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 May 2015 Selfless
 May 2015 Selfless
Make me your emblem
Adopt my colours
Let them be seen
Through actions and verse

Make me your flag
Fly me high upon the sturdiest masts
Watch me billow with purpose
Catching the wind that forever lasts

Make me your anthem
With truth in words that rings so clear
Sing me loud and true
Sing me always for all to hear

Make me your creed
Pledge yourself to always uphold
My name in thoughts and writes
Emblazoned across as your brand in gold

Make me your home
Your shelter for when the day's done
A safe haven to return to
With the setting of the sun

Or just...

Make me someone...*
So at least I know that I exist
Make me a simple somebody in your life
Not just a name on a forgotten list
Inspired by Depeche Mode's Somebody
 May 2015 Selfless
I have found myself
With crystals up my nose
and your tongue down my throat.
They're the same thing, really.
When we're together, I'm happy
But the second we're not,
my heart doesn't know how to beat.
 May 2015 Selfless
              they told me.

But how am I supposed to breathe when my lungs are filled with so much hate; my mouth with so many unspoken words?

                                                I *can't

Because everytime I do, my heart aches a little more, my eyes fill up with tears that I didn't want to spill anymore.

- Be strong,
                  they said.

The problem is,
                         I can't.
Because nothing in my life makes sense anymore.

I don't know.
                     I don't know.
                                         I don't know.
 May 2015 Selfless
 May 2015 Selfless
He said,
'you can never keep secrets from me.
I know you better than yourself'
i call yet i cannot be heard  
i am lost and to the world ill burn
who to save me as alight
i am lost and losing the fight
 May 2015 Selfless
 May 2015 Selfless
Insanity is what she is,
Clarity is what she please,
Mortality is what she sees,
Voracity is something she ease.

Mendacity is what she speaks,
Tactfully is something she weaks,
Alchemy was never in her clique,
There kicks in her cavity.

Calumny writes above her head,
Casualty says around her dead,
Pageantry living on her bed,
Banditry was what she hid.

Centrality was all she craved,
Depravity waited for her traced,
Fatality made her braced,
Gallantly now she fazed.
For fun lol
On day I will look back
and one day I shall smile
I don't know how long it will take
I think it will be a while
I'm Ten years old
and my mom and dad fight
I go in my room but don't cry...

One day I will look back
an  will ask why
It was a long time ago
and to that little girl
I say good bye
I am fourteen years old
and I just feel cold
I want my mom and dad
stop their fight....

Today I wont look back
because i say good bye
I have fallen apart
and it hurts in my heart
because my mm said it would only take time
Now se cant reminded me
My father tuck her life
he's gone now
and I'm left t die
I'm Seventeen and I have forgotten to cry
So as my last words I write this to you
so as times goes on you can fly to
the rope is my pen and it gives me an end
until you follow your pain d swallow
 May 2015 Selfless
 May 2015 Selfless
my rhymes, they're supremacy, while they need consistency, yours the are unwanted clemency, mine requires ability;tremendously, you rhymes, low volume low density, D=m/v, ***** that, im all about chemistry, chemistry between the bonds of my melody, while yours are useless discrepancy, perform reverse polarity, while you're searching for popularity and keeping your rhymes up breathlessly. hey, i'll give you a break; temporarily. i'll come back later; sequentially.
:O sick rhymes
 May 2015 Selfless
We Don't Fit
 May 2015 Selfless
You're a puzzle

I'm not your missing piece.
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