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Feb 2021 · 132
writing right
srax Feb 2021
I am not sure why I often struggle with writing ‘right’ when I constantly tell myself that I don't write for other people's concurrence. But as Picasso said “The chief enemy of creativity is ‘good’ sense,” I have grown to learn that my creative medium is not black or white, good or bad. Instead, it is a middle ground, imperfect, and depicts me and my complex thoughts. Perhaps that is why poetry brings me joy. It is an escape from reality. Nobody craves perfection like it is the only thing that makes it valuable.
Nov 2020 · 114
srax Nov 2020
i hate math
but i have become einstein at calorie counting
my toxic relationship with food i guess
Jun 2020 · 340
my tragic war cry;
srax Jun 2020
this nation, fabricated upon their broken spines,
yet still, they gait on fragmented glass.
besought for their valedictory draught,
before the lynch with a knee,
you, merely afraid,
"looting starts, shooting starts"
to resist the monster of your own making
Mar 2020 · 153
srax Mar 2020
for ecstasy
laid as erstwhile reminiscence,
new dawn brims of
rhapsodic agony, acute misery,
yet hope, a concept I am foolish to believe,
shines through bars of the plight
screaming 'remember'
Happiness leaves traces of where it has been
Mar 2020 · 137
srax Mar 2020
for my heart has been starved of love,
my body has become starved of food
only skinny girls find love
Mar 2020 · 147
srax Mar 2020
for the pain I bear is too grim,
the heart no longer breaks,
it ruptures
One common symptom of coronary artery disease is angina, which causes pressure in your chest that can involve burning or numbness. They say it is because your heart does not get enough blood or oxygen I say it is because it has been hurt too many times.
Sep 2019 · 213
srax Sep 2019
the world is playing tricks on me
the never-ending flag from the magicians' hat
Sep 2019 · 187
srax Sep 2019
beauty is in the eyes of the commercial industry
will I ever be beautiful enough if I don't even know what beautiful means anymore?
srax Aug 2019
looking at a mirror
shattered to bits
but the mirror is untouched

not a single scratch
am I the only one who can fix this mirror?
why is self-love so **** hard
Aug 2019 · 466
srax Aug 2019
i found myself but lost you in the process
i stumbled upon inner calm and peace
and it didn't involve

you and me
Aug 2019 · 289
but my hands are stuck
srax Aug 2019
jealous of the space that surrounds you,
the space separates us,
you are just at the reach of my hand
you said you needed space so i gave you the entire milky way

now my world is in reverse
stuck, perhaps
srax Aug 2019
love from,

- the toxic thoughts of you on my mind
srax Aug 2019
When I’m sad
When I’m sad I don’t want you to tell me to remember happier times
when I’m sad I don’t want you to tell me it gets better
When I’m sad I don’t want you to tell me ill be fine
When I’m sad I don’t want you to tell me to stop being blue
When I’m sad I want you to tell me that it is okay to be sad
That you’ve felt it too
I want you to let me
Until it gets better
Until I am reliving the happier times
Until I can say I’m fine with a smile
Until the blue leaves my body and fills the sky
srax May 2019
290 people killed in a mass bombing epidemic in Sri Lanka, 2019
255 people killed in a suicide bombing in Syria, 2019
148 people killed in a suicide bombing in Pakistan, 2018

and you're telling me that all you're going to do is send your 'thoughts' and tell your Instagram followers that you are 'praying'?
You sit healthily, happily in your perfectly built house,
find a photo of perhaps a
broken down building,
a crying family,
caption it with a prayer emoji and a heart
and then what?
Do you forget about it? do you carry on with your day?
Thank you for your thoughts and thank you for your prayers, they are signs of hope
People are DYING.

These are the kinds of things you see on the news and think, well ****. This is heartbreaking,
but we just see it as something that happens.
We don't really know what is happening until it happens to us.
And it could.
What if it did? would you want thoughts and prayers? or would you want action?

Let this be our wakeup call, to do not only what is wanted of us, but also expected of us as humans.

Take action.
Make a difference.
See a change.
simple ways in which we can all help:
Jan 2019 · 222
the beach makes me feel
srax Jan 2019
A gentle breeze rustled the last remaining leaves off the trees. Naked, twisted branches stretched across the blue lit sky; the sun propelled itself through the thick cirrus clouds. The lacy waves crashed the shore like a drumbeat that echoes my heart, the soft breeze blows the tension right out of my body, making me forget everything in this world except the present.
Aug 2018 · 599
srax Aug 2018
                               sometimes I wish you didn't exist
  because you stab knives in My back
                  and bend me until I break.
                                 the feelingS i feel
                                 cannot be Substituted or
                                             allaYed, mitigated;
            the weapon and the wOund are both
               permanently etched Under my skin.
Aug 2018 · 993
newtons fourth law
srax Aug 2018
the limit of proportionality
is the is the point beyond which Hooke's law is no longer true

where the material you are stretching
becomes permanently stretched
so that the material does not return to its
original shape

and i guess people are like that too

you can only stretch for so long
until you reach a point where you break


                                                               ­        Broken
Aug 2018 · 269
i cant help myself
srax Aug 2018
I stop myself
from whispering the word
As if leaving my mouth
Might wear it down

Jun 2018 · 233
glass half empty
srax Jun 2018
the last thing i want to feel is sadness
sadness is the last thing ive felt
and i wanted to write all my feelings down on paper
but somehow the paper stayed blank
and to be honest
i could not have described it any better
srax May 2018
So i was thinking,
That you know,
Oh yeah
What if
Tongues were fingers and fingers were tongues,
Would we taste what we touch
Would we touch what we taste
I don't know
Just thinking
Which i seem to do too much.
May 2018 · 396
flowers, for you
srax May 2018
have done nothing
Yet we mangle them
from their roots
And give them to people who don't love us
The way we want them to
May 2018 · 7.9k
how to paint a masterpiece
srax May 2018
they'll paint white walls over your thoughts
because they think simplicity looks better than polka dots.

they will strip you down to nothing
because bare is better than bare minimum.

they say your body is your canvas,
then why are they scribbling
on her canvas?

they’ll doodle words,
perhaps phrases of flatter
like "You're pretty"
teaching her that that's all that matters.

They'll hang up a **** model picture
because her body should look like this, you know?

They'll say her body is a temple
“she's eating all that for lunch?”
they'll say her body is a temple
but her body
is the house
she grew up in
and yet you have the audacity to try and burn it down?

I forgot to mention
the white paint that they used to paint over her?
yeah ... slight misunderstanding
It's permanent.

what could they expect?
it's their fault actually,
it said everything on the label
but they were too busy you see.  
Too busy to see what it was really made out of, too busy to read what made it the way it was.
Because one glance is enough, right?

One glance is enough to ask her "what did you eat today?"
And as her stomach grumbled
and her blood ate her alive,
she would answer "oh plenty!"

And you would look happy with her answer because
she is treating her body like a house she doesn't even recognize.

And you would look happy with her answer because
she let her body become your canvas

And you would look happy with her answer because
Your white paint was worth your money after all.

— The End —