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 Aug 2014 Kay
Awesome Annie
You fit into my thoughts like your poems fit in my pocket...

Delightfully comfortable.

I could write you a list so long, outlining all my flaws.

You call me beautiful and I can almost see it.

Hands could intertwine and it could be so wonderful..

But you'd have to get to know me.

Walls could come down...

But you'd get to close.

It could be wonderful for awhile.

Bodies tangled and laughter filling our hearts.

But I get scared so easily.

You are a masterpiece...

I'm resisting the impulse to run as emotions take me.

But I know an absence of you would always linger in-between if I did.

All I know at this moment..

Is I couldn't stand for "us" to be another broken memory along the floor.

But how could that be possible when I'm so consumed with thoughts of you.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Poppy Johnson
I've been trying to write what I feel
for such a long time
but the paper stays blank.
I've only just realised
that the blank paper
describes my feelings
more than words ever could.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Cheyanne Ntangu
But I didn't mean to fall for you
I didn't mean for our paths to cross
because if I could undo our friendly encounter
I would give every penny of my earnings
everything pound, every diamond
because our highs weren't high enough
& our lows caused this darkness to rain inside of me
I swear it was an accident, Cupid made a mistake
This is an old poem.
 Jul 2014 Kay
 Jul 2014 Kay
Music is my drug. A dangerous yet healing addiction. It distracts me from reality and takes away the pain. But with never ending pain the music stays forever. Lyrics is the only thing on my mind. Lyrics speaking truth and false. Anxiety and panic rages when it stops and everything goes silence. There's no golden silence as my head quietly explodes from the reality I'm living.
Written: July 24. - 2014
 Jul 2014 Kay
 Jul 2014 Kay
You're sad
You're depressed
You don't wanna live anymore
But you're wrong
You don't wanna be sad
You don't wanna be depressed
You do wanna live
But you don't know if you're strong enough to fight it
But you need to
Fight to live
Fight to be happy
Fight to smile a real smile
Fight the battle within
I believe
Everyone believes
You can win
YOU just have to believe in yourself
So now start believing cause you can fight
FIGHT for your LIFE!!
 Jul 2014 Kay
 Jul 2014 Kay
I love your goofy smile
and the way your eyes hide behind your glasses when you're tired.

I love the deep rasp in your voice
and the small hairs that you let grow on the bottom of your chin.

I love your big belly laugh
and the way you talk about music like it saved your soul.  

I love the way you hold me in your muscled arms to say hello
like you never wanna let me go.

I love the way you look at me
like I'm the only other person in the room with you.

I hate that you pretend to have it together
when I know that you're just putting on some fake persona.

I hate the desperation and pain behind your green-checked eyes
and that only I can see that they are calling out for help.

I hate when it's mentioned
that you can get your fair share of girls without even trying.

I hate that I feel guilt
because you're the first and only I've noticed since I feel in love with him.

I hate that I don't know
if a fire started when we met for you like it did for me.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Falling in love
Is messed up enough
But when you fall in love with madness
It is a twisted sort of hell
It's not unlikely,
Oh no
Madness is a seducer
Holding the key to your soul
When you fall for insanity
You're drowning and gasping for air
Yet laughing and imploring
To be pulled further down,
Torn further and further
Away from your mind

But there is one thing you should know
Madness never will
Love you back
It's not catchy; insanity doesn't have to be
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