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ketjil  Sep 2019
what if
ketjil Sep 2019
What if
You have been fighting
A losing battle
All along
What if
The silence
Within you
Is only
The calm
Before the strom
It is going to be a fight
You just cannot

my biggest fear.
Empty souls drifting in the wind, blow to the corners of the world
where they patiently wait for the next breeze.
And all but one gave up.
She danced with the breeze and twirled amongst the hurricanes,
flowed with the clouds and jumped with the lightning All but she stayed still,
for they had long ago given in to the system,
where it was she who stepped on its toes.
Questioning and fighting for what she believed to be right.
And now, where all but she is cornered
you find her staring at the stars
where in her mind she is dancing amongst the storms
for they prepare her for the next night...
i  Jan 2015
shaky breaths☁
i Jan 2015
it's foggy outside and i can't see anything,
not even you and barely myself but
i inhale and it feels different, maybe
because you're not here but i found out
that i can breathe without you but
my problem is that even if
a strom was raging on,
i would still hold your hand.
Alina Arcadia Nov 2017
Have told me
that loneliness is a heavy thing
That it sits in your lungs
It ways you down, dragging you

But my  loneliness is a bird
And it lifts me
It lives in my hollow bones

I am traped in an empty sky
The strom pushes me higher
Further from the ground
And I am lost to the night
Forgotten again
Jessica Jul 2013
I thought it was over
I thought it was reached the end
I screamed alot of pain
Searching for a help

That terror reached me
A disaster strikes
Started when I see in the sky
A big Aurora Borealis
With it yellowlight
Shining in the sky
Switching my compass around

Strom and thunder attacked
It beat me down to the ground
Making me dizzly
And fall
I kept praying and wishing
It was over
Inspired by a movie/film ;3
Alyssa Beddoe Aug 2012
Painting a picture
Hi there, I wanted to try something new
I would like to paint a picture in your mind
With swift brush strokes of my words as my

Before I start take a second and shut your
Eyes and think of something that is bright and beautiful
Something that warms your head to your toes, even
Your soul.

Take a couple of deep soothing breaths in through
Your nose, sit there and focus on that feeling you have
As the cold air rushes through you, calming the
Strom inside.  Breath out now let the dragon
Fly free, let it warm your frozen hands before
We start.

Now before we start we must choose are style
Would you like to paint with big chunky paint brushes
Using all the rich colors to engulf the paper in a fire
Consuming the tiny village as the dark sky billows with the
Black smoke of people crying and pleading for help.

Or would you like to go with some colored pencils
We could draw with all the light and soft colors
Of a cool spring breeze swishing through the
Golden locks of a young ******* a swing set with
Her mommy on tow.

We could also use water paints
Make a beautiful ocean seen  ware
The water laps up the sand, leaving
Shells and sparkly glass waiting to be
Discovered by curios eyes.

I think these all sound like great ways to paint
A picture for you, but I have another idea in mind.
What if I use the swift little  brush quick on its tip
to make a human  being on the page.  The brush would
Dance over the page painting a man tall and lean man
Standing out in the wilderness with his hands folded
Over his chest making a heart shape.  

The smile on his face is so bright and cheery it made the
Birds sing a little tune. His curly locks of Carmel shaped
His face covering one of the blue crescent moon's of an eye.
His face was chiseled perfectly.

I switch to a tiny brush adding all the details to the man
Like the missing button on his untuck red and white
Checkered shirt, just like a farmer would ware.
The tiny ripped seams on the ankle of his faded jeans.

I put down my brushes crack my hands and take out the
Pencils. My hand sways and maneuvers around the page
As if there was an actual breeze moving my hand so
I draw the grass clinging to his shoes as if never to let go
Others sway more to the left looking away from the human
In fear. Blue swirls enchant the sky ruffling the blue jays

Behind the man the sky becomes a beautiful pink and red
The clouds get in the way of the sunset and become giant
***** of cotton candy lazily floating across the sky waiting
To be eaten by a hungry rainbow.

My markers etch out a beautiful sunset as the rays
Reach across the earth hugging the boy in warmth
From behind. I switch back and forth from pencil to marker
Adding in the details of the swishes and twirls of the flame
Coming off the ball of the sun minting in to the earth atmosphere.

To finish of the picture I go back to ware the delicate hands
Of the man make a heart shape over his chest. I take the chunky
Brush from before and make swift but bold marks
Of red, orange, purple, gold, pink, yellow, blue, green,
the colors of a  Rainbow. All inside of his hand, forming a heart.
It leaks down out spreading in to the world around him.
His soul is to big to stay trapped in his heart anymore.

As it gushes out it paints the sunshine in vibrant colors of
Warmth, and cools down the air to make a gentle breeze, which provokes
The soft grass to hug his feet, and makes the blue jay sing its beautiful
Tune and causes him to smile so deeply. Because he is free.
Tehreem Apr 2016
Warm hands
Barely touching
On top of freedom land
Flaming fire in the water
He is willing to burn up
She is cooling down
Conjuring chaos
Controlled reaction
Tangled mess of thoughts
Carve out of beautiful words
They are like wind and sea
Buried mass of emotions
Rubble left after strom
A torpedo half explode
Craziness of chaos emalgumated concretely with blazing head.
XnwxrMxlik  Jan 2020
XnwxrMxlik Jan 2020
2k19 month of September
Alarmed an international terror
Climate change, change in weather
Drought across the nation
Turned into fire Strom centre
5 months from now
We can still witness the ember
Smoke, ashes from bushfire
Travelled thousands of acres

This inferno had us surrender
We lost a million of species endangered
And pushed many near extinction
Humans were no exception
32 were lost in this render
People lost their land of ancestors
Houses which were a place of
Laughter, revitalization and relaxation
Now are nothing but melted shelters

Firefighters to social writers
All jumped to help out the situation
From taking control over fire
To spread awareness
Seeking for helpers
Nature finally blessed us
It rained and things got under control
Before fire would swallow everything
And melt us...
People of Australia stay strong we all are with you...
lina S  May 2013
lina S May 2013
A snow storm passed my soul
lessn the suffering
Others dying its sad isn't it
My hopes crashing
My thoughts colliding
Different faces same words
Different places same voice
Teenager coming through
Won't please you but I got to do what I got to do
A snow storm passed my soul
To End the suffering
Act like you don't see whats happening
Its a cold world isn't it
And God loves a believer
But the devil is a creeper
Caught in a snow strom
Time stoped for me
But the world keeps going round
Spinning without a sound
Robed from idols
Loving the disasters
Some are playing roles of a master
Denying the bad side  
Freezing my inside
Its nice isn't it
Dreaming !
Akash mazumdar Dec 2014
sins and it's correspondense to luck,
on a tree house on an empty island am stuck,
helping hand for help in the present eyes,
just a foolish thought i dried,
essay of problems are here to be understand,
helpless i become tightly holding my self hand,
empty selection of friends results the lost of faces,
forgetfullness is better in that top time of spliting shoe laces,
peoples are gentle but to insert the drug ,
so that there need ,
become necessary business for there greed,
fel of helpless words is foundation;and frustation,
being of influence in strom under shattred hood,
life feels as punitive and lost the dots of happy smelling sandalwood,
drops of frozen tears stops on skin ,
cosy warm nothing remains ,
good as tight string,
beging for need and confident wealth ,
bending down head touched knees i need help .

— The End —