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4.5k · Feb 2018
my white privilege
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
I should be sorry for being white.
but I don't look down upon others,
still I should feel bad.
for what happened in the past
somehow, I am responsible

they put me down
telling me I can't understand
all lives matter.
but only if you are part of a minority.

I should be sorry for being white.
I should apologize for the things I never did,
things I never said and never thought.

because just the fact that I was born with a different skin color makes me unsympathetic and evil.

the fact that I am white means I am stupid,
means I am responsible,
automatically places me in the wrong.
I am constantly reminded of my inability to empathize.

all because I am white.
who are the real racists here?
Ruby Nemo Jul 2018
There comes a time in man's gentle endeavors in which their person flutters through. Not perfect, not even close. When all of the essentials are blatantly missing, but nevertheless you chase. And it's not the chase; it cannot be, because that chase is distinguishable from all else.

Though still, the heavy burden provokes. Why? Well, man may claim the uncertainty of such an underdeveloped string of emotions, yet in some fashion this is utterly obscure. If my opinions not be discerned from a folly fool, let my brain be put to rest!

No, I say, it is much deeper than that. When simple dining becomes strenuous, and the tear ducts loose, another vague instance is to blame. It is not the result of a mere first glance. It is not the result of the wave of a hand. Hell, it is not even that which has evolved from a childish fling. It is something called My Person Condition.

And it is more complex, still. It is worthy of noting that a condition is identified in a modified fashion. See that this is no disease, no ailment, no illness. An unfortunate victim has no hopes of returning to their former, less-impaired self, but their opinions are clouded so fully that this, to them, brings upon great advantages. Yet the scars and piercing truths that lurk within MPC prove to be a particularly heavy load for most to carry.

The earliest symptoms may include the following: loss of appetite, perspiration, anxious breathing, spotted vision, hallucinations, reclusiveness, futuristic thoughts, rage, severe bipolar tendencies, self-contradiction, loss of sleep, loss of energy, sorrow, hopefulness, nightmares, and ****** rejection resulting in extractions such as emesis, urination, and excessive bleeding. Patients will also find difficulty in restricting their thoughts to those which do not include their person. The danger that lies within this condition is extensive, but can be overturned with the proper care and medical attention.

Perhaps I have refrained from discussing the most detrimental force assigned to any MPC sufferer, and that is the false sense of progression of mental feelings of stability. As days move on, and nights drag out into the next, new faces are introduced at an increasingly rapid rate. This can be destructive in the sense that the victim will gain a false grip on reality. They will reject further treatment, stand down in a circulation of positive vibrations, and cease to recall the importance of their continuous efforts against their condition.

A day rolls around in several years. They share feelings of gratitude and affection with another being, pretending that their person has left their mind for good. Until the radio threatens to remind them of so long ago, the compulsive nights that were spent in pursuit of an extra pinch of knowledge. Until the box fills the patient's ears with a sweet melodic voice spun from pure gold and coated in the finest finish. MPC revives itself like a flame inside their heart, inside their bloodstream. Renewal flows through their veins at a painless rate - until a grin spreads across their face, their head is turned back around, and there they are.
My Person.
2.1k · Apr 2018
Hit Me Hard
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
a feeling of nearness when I see the countdown
hit me twice in a day, unable to comprehend
my love for you's a sin
futuristic endeavors are far out of reach
for I'll never experience something so
unexplainably deep
and harsh on my soul
but I'd like it to continue into the endless spectrum of wasted time
until someday luck brings upon
maybe a call, maybe none.
1.8k · Aug 2018
Earth Mama
Ruby Nemo Aug 2018
Awakening to a senseless breath,
a breeze takes over; a simple stroke
as yesterday's misfortunes fall back into focus

One fork in the road,
a choice, I suppose
And she reminds me without fail
to treat others with ease

Yet it seems quite unfair to me
Sunlight seeps into the sheets
Despite what's been done to me
She's always right there for me

A reminder of solitude
and grandeur and grace
A stable foundation for a lowly race
to keep me on my feet
to master the art of restart

I trip on her roots just to feel
a sense of belonging, she sings to me
Appreciate the chills, the message, the thrills...
Bringing me back to myself.

