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Mar 2016 · 590
oh God,

rhyming needs timing
**timing needs reading.
Mar 2016 · 989
**Hobbit's Time**
It's 7:00 in the morning and the breeze is cold.
I let my feet walk into my little kitchens abode.
To boil some water from my cute little pan,
for my small kettle was broken and no more fun.

Prepping my stein for my early morning grind,
I call it coffbit's (Hobbit's Coffee) time in my old but cozy and  lovely shire.
Some like it with sugar, toffee, mocha or milk,
but still I'd prefer it brewed cause it's classic and pretty bare.

Sipping it while sitting in front of my fireplace,
to start my day with full of goodness grace.

Coffbit seems a little bit odd and prime,
but I wouldn't call it a day without my hobbit's time.
Procaffeinating at it's finest.:)
Feb 2016 · 1.4k
I met X when we had ***,
I met X when I get flex,
I met X when she like it on pharynx,
I met X when she knows how to vortex,
I met X when everything was fixed.

And that's how I met my Complex X
when all X comes from annex X.
Feb 2016 · 951
When life gives you load of ****,

just embrace it with true grit.
Feb 2016 · 2.0k
Black Society
Ever wonder this generation as dark ages?
Ever wonder  why peace has bandages?
This society is now spicing up the dark era,
an era that makes every ego goes into pandora.

Black seems gloomy but society makes it cozy.
Peace was so easy but society drags it so heavy.

Now Light dies and so are my lies.
There's no turning back
but to go BLACK.
Feb 2016 · 671
Peace, a six letter word that is so abyss

a kind of thing that is so breezy and freaky.

The thing that makes the world go wild

and makes all **** so blind.

The one we aim to graveled evilness

and let kindness fight the beast for the best.

For it might be tight but if we fight

all of it will shine so bright.

— The End —