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Paul Sands Mar 2015
I mouthed beer breathed approbation
at the invited wonder of your sister's sweatered *******
the tableau set then,
for such delicious beginnings and shaky revisions,
once I  left the "look but do not touch" misgivings
amongst the litter of a thousand such instructions

I borrowed that hazel eyed angel for a night
rescued from drowning in a clear bottled wasp trap
the fattened marital photo was covered,
alternating friends corrected and reassigned
their alibis and frightened lies
while heaven was briefly in our sights

and we shook and screamed the clearing of our names
from every future Christmas list

and yet

clearance comes only once inventory becomes stale
and folds around your wintered house,
offers no plan to buy or stamp a route to someplace else

slow submissions rattle my pen
this is no season for love and there is no reason to begin
other than there, in the shadows, where portraits breed desire

and while mirrors shall dream of falling
I am not through looking yet
for while fun and feuds begin with *******
an ending always screams attention
she put her baggage on the scale at the airport
and the assistant said it was too heavy,
so she missed her flight,
and back home she went to try once more
to fit some things inside the closet she shared
with her husband who was unprepared
to see her come back through the door
for his greatest skeleton was lying on the floor
the other woman that kept the closet full
"that's why this bag is much heavier than before."
so she left it with him.
I'm sure this can relate to males, as well.
KarmaPolice Jan 2015
A father reborn

Waking up in tears, is a normal day,
Since I was informed, you had passed away,
I know you’d be angry, for me falling apart,
I try to be strong, but guilt crushed my heart,

I keep beating myself , for being away all the time,
When your clock in your body, had started to chime,
A countdown had begun, and you wasn't aware,
While I was out socialising, and didn't seem to care.

We barely spoke , when we were at home,
I didn't show you respect, by leaving you alone,
I was side tracked, by the lover in my life,
I should’ve saved our marriage, and cared for my wife.

I failed to even ask, how you were each day,
As I picked up my briefcase, and left on my way.
I failed as father, missed our children growing up,
Always in the distance, when I should’ve been close up.

I forgot each birthday, and anniversary as well,
I made your last months, difficult as hell,
I'm so sorry my love, I want you here next to me,
I was blinded by her lust ,when I needed to see,

I wasn't even beside you, as you took your last breath,
I was beside my lover, as I heard of your death,
I can't turn back time, and change what I’ve done,
But I promise you always, I'll be a father to our sons.

I have quit my job, and severed all ties,
To the place where I worked, and my life full of lies,
I didn't know how, to be a family man,
But I aim to be, the best father I can,

It's been challenging, upsetting and wonderful to see,
As a single father family, who are as close as can be,
You can rest in peace my love, as your memories live on.
As I see your spirit, in each of our sons.
I'm waiting for you to let me break you. Just like I've been trying not to. Like I know I can. You beg me for it sometimes. When you look at me with wide eyes, and parted lips, and tell me that you love me, and beg me to love you to. I'm waiting for the moment when the temptation is too hard to resist. When I smile through the bottom of a glass of whiskey and tell you the truth that's sits on the tip of my tongue. I'll give in to the temptation of him and his flesh. Then you'll be  alone, and so will I. Even though I'm wrapped in his arms.
Mark Lecuona Jan 2015
You dream of love
And fantasy
I cannot any longer
Because of reality
My face is shadowed
By a memory
While yours glows
From your insanity
The insanity of passion
And the sexuality
Imbedded in a promise
Of fidelity
And a lifetime
Of matrimony
Yes I am past that
But I speak honestly
About life
As a casualty
Of love
And adultery
But I need to believe
In love for me only
But if you cannot
Then let me be lonely
An older man talking to a younger woman
The left hand.
One I use when my strength and trust has retired
Lays upon a lightly laced (cloth)
Disembarc of the covenant.

Lick the place that my hand lays
Humanly wrong
Make gong out of the chaotic amount
Noisy bloods hitting the walls on it's way out to the rest of her vessel.

She can make what is mine hers.
She can make the mind like purse.
So she speaks.

My want move the weak hand reach.
So this something can compete with
And maybe even complete sweet.

**** self made namesake peach.
Stir & heat with onions
And wash the perceptive pounds I
These tons now neat your Golden ratio
To be betrayed and be peated
What is cheating? What is your definition of love?
Julian Pacheco Dec 2014
Love is war, love is life, love me not tonight...
Its funny what you can think and feel about love...
Arcassin B Sep 2014
by Arcassin Burnham

sarcastic black-hearted queen,
why you gotta be so mean,
you were once seen in a dream,
heaven sent,
with high self-esteem,
i could see the steam,
coming out of your ears,
anger between despair and memories,
and the crazy **** you say,
carried away for guitery,
and familiar with adultery,
why mary?
poetic mafia
Hayleigh Sep 2014
I tasted the lies
On the corners of your lips,
I saw them tumble across
the curves of your hips.
I felt them come alive
in the gaps between your fingers,
a word of advice darling,
her scent, it lingers.
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