My mother, my ground, my home.
Scholarship Poem. 08-11-18
869 · Jan 2022
self prayer
Ruby Nemo Jan 2022
fell apart too early for my little heart
lost in you, I let go of the dream to understand myself
or maybe I was simply misguided
either way, the black sun will shine on
the green grass will still keep on growing
and music stopped sounding good to me
so I resorted to spoken words
is that me? I don't think that's me. but was THAT me?
here's a consolation, dear friend
I am everything, just as I used to be
and I will always be everything, forever
and nothing I've done can take away from the Self
nothing that has been done to me can dampen the truest nature.
rest easy, don't scream
and keep on growing, still
jan. 26, '22
793 · May 2018
A Vague Impact
Ruby Nemo May 2018
how can you know?
it's merely a show
a sleepless night
three meters below the rising sun.
in the impact zone
I watch as you chase
a love out of your league
but time will erase
all memories with ease
stop by, if you please.
you're so vague, I struggle for words
to define our fate
maybe I'm catching a glimpse of
what looks just like bait,
so they can reel me in...
pull me under...
I'm a sucker for love and need to take cover
Don't let me go!
I need something to hold on to!
your careless affection
I'm sleepless tonight.
Lying awake, drowned by anger and
sadness and fear
yet still wanting you here
693 · Jan 2022
Ruby Nemo Jan 2022
believe him when he says
I will always take care of you
because even if he fails you
at least you'll be devastated
at least you'll feel something
jan. 26, '22
671 · Jul 2018
bong lizard
Ruby Nemo Jul 2018
tightened with a bent car key
around the town where love don't grow
send me away with a shirt on my back
no bills left to pay cause I paid them away
start fresh, start over
beginning again with you seems new
and, my dear, we're growing older
the sounds emerge like a cricket at night
don't stumble, compose
don't stutter, don't fumble
away from the gray that is everyday
far from the drugs that cast me this way
left this town for another so sweet
I barely fit in these shoes on my feet
eager, not hungry
all that is good is plenty.
573 · Sep 2019
Ruby Nemo Sep 2019
I pray that somewhere out there,

someone more powerful than I

loves you more than I possibly could.

I pray that God loves me

more than I love myself

because He knows what I am capable of.

I pray that God will take care of you

because I try,


and I don't think that the earthly capabilities

of fragile little me will be enough

to save you from yourself.

So find comfort in the fact that,

even when I am not with you,

someone that loves you stronger, deeper, and completely

is always by your side.
september 2019
538 · Jun 2018
Been Bad Before
Ruby Nemo Jun 2018
he's turning me bad
as lying becomes habit
and drinking, routine
and smoking, an outlet

he's turning me bad
as I sneak out the house
to meet up and makeout
with no one around

he's turning me bad
so bad I can't recall
innocent days of my youth
skipping all down the hall

he's turning me bad
when I skip my last class
to drive to his house
my location turned off

he's turning me bad
with those light eyes I saw
this new me, I like it
maybe I've been bad, after all
521 · Mar 2019
Omma Luesba
Ruby Nemo Mar 2019
the lies fly up like flames unchained
as the friends turn their heads
as they turn their disapproving faces

nothing but a one-side story
a collection of epiphanies drowned in irrational fears
you've got that tunnel vision
seeing my world through a brown paper tube

scolding with reckless abandon!

so strange yet so unfulfilled!

unleash all my darkness, the sides of me you cared not to find
somehow my vision has become hazy
somehow I have gone absolutely crazy
a stuffy nose and bloodshot eyes
how could they ever see through this disguise?

but understanding is a conscious effort
and judgement comes with ease

I have nothing to prove to you people,
living underground
still sneaking around
won't make a defensive sound
if that's how my life shall be.
488 · Nov 2018
permanently against you
Ruby Nemo Nov 2018
you've stained me like a burn
a sizzling cyst that persists
tainted my perception through gore, imagine
twirling eternity between *******
oh love, how you've lost
and abandoned assuming good sides of me
a scratch unexpected
I never could have guessed it
don't speak, I am only a ghost
altered visuals because of your preference
don't push me, I'm high on the ground
through stammers and handshakes
I'd lose in the end
but honey, worry not for your misaligned friend
in a way, I'd have liked you to stay
so I could disappoint you everyday
that look locked on your face
it's fatal, humiliate
bring divinity into a life so uncommon
and tossed for the sake of desire.
393 · Mar 2018
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
crank the bass to beat away the day
my memory is infected
paranoid of a repercussion
waiting for minutes on end, but no one answers
feel the rhythm through each streetlight as
they sway left to right
I'm l o s t in the night
only a few things to keep you out
indulging in changing news
and stuffing my days with silence
incorporate my feelings in their lousy poems but I
could write them better.
thoughts infiltrate a peaceful brain
turn it up, drown it out
first step is finding time
then finding a place
then staying quiet
move in sudden bursts
no color, only black and white
hit the road but through tinted eyes
music moving me more than you ever could
stay away, I constantly pray
in your world, finding a new lover just
means a new problem so
I'll swim solo for now
cranking up the bass, calling out to the single walker
step aside before I fall
388 · Jan 2019
Ruby Nemo Jan 2019
coming up with ways
for us to be close
finding little moments for us
to be alone
your nurturing care saves me early
you don't know my habits
I want to learn all your thoughts
that you won't leave me lonely
or drunken or cold
savoring happiness like we know
days like these don't last
and feelings like these
don't stand a chance.
387 · Jul 2018
Ruby Nemo Jul 2018
Follow me on Depop!

