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jg Aug 2022
Desde que nací, he mirado a miles de personas a los ojos,
miles de iris con diferentes matices, verdes, cafés y hasta azules.

Soy amante del café, aunque confieso no saber mucho, no sé qué grado de acidez exacto deba tener, como para que se considere un buen café, pero siempre me ha gustado simple; oscuro y sin azúcar.

Pero, cuando te conocí, me di cuenta que el café que siempre me ha gustado, ahora lo encontraba en tu mirada.
Si, así es. Tienes unos ojos del color café perfecto, del color de la tierra y de la arena, del color de aquellas tazas de café que me calentaban en las mañanas frías, del color que combina con tu piel morena.  Ahora tu mirada era mi taza de café, mi nicotina, mi adicción, mi necesidad por calor y energía.

Pero no me acordaba que las cosas cambian, que la vida es fría, y que igual que con mis tazas de café, nuestras mirada se volvieron frías, aguadas y sin sabor

Ahora, me gusta el café un poco más oscuro y con un toque de azúcar para endulzar mi pobre alma, aquella que solo busca el desvelo de cada noche, una más fría que la otra….
jg Aug 2022
The day you slowly flew,
from the utter mess of what we were,
from me and my life,
You took what used to be a joyful soul
before the wound
of your manipulative knife,
And you left it here
to rue seeing nothing
but black and blue.

You ask why I no longer write,
But you still miss to understand;
You have taken with you my fragile arms
through your deceitful but compelling charms,

You have taken with you my sensible and thin fingers
With the way your body used to linger,
Millimeters away from mine,
just enough to make it impossible for me to live without.

And you still ask why I no longer write..
jg May 2020
Your deceitful words and actions will forever be in my mind.
They hurt like hell but thank to them i stand unblind
And realize with pain, that you were never mine

You ask for a forgivness i can never give,
Despite how much our voices we crave
with that we shall ever live.

You left me with a fear i've never felt,
Your pain made me forget how i used to melt
in your gaze, but now my heart for peace only prays...
jg May 2020
Love is not supposed to hurt you, its supposed to heal you.
Love is supposed to enlighten you, not consume you.

Love is not supposed to hurt, its supposed to feel like magic.
jg Mar 2020
It’s 1:17 am and i’m still awake on a Monday, but it’s no longer because of the coffee in your eyes but the lies I see in them.

Es la 1:17 am y sigo despierta un lunes, y ya no es por el café de tus ojos, sino por las mentiras que encuentro en ellos.
jg Mar 2020
Sun bright and beautiful,
Breakfast made by you in bed as usual

Heat and sweat,
Kisses and eyes met,

Wind strong and fresh,
Our souls, bones and flesh
devoted to one another

The world: chaotic.
Our love: unbothered,
Powerful and ******

Night full of stars
-But so are your eyes -
And when I’m next to you,
My heart flies touching  every living star
From afar...
jg Mar 2020
Hello Poetry, it’s me again.

I’ve come back with a broken heart and lots of sad words to be written soon underneath the blurry moon, that has always inspired me to this day and its sadness way
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