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 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
sometimes i just sit here

and it's like my soul went away

i feel so empty, void of light, of day

just a blinking case, shell

containing nothing but a living hell
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
There goes my heart
Ripped out by the breeze
And carried off
For miles by the wind
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
Many masks
Many names,
By choice...

Mask over mask
Bereft of skin
Dare not reveal
What is underneath...

the only way
I dare
I live...

Rawness, nakedness
Unplastered walls.
Debris, wreckage,
where's my mask

Who are you,
who makes me wonder,
who makes me ponder.
Something I never asked before...

**Who am I
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
The border at Jammu & Kashmir,
One of the highest battlegrounds.
Though that scenery is beautiful,
The soil there is stained in blood.

The blood of terrorists & soldiers,
Sadly defiles the heaven in there.
White peaks often don a red hue,
Those serene valleys face hellfire.

They do not realize that it is vain,
They war in the name of religion.
Disrupting peace and calm there,
They often desecrate the paradise.

Christ is said to have gone there,
After his resurrection of course.
Hindu deities are also fabled so,
The land of Gods and their messengers has been desecrated time and again.
I fear some weirdos might bombard this work with their negativity.
But I am unfazed.
My HP Poem #675
©Atul Kaushal
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
There’s a little wooden house on the corner with a beautiful garden in the front.

It always ropes in the attention of the whole town when spring comes along.

The main attraction is a garden in the front with a small batch of roses.

These roses are beautiful with different shades of red coloring the vivid green bush it’s sprouting from.

But there’s one small purple rose amongst a bed of red, just a bit off to the right.

No one pays attention to this purple rose because of  all the other red ones.

The purple rose is fragile and beautiful looking with frail looking petals making it unnoticed.

The lady that owns the little wooden house allows you to pick the roses just as long as you don’t hurt yourselves from the thorns.

No one dares pick the purple rose cause of the rigid and thorned spine it has.

I have a go at the chance to pick the purple rose. I reach out my arm as I grabbed the thorny spine of the rose.

Holding the spine with the fullness of palm, my hand sprouting out with the blood of countless mistakes and regrets.

But this, this was never a mistake that has ever been. It was an accomplishment that no one has ever dwelled upon.

My hand hurts with the blood coursing from the center of my palm running all the way down to my elbow.

Tears start to arise on the horizon of my eyes and a small crooked smile starts to wry on the side of my face.

I am happy, and filled with joyous emotions, emotions that I can never ever fathom of experiencing.

The magnificent purple looking rose resting in the palm of my blood encrusted hand.

**“Her favorite color is purple…”
I did it for her...
Whisper the words
And they will be audible
To those willing to listen
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
And if you cut me
wide open with your
sharpest blades you'll
find the best of words
falling out of my veins* ~
He’d always been a schoolyard bully,
You want to know the truth,
He picked on those too young and silly
To stand up to the youth,
He’d ducked the boys in the village pond
And he hurt the girls as well,
And had a tattoo on his chest,
‘Born for Raising Hell!’

He didn’t learn, he was much too dumb,
He didn’t see the need,
He couldn’t tackle a simple sum
Or spell, or write or read,
But he thought the world had owed him some
So he took it, when he could,
And robbed his innocent victims by
Wearing the coward’s hood.

The police would carry him into court
And the judge would let him go,
‘He’s had a difficult childhood, so
We must be fair, you know!’
And he would laugh when he got outside
And steal the nearest car,
He thought that he was invincible,
Some sort of rising star.

He’d hang with others as dumb as him
Who lived by a borrowed creed,
Adopt a type of a uniform
By growing an ugly beard,
They’d take the gifts of the welfare state
And would swear to tear it down,
‘The time will come that we change the laws
When our army comes to town!’

He tamed a silly, submissive girl
And he beat her black and blue,
Then made her cover from head to foot
So her bruises didn’t show,
He taught her to be subservient
To fulfil his every need,
And quoted God, with an iron rod
‘‘Obey’ shall be your creed!’

He went to fight in a foreign war
And at first they held their ground,
They slaughtered populations to
Strike fear, in every town,
But a barbarous army like their own
Appeared, and refused to yield,
And he was taken a prisoner
Out there, in a foreign field.

He thought he was going to lose his head
As he’d taken heads, before,
But they were a little more barbarous
In the way that they fought the war,
‘We’re sending you back to meet your friends,
But you won’t have time to yell…’
Then strapped him onto a missile,
‘There you go… Go Raising Hell!’

David Lewis Paget
 Oct 2014 Purvi Gadia
Hannah Beth
There's aching backs and dampened clothes
And sleepless nights pull at countless eyes
Words muttered through rusted locker doors
Slammed shut
Words that can't help but be heard

And hot angry voices chip at young minds like axes to ice
All racing to claim such a hollow little prize
Five days turn to haze
Then come weekend,
Drank away.

Because it's not about learning, is it? Not anymore.

It's about getting an A.
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