I sell clothes for cheap :)
379 · Sep 2021
wind after wind
Ruby Nemo Sep 2021
in a pinch with the evil ones
I've never fled so fleetingly
give me one small reason to stay
and I promise I'll make it all up to you someday
this traction and force, stomping softly on my heart
day after day, wind after wind, when
everything purple and pink turns gray
fall into the pattern,
awaken your aggression,
mix pleasure with passion,
not so much flattered.
376 · Nov 2021
Ruby Nemo Nov 2021
abrupt in her silences
hesitant in the important moments in life
he fell apart at the sight of her
she cried and ran the other way
fueled by fire, stigmatized
carrying her to the sidelines
we all need something,
sometimes we take what was never meant for us.
367 · Dec 2018
Calling Tonight
Ruby Nemo Dec 2018
There's a certain attractiveness in agony
To be drawn to something destructive
Like perpetual bliss within a simple discomfort

Whether your soul is old, or it's just learned wisdom
The distraction serves as a habitual nuance
Slowly pulling the strings of routine until each knot is loosened,
Each wall built up is cut into a thousand pieces

Please refrain from bestowing temptations upon me
For I am not strong
I lack critical mindful muscles, and in place are romantic fantasies
I haven't trained my posture to withstand it all,
So do me a favor, leave me untied, all broken up
If not, I shall succumb to a heartthrob personality
My body is fully unable to afford it

With words, a gentle mind is twisted
With a glance, the guiltless eye wanders
I have come to learn that, despite all attempts to repel emotional buckles, the severity of a sweet soul is far too powerful to overcome.
It seems as if I have no choice at all

I am feeling corrupted
Though you promise me ease
Teach me to have faith in your dismemberment
Simultaneous devotion to a psyche so unfamiliar to me
I'm wrapped up in chains, though you swear to me freedom

To where can I possibly turn?
365 · Nov 2019
Memo 006
Ruby Nemo Nov 2019
I know you have a heavy heart, I can feel it when we kiss.
Ruby Nemo Jan 2019
Let me in on all your tastes
I want the sour with the sweet
All the proclivities you hide from your friends
Drag me down a darkened path
If you leave, to Hell with my heart!
I swear I won't last a single day
Believe me, romance can't survive
Without anger and revenge and taking sides.
I swear I'm not hopeful
Quite the opposite, in truth
Lend me a reason to obsess
Love! Love! I meant, I slipped up!
Disregard, call me a lover of all
Things undone
I swear I'm not insane
I'm just looking for a soul to hold
A happy mind to destroy
A clean heart to stain
349 · Feb 2018
Gas Station Love Stop
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
get in the car, let's go for a drive
racing speedy far, making it alive
gas station love stop
bet you've never felt your heartbeat drop
no call? no problem
got my own life to live
adrenaline rush to blow a fuse
you've got nothing else to lose
the more falls apart, easier to depart
scream so they might go deaf
but keep it hush, your uncharged theft
juicy trip top and affection
you won't forget the night
you became free
lost all sense of direction
thanks to me
344 · Sep 2019
Ruby Nemo Sep 2019
you used to hold me when the world was falling
335 · Mar 2019
Shake It
Ruby Nemo Mar 2019
all the friends fall
and bones wear thin from the drug
remember all you intended to be
and bury it deep in the mud
when the day drags long
and loved ones stop loving
remember all that was expected of you
and run the other way
for the sake of sanity, for the sake of respect
Ruby Nemo May 2018
back to '17 I starved at the sight
and the movements you made,
my feelings have changed - thoughts rearranged.
purposefully creating the sensation of excitement
when it used to come so naturally.

