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neth jones Mar 12
crazy foreign fare maybe you curdle defeat in the streets baring solar assault (you've fried your unit) harpy malicious harpies as bullhorns fact-fire biting into delirious fright-blight of abrasion upon your eardrums abstain (it's all an abusical !) refuse this parody the good night woe stains on your sleeves i belly believe you'll capture your death way out here at the merry least you'll pass a deathly coffin sneeze silly-silly breath breathe
the song This Town Ain't Big Enough for Both of Us by Sparks was thoroughly stuck in my head at the time of the writing of this and a few other poems.

original version from feb 2024 :system crash mashed potato monster mash mobster lobster

crazy, foreign fare maybe / you curdle defeat - in the streets - baring solar assault - (you've fried your meat) /harpy, malicious harpies / as bullhorns fact-fire, biting into delirious fright / blight of abrasion upon your eardrums / abstain ; it's all a fusicial ! refuse this parody / the good night   woe stains on your sleeves / i belly believe you'll capture your death way out here / at the merry least you'll pass a deathly coffin sneeze .... silly-silly
Gideon Mar 8
Love me tender and soft under the black sky and white moon.
Love me soft and kind on days that I need more help than others.
Love me kind and gentle in ways that I may never repay.
Love me gentle and tender because I have not always been loved.
I have been loved harshly before, and it left scars inside and out.
I have been loved roughly before, and the effects of it still surprise me.
I have been loved wildly before, and I thought I was wild too.
I have been loved aggressively, and I took it as a compliment.
Love me tender and soft because truly I have never been loved.
Zywa Dec 2024
Do as he does, stare

at him, scan his body, and --

see his discomfort.
Poem "*** ik niet vergat" ("How I didnt forget", 2022, Emma Crebolder)

Collection "Truder"
ivan Nov 2024
that dog
the one that bites
don’t get close to it
or it’ll bite you too

‘it bit me’
the blood is still warm,
dripping from hands that shook
but no one dared to look.

‘why doesn’t someone help me?’
that ******* dog
wait, it’s not a dog!
Emery Feine Sep 2024
The king sat upon his throne
Announcing ideas in the gentlest of tone

The people disagreed, and they fought back
But aggression was something the king had lacked

They rioted with pitchforks and torches
The king saw them yell out each night on their porches

And eventually, they set the castle ablaze
The king fled without even being fazed

He found the kindest people under the trees
The opportunity to build a new kingdom he had to seize

The palace could prosper with the right support
Unlike the old one, which could only distort

So he built with the people, leaving his mark
Until his eyesight started to go dark

He woke up in his old, burning palace again
Surrounding by the sound of illogical, angry men

He realized his prosperous castle was only a desire
“It was merely a dream,” he thought, as his skin lit on fire.
This is my 10th poem, written on 2/15/23
Zywa Sep 2024
Is a general

thirsty for blood like plants are --

thirsty for water?
Play "The Three Arrows" (1972, Iris Murdoch), Act One, scene Two

Collection "Unspoken"
Zywa Apr 2024
The words she spits out

rip open everyone's skin --

like a vast, barbed net.
Novel "Midnight's Children" (1981, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2-6 "My tenth birthday"

Collection "Low gear"
Zywa Mar 2024
Behind her: a man,

his head perched on her shoulder --

like a frightful hawk.
Novel "Two Years Eight Months & Twenty-Eight Nights" (which is 1001 nights, 2015, Salman Rushdie), chapter 2 "Mr Geronimo"

Collection "Low gear"
Jeremy Betts Feb 2018
No place for me to fit in, sometimes not even my own skin
The 65th crayon on the floor next to the 64 count special edition tin
The two dollar DVD bin is even out of reach, at a loss as to where else to begin
I guess it's back to the drawing board to start over once again
Not a chance of bein' normal as an outcasted heathen
But that's never been a why for me, to fit in is not a win
I've been sittin' in this same place like a mannikin with a phoney grin
A clothespin holdin' together the fabric of my being with such discipline
But a strong gust of wind tears through like blowing your nose into a cheap napkin

Patched together like a quilt of sin read like a story board of which I'm a star in
Stitched together by not giving in, givin' it all I can, taking every shot to the chin
But life's not getting the win by KO or even by decision
I'm gonna need to be taken out the ring on a stretcher with blue skin
But the goal isn't really to win but to survive this doomed zeppelin
I start thinking maybe I can take this aggression and passion and turn it in... a winnin' combination and spread it through the nation
Empower an entire generation, awaken an entire population

But all they'll see is Frankenstein's monster

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