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6.4k · Feb 2017
SA Morales Feb 2017
Everyday I suffer from self-hate
I never know why I have this fate
Everytime I smile, I feel insecure
I hope there is a cure
Giving up has always been an option
Because it feels like I have no direction
Is living really worthwhile?
You feel awful even when you smile
I used to imagine a future so bright
But now it's just as dark as night
Cutting myself seems predictable
But I always make sure that it isn't visible
844 · Mar 2016
SA Morales Mar 2016
I fall to sleep like how I jump off a cliff
I feel the weight of the world as I crash into the sea
I close my eyes and feel nothing until its pitch black
Never rising up because I know I won't be back
743 · Mar 2016
SA Morales Mar 2016
The dark is where I choose to reside
I feel more alive when the sun died
Its like the downpour of rain
I smile as I watch the droplets from the window pane
But as much as I love seeing the moon
I know my time will be ending soon
529 · Apr 2016
SA Morales Apr 2016
I think about you when I sleep at night
Seeing your face in the dead darkness
You give me a reason to fight
Turning my frowns to nothing but happiness
483 · May 2016
SA Morales May 2016
I see no difference in sadness and joy
Both are temporary

I see no difference in life and death
Both are a state of mind

I see no difference between the rich and poor
Both would face the same end

I see no difference in pain and comfort
Both are mindlessly given to you

I see no difference between war and peace
Both causes each other

I see no difference between dark and light
Both have a gray zone

I see no difference between straight and queer
Both desire to be loved and to give love
454 · Mar 2016
SA Morales Mar 2016
Nothing feels better than being noticed by someone you like
You say Hi and they say Hello like you are really going to last
Everything changes when they get what they want and leave your head on a pike
They will forget like things never happened and ignore you really fast
349 · Apr 2016
SA Morales Apr 2016
Dreaming of a different life
Wanting a different path
Needing to use the knife
Hiding a heart of wrath

I have nothing more to worry
Never needing to say sorry
I don't need anyone
Because I know I'll end up alone

— The End —