as I recall
the night before...
you're not a mystery anymore.
319 · Apr 2019
Today Tomorrow
Ruby Nemo Apr 2019
And today
and tomorrow & today & everyday
I will be
I will be
Today & tomorrow, everyday, today, tomorrow
I will be
And I will have
I will be & I'll have everyday for the rest of all the days
Tomorrows that there are
I will have
Today, days on days
Yesterday, today, tomorrow
It will be
The greatest day
A good day to have a day
And a night to wish tomorrow all away
I will be
I'll be today, tomorrow, everyday, today, tomorrow
'Til it's gone
316 · May 2018
Piece of Mine
Ruby Nemo May 2018
I've been wanting what's not for me
Doubling over while standing
man down, don't tell my mom
Detachment is my go-to
Talk too much, lose my sight so fast
Smoke in my nose
For the first time I feel it
I'm braindead, can't think
Maybe it's what I've always wanted
Tell me I'm MisUnderStanding
Showing chants to endure another day
second session better than the first
Old man on my TV, don't fight evil
Die me don't
Charge me more and die me don't
My 20 pound Docs carting around a disaster
"sweet cakes and milkshakes," she said...
Remove my love and I'll be free
As wacky as I want to be
285 · Feb 2018
A Constituent Element
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
journey like an opened letter
concern creeps through corners
monotonal lucidity attacking reality
speedupthevideo to pack the info
can't be left blank, must have some supplement

it's mental, more cynical
uninformed ***** take your seat
they'll tear you apart long before
you melt

seduction raises no awareness
my focus seems stable
has the fog gotten to your head, darling?
another explanation is deceivable

everyday operation is painful

sewing together your ideas into a DUMB PILLOW

you sleep on it, closed minded attraction

In need
284 · Jan 2018
she already knew
Ruby Nemo Jan 2018
head up as she walked by
she had a scene in her head
standing alone, she heard the door crack
There you are.

surprise in her eyes
'you spoke to me'
her back against the shelf,
'you came close to me'

no complaints, her heart raced
you kissed and her mind was all over the place
a month ago, would she have thought?
days change quickly

pulling away, she couldn't expect
you to stay
the responsibility didn't matter
the people didn't either
it was just you and her, caught in a stare
'just your lips and mine'
a thin icicle of air
'a thin moment in time'
283 · Dec 2018
lyrics A
Ruby Nemo Dec 2018
approach me with caution
a deadly edge
dreaming yet I'm weary
waiting for the end
could you show me?
could you maybe just dethrone me?
goodness, I think my soul is overflowing...
never miss a call
don't delay, get the story straight
fighting our downfall
just to stay, feeling far away
Ruby Nemo Apr 2018
walking in a straight line
you won't listen to any whine
but when you call to interrupt
you won't interrupt anything at all.
everywhere I turn you'll turn
either following or admiring, but I truly can't care
I can admire your restless soul
and the days we spend
I'm able to pretend
stare at me until I cry
melting in your arms, I'm not the only one
laugh with me until I die
one wrong step and
Blood will take your name
one eye closed and the other on the cage
flooded with wisdom
******* by memories
free me, I'm yours
neither my doing nor
yours in your little secluded reality
lie to me, make me feel better
shaking 'til a snowstorm blows
worries into flakes and I
will walk in a crooked line
maybe I'm high
maybe I'm shy
maybe I just want to be close to you
Parliament. 04-23-18
268 · May 2018
Just Lard, Y'all
Ruby Nemo May 2018
They tell me we came from fish
Don't skip that chocolate, boy!
Only start to care when
Your money Disappears!
A fake tan and shoulders stiff
Honey, I'm better.
Jump into a commitment
shake your head, embarrass me!
I have no nostalgia
No hopes for what I once had
That might not have ever fulfilled
Sisters in grief, mother in nuclear mode
Pull me to the country
Where whales are whales are whales
Where the milk is poured before . . .
no cereal! Just lard, y'all!
Pull me down to your level
Green and Purples and Blues
Reminding me of the night that never happened
Alongside people I never knew
Singing songs I have never heard before.
260 · Sep 2018
One Bad Night
Ruby Nemo Sep 2018
a bad night, good girl

with missed opportunities and a realm of mistake

travel to the past that disappointed her once before

high and lacking information

as the world moves

. . . slowly . . .

