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 Feb 2018 yellow-thoughts
The abyss and emptyness.
A feeling,
craving other feelings.



To apathy
Occasionally I come across a person with brown eyes,
and I compliment them on those peepers.

More often than not, they laugh and say,
"Oh, they're just brown."
"They're **** colored."
"I wish I had blue/green/hazel eyes."

I want to grab them by the shoulders,
pull them close to me,
look into those eyes and say,
"Your eyes are alluring, deep, and warm."

Eyes the color of delicious coffee,
of which I want to gulp every last drop.
Eyes the color of ancient leather,
the binding of the best books.
Eyes the color of the soft soil,
from which everything good grows.

I say,
"Love your eyes, it's how the rest of us see into your soul."

Brown eyes are my favorite eyes.
Brown eyes make me feel like I am home.
 Jan 2018 yellow-thoughts
Please don't talk to me again
 Jan 2018 yellow-thoughts
Some nights I peel off my face and hang up my despair. I paint on a new face maybe even draw a big smile, then I take some pictures and share some superficial giggles. When the fakeness fades, I come back home- I throw on my raw face, wear my comfy despair, and sit and sob for hours
#empty #fake #lost #sad
Is anyone really alive? Or are we just figments of each other’s imagination, we smell, taste, and feel, and it all seems real but is it really?
Why do I love travelling?
because when I travel,
I am no longer me,
No, I am a series of me’s.
I can be who I want to be
In a sea of strangers.  
I can live someone else’s life
away from my daily strife.
I can set a new routine
in a brand new scene
and I can be far away
from my thoughts of grey.
Still, I am always under the same sky
Living another life, chasing another high
Yet it feels like I live in
another universe.
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