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Cassandra Nov 2024
I would call you when my day begins,
I would call you when it ends.
I would call you and sing my favourite song.
I would call you when I miss your soft hands.
I would go on an evening walk and take you along
I would call you when I feel alone.
I would smile every time I touch my phone,
I would call you on the way back home.
I would call you when I feel uncomfortable
I would call you when I'm bored.
I would talk to you for hours.
I would call you when I am at a party I don't wanna attend.
I would call you when I feel sick.
But you are not here for now,
So I just hold my heart and
I make a wish.
On the way back home today, I realised that I have so much to talk about but nobody that I would like to share it with. It was a moment of sadness indeed.
Birdie Nov 2024
There are far worse fates
Than being alone.
To watch myself grow
Maid, mother to crone.
I could waste all my years on the
Same shallow man,
And skip into hell all
Whilst holding his hand.
I could forgo my passions
For his every whim,
And save all my smiling and love
just for him.
I could bury my future beneath
Soil and stone.
That’s a far worse fate than
Just being alone.
Reminding myself that every version of my loneliness is better than being with the wrong person, in the wrong place.
Debra Lea Ryan Nov 2024
Autumn Leaves
Float the Breeze
Like the Memories
I have of You

Autumn Leaves
Kiss the Breeze
Then I Remember
Kissing You

Where do you Go?
And why do I feel so Alone?
I said, where do you Go?
I am Alone...

Autumn Leaves
In the Breeze
Disappear as they Fly
The Sky

Autumn Leaves
Forever in the Breeze
Bring on my Tears
As I whisper Goodbye...

Where do you Go?
I hope you are not Alone
Where did you Go?
I hope you are never Alone.

© Debra Lea Ryan
Autumn Leaves (aka C#M Guitar Chord Mood) In Song @ You Tube  >  - ♥ 'Love Never Forgets!' DLR ♬
Snow red fox Nov 2024
Sitting in the dark dark room,
in the corner of my mind,
in the corner of the room where the shadows loom.

The rivers of salty water flow down the river styx that guides me thru the end.
The boat is floating and flowing with screams of the unfortunate and unforgiving as the death rows thru the gates of the end.
But the end is never truly the end.

Shadow people twist their dark grins in forms that hurts,
the death is hanging over my shoulder whispering,
urging me to torment my broken mind until it falls and becomes theirs.

Theirs, theirs like a thing or a toy or like a match that isn’t destroyed.

From dust we come to dust we go, what’s the point of life, if we must die?
Reflection over the life of an individual and the fascination over afterlife
I'm afraid of failure
Of becoming a burden
But above all, I'm afraid
Of hurting the ones I love
And ending up alone...

Yet I'm here, I've shown
In the face of my demons
And screamed at them
That they'll never take
The very best of me

So I may not be fearless
I'm quite fine with that
For I'm brave
I never regarded myself as the courageous type... until the day I realized that being brave doesn't mean being fearless. Being brave means facing your fears in order to do what you must.
a silva Nov 2024
In the motion of waiting, my inside rot.
In the action of breathing, the air grows hot.
And in the patience of watching fools after fools
None dared to reach and claw on my skin.

To swore off touch aside from the skin my fingers hold.
To swore off hearts aside from mine that beats within me.

I fear I do not crave for human flesh anymore.
I am my own temple and my own worshipper.
Mirthfully to celebrate of choosing to celibate—
The liberation of the hunger that consumes me.

Perhaps, this is the love I was meant to find.
To beat alone in this world filled with others—
Unrhythmically, matching no ones rhythm but my own.
Amidst the crowds of beating hearts, mine beats in dissonance. Forcing my own to match someone else's pace never worked for me, and chasing fools after fools for decades tired my body.
Love was something I was willing to give, yet not one dared to receive. Now, I choose celibacy as the greatest form of intimacy. The skin I hold is the only skin I want to touch; the heart that beats is the only rhythm I want to match. I want someone to claw at my skin and reveal the secrets that lie deep beneath the surface. Yet, patience is the poison that would **** me—inside out.
I wonder what sins I have committed over the timelines my phantom dared to live, for the atonement I have to face today. What a price to pay for this timeline. It would've been fun to be adorned, maybe in the next one.
Eve Nov 2024
I stand amidst chaos, lost in the haze,
Reaching for you, but your gaze never strays.
The one I once sought, my refuge, my guide,
Is no longer waiting where hope used to reside.

You, my constant in a world so unkind,
Now absent, like others who’ve left me behind.
Perhaps you've surrendered, as they all have too,
Given up on the soul you once held true.

So now, I'll play the role they’ve designed,
Proving them right with the scars in my mind.

No, I haven't abandoned the fight within me,
I’ve merely become what they forced me to be:
Friendless, loveless, and cold as the stone,
A shadow that lingers, lifeless, alone.

This is an old poem from 2018 that i decided to revamp.
wren Nov 2024
p e r h a P s . y o u . c a n t . s e e . m y . d r e a m s
b u t . L a s t . n i g h t . i . h a d . o n e . a b o u t . y o u
i . s c r e a m e d . f o r . y o u . w h e n . i . s l E p t
a n d . i . b e g g e d . y o u . t o . A n s w er
b u t . y o u . S i m p l y . c o u l d . n o t
b e c a u s e . t h i s . i s . d r e a m . l a n d . a n d . n o t . r E a l . l i f e

i n . t H i s . d r e a m . a n . i l l u s i o n . w a s . f a b r i c a t e d
o n e . w h e r e . y o u . c o u l d n t . h e l p . b u t . h o l d . m E
i t . w a s . l i k e . w e . r e L a p s e d .  i n . t h e . d r u g . o f . u s
o u r . P r o g r e s s . i n . r e c o v e r y . o f . e a c h . o t h e r . e r a s e d

n o . o n e . h e a r s . M y . t e a r s . w h e n . i . w a k e . u p
i . c r y . b e c a u s e . i . k n o w . t h i s . d r e a m . w i l l . n e v e r .
b e . a . r E a l i t y
Jeremy Betts Nov 2024
I've heard people are strange
When you're a stranger
A lesson learned
Only as you grow older

Faces look ugly
When you're alone
My past proves
No one pays no mind to what's shown

They say women seem wicked
When you're unwanted
My truth is I've wasted
All the time allotted

Streets are uneven
When you are down
Seemingly impossible
To find solid ground

The strange
Have faces they hide in the rain
It's strange
Couldn't be bothered to remember my name

Are you strange?
Am I strange?
What is straaaaaange?

Valentin Eni Nov 2024
When yesterday aches to the point of tears,
And you don't know what tomorrow will bring,

When no one needs you,
And you need no one,

When life is just beginning,
And when life is already ending,

When you are alone at night,
When you are alone in broad daylight,

When you are still alone in a crowded room,

When it's too late to change anything,
And you can't turn back time,

When it's too late to stop,
But you can't go on,

When you can no longer forgive anyone,
And you no longer believe in anything,

When you are waiting for someone to come,
While someone else is waiting for you to leave,

When your tears have long since dried,
But the pain still lingers,

When you are no more...

It is because
Someone you love
Has forgotten you.
The poem talks about the deep loneliness and sadness when someone you care about forgets you. It describes feelings of being alone, even when surrounded by others, and the pain of being unable to move forward or change the past.

The repeated lines build a sense of hopelessness, leading to the realization that all these feelings come from being forgotten by someone you love.

It’s a heartbreaking reflection of how much love and connection mean to us and how their absence can leave us empty.
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