praying for an end to a night so short

leave her! don't speak!

a song to distract and a drink to recover

a breath of fresh air and a car to take cover

she's never felt alone like this

always surrounded by a welcoming world

a decision took three seconds

to discredit a lifetime of virtue

she wants to come down

but the moon promises a fun time

useless vows and thoughts disregarded

help her, she's sinking . . .

a car seat to catch her and jolting her back

tremble, shiver, she needs a new way

to stay true to herself

in the midst of decay.
255 · Sep 2019
A Case You Left Out
Ruby Nemo Sep 2019
You're stepping on the definite line
That separates the realms of my consciousness

What would it be,
If I had love for me?
I can't ever leave,
I will never flee,
I would never want to.
Although I am not a treasure,
In your eyes or mine
To stay is better than for me to be free . . .
september 2019
255 · Mar 2018
vous changez
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
Donne moi du temps
Mais fais le pas durer pour toujours
On a reçu la même opportunité
Mais je te laisse l'avoir cette fois
Juste rencontre moi là
Trente secondes jusqu'à quatre
Je me placerais dans tes rêves
Et te donnerais le goût de la liberté
Peut-être que je peux changer ton avis
Peut-être que tu changeras le miens
255 · Jan 2019
Push Me Away
Ruby Nemo Jan 2019
I can still feel your face in my hands.

From the night full of wonder, and laughter, and love
The cold wind brought you in
My warmth will guide you closer to me.

I can still see you blink in the light.

Green eyes that beckon me towards forever
For a house fit for a self-proclaimed king
A suitable life for your future wife, your girl

I can still hear your breath in my ear,
Feel your hands in my hair,
The temporality of the night beats at my heart
Don't run from obsessive emotion
252 · Jan 2019
Little Biggest Fan
Ruby Nemo Jan 2019
shape up, insanity
is learned
when everyone goes to bed
and we're alone
no secrets longer stifled
under hidden wings
I speak, they listen
******* and ***** in the lot of revision

awoke, a solitude
voluntary prison cell,
they scream our names
but we can't comprehend.

I'm always unsatisfied
under pressure and
drowned in desire
voices that send
down my back, around every bone
igniting a feeling,
we're never alone
250 · Oct 2019
Memo 005
Ruby Nemo Oct 2019
I'll bleed with devotion, and leak from the depths of my heart
I am trying to reach you, I just don't know where to start.
October 2019
Ruby Nemo Mar 2018
lying awake undercover
she questions the purpose of the way
the day shifts from
utter happiness to just pretend
losing a friend
strangled by selfishness and dishonesty
when the real importance is love
she can't master the art
alone, weeping until the sounds disappear
reality will never take you
I'm a hostage to the culture
to my thoughts and their desires
wasting away as opportunity passes
nothing left to lose, nothing to protect
cherishing every last second
until each day begs her to stay
shivering and alone
but what can be done?
249 · Feb 2018
swing lovers -
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
discrete arm circles
toe tappin' tipsy
speaking through tongues
at the doo-*** with my honey

we meet the market!
his apple butter swooped her up
pearly whites, loose curls, "coming, dear!"
in my group, in orbit

a moldy example of a native
mark the girls, wink wink wink!
but me,
oh, me
piling up Z's before the sun says hello
246 · Jun 2021
Ruby Nemo Jun 2021
who I once was
she seems to miss the new me
long before the now me ever came to be
in her sadness and suffering, she sees
the whispering promise from me
love the earth, leave it be
leave all your pain behind us
glance towards me, I'm bright like the sun
remember the souls you've adopted,
and take the good parts with you.
anything else, well, it's not for us anyways.
245 · Jun 2018
pick me up at 8
Ruby Nemo Jun 2018
try to be sly when you lie but
colors surrounding your eyes but
first time in a while I'm staring into denial
closer to me you'll be and feel free

filling your thoughts with doubt
too many girls to think about
I ain't in it for the affiliation
interested in the cash
losing a trivial match
denying the situation at hand
bury me in the ground about
ten feet under
planting me like a tree
a dead tree with hopes of stationary conduct

light the fire, toss the keys
it's another night we won't feel the breeze
dip into the lake
dip into her heart
don't start -
you're fatally drunk and I'm sure of it
close your mind and forget it
Edit: I do not remember writing this
244 · Jul 2019
Miss Stress
Ruby Nemo Jul 2019
I'd like not to see you for days at a time
I can't help my attention to frivolous games
Move away from me now, and pray you'll be fine
You know not of my tedious gatherings
Sense the darkness that leaks from my heart
Feel the anger that pours from my lips
Isn't this the dream you have dreamt of?
Is this not all you have learned to miss?
A few months, at most, and then we shall see
If a man so uncertain can live under thee
241 · Feb 2018
teh baet of scoeity
Ruby Nemo Feb 2018
wloud yuo go for em?
I dno't maen as a somlutae
but rhater
a ditasrciton to keep teh rlaetiy aawy?

