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 Mar 2019 faa
Mist may hide mountains,
But nothing covers my smile
When my eyes grasp you.
An old haiku made while waiting for my date.
 Sep 2018 faa
Eleanor Sinclair
Tonight I feel alone
My run was awful and I cracked my phone
The moon blinds me as it’s magnificence magnifies through my tears
The stars in multitude represent my fears
I feel a great melancholy
An untapped sorrow that feeds into my folly
I weep tonight not to a nameless god
But to the bathroom mirror which shows a reflection so flawed
Tonight I sleep alone
Hushing cries and gasps for empty air
I tug at my blanket and pull at my hair
The pain has become too much
My mental state has become a physically crutch
There is no more than a vast empty space
A lonely desolate place
Scaring me even in my sleep
As in my pillow I continue to weep
Tonight I write to no one
For that’s all I have left when I am done
 Sep 2018 faa
 Sep 2018 faa
They say go see the world
Embrace the unexpected
the unknown.

They told me take the trip
the future is waiting
your steps

I agreed
packed my bags
and flew

The funny thing is
after exploring and
I still feel

 Aug 2018 faa
Melissa S
Dream of Me
 Aug 2018 faa
Melissa S
Dream of me
I am real...
I am where smiles are made
and tears fade away
Where hope springs forth
Away from the darkness
of the earth

I am the glow of the moon
and all the stars in the sky
those who seek the light
shall have me as their guide

I am the red bird or butterfly you see
Just keep your eyes open... to find me
I am where tomorrow is coming
and hope always holds on
My darling
I am never truly gone....❤
I have been dreaming of my mother lately and do not want to wake up because it feels so real and I miss her so. I wrote this from her perspective writing to me
 Aug 2018 faa
Travis Green
I’m hip to the spark and sunset
that shines inside the waves
of my soul
blossoming flowers
that rise and smile
in beautiful rhythms
dazzling designs
heavenly delight
warm breezes sifting in gusts
of dancing passion
starlit mansions in paralleled lines
unspeakable shapes
extravagant scenery
a colorful composition composing
an array of enchanting shores
magnifying in golden forms
gleaming infinities
diamond forces
genius landscapes
drunk in pulsating songs
immortal seas
liquid smooth beats
full of boundless destinies
infinite continents existing
beyond space and time
beyond chemistry and physics
amplifying mathematics
astonishing metaphysics
transcending entities within deeper depths
exhilarating mechanics
each one breathing in new and unexplored dimensions
exuberant literatures and arts
exceeding limitless landscapes
uniform galaxies in sync with broader galaxies
brilliant zones
soft sounding inventions
beaming in radiance
revolving in sweet silver tongue blankets
luxuriant languages
perfectly synchronized and solid
sleek linear symmetries glistening in paradise
all stunning and striking philosophy
divine dominions and ambitions
intensifying in amazing timelines and crisp connections
 Aug 2018 faa
You are my wolf
As I'm your moon,
You howl at night
So I shine upon you.
Have you ever wondered about us?
How our miseries blend?
I scar upon my weary soul
To heal your withered veins.
I am the lonely moon,
And you're the lonely wolf,
Lonely is what makes us lovely
Let us love our fragile souls.
I'm the silent watcher
To all of your thoughts and prays.
I am the quiet whisperer,
Yes, I hear you call out to me everyday.
So tonight, my love
Let us write our stories to the stars.
Let me shine upon you,
And let our love guide us so far.
 Aug 2018 faa
 Aug 2018 faa
I wish to gaze upon thee, look at the expanse of virtue.

You truly are a rival for Aphrodite.

An ethereal being.

I am but a priestess, at your alter, worshipping.

If I could meet those eyes, ghost fingers over satin skin, card through sleek locks, then surely I'd be blessed.

For you I'd do as Orpheus for Eurydice, without looking back.

To love a goddess such as yourself is eternal.
I really wanted to write about Hatshepsut and her lover instead but either I found the wrong woman pharaoh or I dreamt the whole thing I've read about her lover before so... couldn't do that. What I remember reading was that her successor started destroying things she's built and having her name erased off of things which is essential for the afterlife, so her lover broke into her tomb to write her name, thus ruining his own chance at an afterlife because desecrating a resting place was a huge no-no. So yeah Idk where I read that or if I did but that's the idea.

So I had to settle on a couple who's names I could remember/actually look up their story and here it is.

Just a heads up because it pertains to a poem coming up, I wrote this months ago.
 Aug 2018 faa
Beauty wears a short, black dress of olive silk skin.

    She lies poised on the couch, drained of her special sleep.

    Yet still, light pours His fingers down her figure, sleek and thin.

    The face of her dress smiles behind the glasses guarding her deep brown eyes.

    Beauty chose the slender sweet slits for her lips.
    They match the dips her hips outline on her gown.

    Her legs sit dainty off the side, but her flushed-red scarf wraps her cheeks,
And hides quietly in the back.

    She sleeps soundly dressed true black, with her small eyes cracked.
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