural but that of spirit and soul
But years of many that ripped him in two no longer whole
Not even the souls essance
Spending time with him people felt no life no pressamce
His smile lost to time and memory
his laugh blew silent in the breeze
He was left an enemy
People abused him like giant flees
Blood suckers draining his last energy.
Before he left it's was said he became a dog
Parasites he got used to these
In pursuit of happiness he was about to meet his God.
Whatever he thought that was
One last breath he took her hand
His temptress had won
His demise she planned
She had his number on day one
Grinning as the sand spilled through his glass
His time was up he wasn't made to last
The sadow of a man fading away
not even lady luck  could saved him
He's had one last smile to put on his face
His arm in the air and ******* up
His last words were
"I never gave a ****"
A storm blew in and took him away
No remember 's his name such a shame
Trash The world couldn't wait to get rid
A myth once said his name was joahua or josh
Actually a good passionate and funny
personally if u ask me?
I'd say that myth was a lie
He was cold and couldn't care less
no love in his eyes,just glazed over
His love was a fallen angel
corrupt and rotten
Her pressance stole his life
As this story fortold
Second for second
She would never allow him to grow old
what he did for her, locked him out of heaven.
banned from the gates his soul would fall forever
Into the melting ***
A sinner God forgot
No children, no wife
She consumed every part life
For u see she was neither a women angel nor devil
Or a suddtress as he said
she was herion
power in bag
Which that storm was said to blew out
It Took him away, it his future
His Legacy and life died that minute
He finally let mr quid go too
In truth
If u saw one u saw the other
Quid was his brother
A second half of whole
For what he realised that moment
Was his other half he searched years,
Was the face looking back In waters refleftion
The peace they searched for
Was within himself he had been at war years now
Finally realising women blame for his pain
The sabotage his thought imagine and brain
So me made another character
To deal with the pain
to look in his own eyes
Look past the pain
Look past the lies
Quid was born  
Locking josh in back of his mind
Forced to face life
Forced to simile
Forced to Wait
just a while
Daily It starts all over
But there nothings left
To be taken or broken
Hes stronger now
Romeo and Juilet Was cute
next it will be mess
****** in mind
trying to stay
Blessed pshhhh
This is just my story
****** that won't lay Down
A just a ****** who refuses to frown
A just a ****** coming for everything even what u have chained down
I'd say lock away your women but this clown?
Already tho em and this town
These words hold no value
Just **** talking
Words walking
Mind's boring
Paper scoring
****** snoring
Sobriety exciting
Or so the words were at enthralling more than the pain of insomnia in recovery let me stop before I stutter mutter and rhyme with butter
Quid out
Drugs women devil angels money art my mind a storm and God and a dog it's all there should be a book or movie
The Diablo sat there one day amongst his inner innocence and decided that he no longer wanted his heart broken.
The Diablo cried and cried until he couldn't no more as it started to **** him on the inside.
The Diablo said to himself that he's going to block out all emotions and love for others and cause a reckless destruction while his heart of fire turned to cold dead stone.
His fingernails grew long and black after rotting under his temptresses phony heart.
The Diablo cried out loud but no one could hear him so he started to stomp his feet on the ground and grow his white angel wings into a sharp velvet black.
The Diablo had enough, he was tired of love, tired of being treated like a *******.
Diabo finally gave up and without a care did as he wanted to keep himself happy.
The Diablo is always filled with fire, but this time he ignited on the outside to show his burning sensation from within and he slowly withered away into a corpse shell to hide into his darkness with the phantoms in the trees.
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