wuold you go fro me,
so I dno't hvae to go aolne?
I am araifd taht if I eemgre
all tahts lfet wlil be sikn and bnoe.

wloud you go otu for me,
so I dno't hvae to sohw my fcae
in the clod hareetd baet of scioety
and teh dlaiy trerors taht srruuond me?

wolud oyu go for em
nto as a firend
but rhater
a lveor, to hlod froveer and keep aawy the dmeons?

yuo shulodn't go fro me
I cna't ofefr mcuh of aynhting
but I'd rhater it be oyu
tahn me out tehre in the meriaatl wlord
238 · May 2018
The End of a Night
Ruby Nemo May 2018
a short drive with turns unexpected
protected by the sun
washed up like a bottle
follow me through this daylight
we'll stay until the end of night

fear strikes from behind
along the seams I dream
the real you, this fraudulent alibi
alone with the sounds of a crash
I'm stuck here in your arms

to think or to choose . . .
an investment to lose
not a smile for the day
rerouting to my homeland
where you'll be waiting, I pray
229 · Feb 2019
from a maid's eyes
Ruby Nemo Feb 2019
forget what you know, forget what you were trained to think that you want.
maybe running away is too much for you, maybe walking with me will be better.
instead of your crying, just laugh off the pain, see the world through a lens that dilutes all misfortunes.
because you'll never be the saddest.
you won't ever know what it's like to feel suffering.
you'll never be the most victimized,
so take your blessings and take your advantage, take the privilege they tell you you carry, take the good with the bad and the bad with the good because one day, alone, as you stare at the backyard, you'll wonder where your life went, where all your strength now lies.
the inevitable decay that we try so hard to ignore,
the fantasy of immortality,
hits hard like a hurricane when you don't come prepared.
so take all the hardships and the lovers and strain, lay them down or raise them up,
because life's a gift, so unwilling to be put to shame.
229 · Apr 2019
Ruby Nemo Apr 2019
our heat is rising above us
when I was taken to heaven in a mini van
maybe I feel like reliving,
maybe I want to relive
an afternoon with a bad man

wake me up when it's over
wake me up when he's gone
the day is too real to sleep

the urge to give in comes easy

tip your hat, hail a cab
a new destination for you to take me
take my mind, this body's a shell
I can't seem to burden you with a simple farewell
227 · Nov 2018
Relentless and Stained
Ruby Nemo Nov 2018
if you love it let it go,
if it returns it is real,
but as does a virus
or an insect in the walls.
to discern a lover from pests
or physical attraction from emotional sincerity
happiness from fulfillment . . .
drawing me back, every time, to you
caught in a trap,
a bitter taste for every confession;
painful admissions breaking their way through gripped teeth,
and since, in the past, you've destroyed all my standards
obliterated sensations of sanity
if you knock at my door,
you know I'll hand you the key
allowing you to enter
despite how poisonous you may be.
218 · Mar 2019
Ruby Nemo Mar 2019
the stepping stones to eternal life
exchanging mindless banter for intelligence
I'll record to expose
feel the need for one dose
of your love, of your care
hand wound in my hair
I miss you, I'll say it
in the midst of this chaos
poetic prostitution
no difference to me
don't want to admit it
'cause I'm not feeling free
I've got books, I've got books,
full of selfish fantasies
they'll tell you, they'll tell you
that your secrets are safe
emotions set free.
Ruby Nemo May 2018
I'm sorry if I'm staring, but ...

just ...

... it's just that

I can't not stare at you
214 · Jan 2019
a love just for us
Ruby Nemo Jan 2019
little fantasies floating above my head
a honeymoon so dark, dear boy
can we recover? do you think we can hold?
never a moment so still
as the moment you loved me in the middle of the night.
there are many ways to love, but yours is my favorite
take hold of my dreams. . .
open my eyes so I can't fall asleep,
so I don't miss a moment
of laughter or snickers or tears.
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