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 Jul 2014 Kay
Danielle Doucette
I think ill always be sad;
not in the way most people think.
i don't always want to cry
or fall to my knees
or scream words even i can't comprehend.

I age like the sun.

Time slowly ticks,
to the day when it has taken all that it can
and its endless energy erupts
into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.
somedays i feel like the sun;
although, i don't light up the galaxy.
I don't cause the earth to rotate in perfect
and I don't control
but someday
my energy will erupt too,
leading me into infinite darkness,
never to be seen again.
 Jul 2014 Kay
 Jul 2014 Kay
I love you but not as before
When everything I can I would give
But now, not anymore.

I love you but some things changed
You're not the one bringing my smile
It is somebody that must not be named.

I love you but I don't miss your voice
I'm content now with your seldom text
That's not my making, it's your choice.

I love you but you're not what I need
When before your words gave me warmth
But now you withhold but I will never plead.

I love you as I know you love me
Twisted to some
But for us, it's the way and how we see.

I love you and that means
"Te Amo, my friend"
Now, I'm spilling the beans.

 Jul 2014 Kay
My heart has never been one piece;

I’ve left bits in places and people

for safekeeping or declaration.

So you didn’t break it.

You never even had the chance. 

But don’t think for once second —

it didn’t hurt when you tore 
a piece too big for yourself 
and left my ****** heart half out my chest
 Jul 2014 Kay
Chrissy R
 Jul 2014 Kay
Chrissy R
I feel it starting, like a prickle down my spine.
My rubbery lungs expand and push
against my ribs.
Organs start crawling
up my throat
leaving a hollow cavity
which I must seal.

My heart is pumping faster
but the only thing to get my blood moving
is to fill my emptiness.
Hands shaking I scrawl a haphazard
paper chain to keep me from floating away
as my love looks on concerned.

“Can I fill it with a kiss?
A caress? If I whisper to you
will my words fall through your ears and
weigh you down?”

But anxiety
is not like drowning
and a life preserver won’t reign me in.
The only thing to do is wait
for me to compress my lungs
and talk my insides off the ledge.

Let me close my eyes and breathe,
give me room to reassemble.
I promise I will come down soon.

When I can concentrate enough,
the Earth starts shrinking
until its mass rests on my pen tip
and I can write the blood back through my veins.
Because sometimes people don't understand what it's like to get this anxious. And it might help if they did.
 Jul 2014 Kay
Czarek Kortylewski
Don't let me fall asleep today
I won't come back
When my eyelids fall down
Like your cigarette ash
There's no turning back

Please, don't make me happy
When I'm so beautifully sad
Just don't let me fall asleep, darling
I'm already weak and broken
I'm hopelessly mad
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