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Stacey Dec 2024
I was on my usual morning commute, succumbing to the ease of autopilot, when I happened to glance out my window at a magpie. Our eyes met, just for a second, and in that moment, I dissolved from mindlessness into pure joy.

A smile overtook my face as I felt nothing but this beautiful creature’s gaze upon me. I felt his unbotheredness - huddled against the wind, keeping himself warm without complaint. In that micro-second of silent conversation, I sensed his quiet affinity for life—his gratitude for the earth, which, day after day, provided him with food, and for the sky, which so effortlessly offered him passage. He wastes no time lamenting, only enjoying.

It was with that thought that I realised: we are the same—on a parallel commute. Him, guided by his intuition, and me by mine.
My morning commute
Stacey Dec 2024
The air is fresh
The sky is clear
The birds are singing
The smell is pure
Something I found in an old journal... I just needed it today
Stacey Dec 2024
it's the strangest feeling
not having anything more pressing in life
than life itself...
The complexities of presence
Stacey Dec 2024
Being with her is like no other place,
Like resting on a soft, buoyant cloud.
As she holds me in her wise embrace,
We say everything and nothing aloud.

She inspires me in her steadfast grace,
As she humbly absorbs my loving.
She sees the pain etched upon my face,
And warmly soaks in my sobbing.

She accepts my faults, her heart unlaced,
Our bind, like roots entwining.
For we are cherished in each others trace,
Our endless love, sweet, undying.
inspired by both a tree, and some very important friendships
Stacey Dec 2024
Consider the blooming flower,
Springing to life in spring,
Frolicking through sun showers,
In joy the sunlight brings.
Unbothered by the news,
Unaware of life’s expanse,
She delights in charming views,
And nature’s vast immense.
Her ease inspires me so,
With petals raised sky-high,
She dances with the breeze’s flow,
Beneath an open sky.

Consider the dying flower,
Moving on with grace,
Relishing her last sun shower,
With wrinkles on her face.
Content to have existed
In a world of love and beauty,
Her soul, at peace and lifted,
Fulfilled her final duty.
Stacey Dec 2024
What is a choice, anyway -
is it a freedom, or is it a burden?

For me,
it is a paralysis
between what is and what should be.

Who I am,
who I should be...
who I could be.

Choice opens up possibilities -
endless, unfathomable possibilities.

Choice is making a decision
I am not qualified to make.
In a world where manipulation is rewarded,
marginalisation is profited upon,
and freedom of choice is weaponised -

I’m not sure I feel free.

Where your freedom to choose
now carries with it the responsibilities of greedy oil companies,
tech giants,
and toxic product producers.  

It is the irony of being forced into a system
that tells you:
you chose to be here,
It’s your fault!

You drank the highly addictive Kool-Aid  
we forced down your throat,
and that addiction -
is your fault!

We are persuaded into thinking our choices are casual,
while they are anything but.

I relinquish my freedom to choose.


I search for the freedom of simplicity -
where a choice becomes personal once again.

What clothing mood am I in today?
What do I feel like eating this morning?
How shall I spend my Sunday afternoon?
What’s my body telling me about this social interaction?

In lieu of...

Whose opinion should I base my personality on?
What can I justify as a “healthy” amount of time spent on social media?
Which chickens had the happiest lives?
What dishwashing liquid is the least toxic?

Yes -

I crave the simplicity of what is,
not what could be.

Often, I envy the unbothered-ness of the breeze -
sometimes going this way,
sometimes going that way.

Completely unconcerned with the junction between directions -
simply following its set course.
I am quite passionate about making educated choices, yet I am also passionate about making intuitive choices. Both serve a purpose in my life, but I often find myself craving intuition most of all!
Stacey Nov 2024
As I ponder, sweetly mused,
your grace against the breeze,

I cower at the frightful task
of earning but a please.

Your humble smile, your giddy laugh,
of which I must appease,

I sink into my sullen soul,
unable to unfreeze.

For with this heart, I cannot pledge
to you your beauty’s ease.
I've been reading Shakespeares' sonnets...
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