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 Nov 2014 roxy
Angie S
As we fight for freedom
We become the American Dream
Stay strong Ferguson.
 Oct 2014 roxy
Brandon Navarro
When I was 12
I would sit and listen to
love songs and smile
and sing along,
and feel bad when people lost it.
I never understood,
how could someone be so sad?
"They are just a person"
I would think.

Now I know,
sitting up on late nights
looking at old photos
with tears streaming down my face.
Clutching my chest
wishing you were here.
Everyday is like a fight
to see how long it'll take
till you pop on my mind
and crush my soul.
Looking at the sky and knowing
somewhere you are there
and alone.

Now I know
and I hate it.
Just something I wrote while in the shower
 Oct 2014 roxy
Kayla Behm
When you're little, you look up to your father;
A man who's always there for his little daughter.
He supposed to be there to dance and play,
and, maybe, even sing with you all day.
Your dad is the man to push you on the swings,
so high you feel like you have wings.

My father always had the whitest smile,
just like my dress will be when I walk down the aisle.
He always put his hands on his hips,
and flashed a smile yet not on his lips.
His eyes would twinkle when they met mine,
no matter the situation, he make you laugh every time.

My fantasy world was shattered at age five,
when my father stopped breathing and wasn't alive.
My mom cried and our family shared hugs,
yet there's still something on my heart that tugs.
That constant reminder of what my life was,
some people say it hurts, and I'll tell you it does.

But don't feel too bad, my life is truly great;
I promise this experience didn't fill me full of hate.
I love my dad and my step-father too,
some people say, "That's impossible to do".
So my life continues and he's still dearly, I miss,
How I said goodbye -- it was with a kiss.
Hope you enjoy my poem. This is a true story, I did lose my father. Don't think I'm trying to write this for sympathy. I wrote it because it truly means a lot to me.
 Oct 2014 roxy
Gay Christian
 Oct 2014 roxy
I'm done repressing my gayness
Because it's the "Christian" thing to do.
I will wear ******* rainbow ****** pasties
And march in a pride parade
If I please
And then go to church and praise Jesus
And God and the Holy Spirit
For making the way I am
And how I am
Because he made me perfect.
I am gay
I am Christian
I am proud to be both.
 Oct 2014 roxy
 Oct 2014 roxy
There's so much red.
Swirling around my toes,
Running through my fingers,
Staining my hands,
Dripping down my face.
Dying my hair red turns my shower into a ****** scene.

— The End —