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 Nov 2015 snarkysparkles
My body is an orchard
Pluck the fruits of my labors
Feast on the life i have grown
They were raised with water and light
And the cool of the earth
Waiting for someone like you
To steal from me like a child
Wide eyed and searching
I have no remorse, all i can do
is grin wide from cheek to cheek
I'm thankful for you
So many ******* out there in da world. So many nutjobs who speak without thinking.
What are dey thinking? Dey crazy or something?
Knowing nothing?
Speaking like bubbles
Foaming from dey mouth
Like rabid fauna. Its ok its dey who will change but not me who will change. Im better off ignoring demented creeps. Im better off the pathe of being nice and kind like alwayes. Kindness kills kindness killas .
here we go with this again
you say you're so sick of love songs
and I'm not listening
there's goodbye in my eyes
as it all falls down
your side of the bed grows colder
as I wait for you to please return my call
I know I can't make you love me,
but you mean that much to me
we're going in circles
and I'm running out of energy
The damage is done
and almost wasn't ever enough
so now we can't be friends
and I'm left dreaming with a broken heart
Footsteps stomping so hard they send shards of the tile floor flying into the air
Hitting you in the face, you just brush them off
You don't hear me
I am setting bombs off in your backyard
Throwing rocks and dirt threw your windows
You don not come to see the wreckage I have created
I am screaming into your ear till my voices is cracking
You still will not hear me
I am nails dragging on a chalk board making myself cringe
I am a fork dragging on a plate in a quite room
You do not take notice
I am a new borns cry in the middle of the night
I am the screeching tires of a motorcycle going full speed down residential streets
 Oct 2015 snarkysparkles
Angie S
You are a starchild, born from
the heavenly bodies and all
their celestial love affairs; You
twinkled among the stars and
owned the universe with them,
and yet you came down to
Earth and instead took over
my heart. And you say you
don't remember any of that as
we lay under the planets, but
when I look into your eyes I
see a galaxy. You shine with
a supernatural sort of radiance
that I can't believe to be earthly
and I am awful at science but
when you speak to me, astronomy
makes sense. The universe makes
sense. And you say that, just as
birds and clouds and humans
die, stars eventually die out too.
Our time is short but, darling, we
are infinite. We've become our own
universe. We threw away our mortal
selves when we realized this and
embraced this fleeting moment we
have together; stories never die and
neither will ours. And you say you
want to take me to your place,
among the asteroids and nightlights.
Yesterday I would have said, "No,
I'm afraid of the dark" but mapping
the unknowns of outer space with you,
surely we will become constellations.
And besides, I already am in heaven;
after all, that is what love is, isn't it?
am i good at writing love poems? do you think i could woo someone with my stellar metaphors?
(forgive my punnery)
The debate is on
I want to perform
but first I must
humidify my guitar
Ate dinner
now there's a lump in my throat
so I'm gonna sit here
drinking tea 'till I feel
paradoxically soothed and energized
hamburger and homefries
the summer dish
perfect for outside
but here I sit in my A/C winterland
conditioning myself for hats and gloves
The water's warming and rising
the mosquito larvae have won
Itching in Yellow Fever delirium
These grassy hollows
were once a worthwhile place

The new wonders are now
grotesque animistic anomalies
Today, face-to-face with rabid rabbits
Tomorrow, the white light angels
with hyper beam cleansing
     they could no longer bear to watch
from porcelain obelisks
the human media screen
of indoor inexploration
fail to hide the sins
from the scale holding counters
Justice, the lucky one
with bandanna over eyes
still heard the profit wrenching semantics
get drowned out from screaming harpies
Responsible gods stopped their foray
in fear humans will survive
Dark matter engulfs all
in fear humans will survive
Gone are the dreams of my past
The little girl who wanted her daddy back
Gone are the star wishes of years past
That little girl stopped wishing on stars
and started to work for her dreams
Gone are the little oink bows
The little girl threw those away years ago
Gone is the innocence of a child
That girl died years ago
Gone was her view that she was pretty
The little girls thoughts  stopped years ago
Gone never to return
Gone because they were slowly stolen from her
Gone is her past
Gone is her future
It's all just gone
love is too small
of a word,
I fill my tongue with
a billion versions of that word,

to try wrapping kite string
around the sun , no bits of sound
will do justice to the tiny earthquakes

that run through my body when I see your face or
think your name
 Oct 2015 snarkysparkles
Angie S
Losing herself to the roar of a motorcycle with wings she questions;
Are you going to destroy the world?
Understandably all he did was laugh in response, but the
Girl learned to laugh as well. And she
Held on a little tighter.
"As if anyone would just take me away when I wanted them to."

(This is also about Lisa Mishima from znt, but after episode four.)
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