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Peter Kiggin Aug 2016
Pretty Bubbles

The curtains were closed to empathize your mood
An orange lamp shade in the corner was a colourful move
You felt nervous as the knock on the door made you feel like a boy again
You answer the door and when no one was there you remembered she'd died 20 years ago back then
The world was a place when I was not alone and the silence comes a friend
A plastic green soldier stood on guard to fend
Stripped naked stomach aching all the time I can't comprehend where or when
It's time to take my prescribed drugs or you'll never stop thinking you cannot pretend I'm in a bubble until the end.
Truth  to tell
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017

Gently float upon your cloud that the light and sky may cover
I know that all around you life you must see all the wonder of colour
Don't be confused that they are chosen for any particular reason brother
It's you they want to change inside your heart and soul one father one mother
Listen to the sea as it follows and ebbs like a baby cradled by the moons power
We are little matter to nature as generations after us will re discover
For when you wake and it's all a dream what mysteries you can share with one another.
Basic human rights
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016

The bright red sun blisters my dreams
When I wake softly like a fragile flower unfolding for water to take to grow
Learn as my memories of flying high into the sky above the deep blue sea
Rivers rapid flowing watching emotions glowing like an entity showing
We now knowing animals playing or fighting winning or dying
Forever colliding and revolving evolving never tiring so follow
Mountains are what you see but upon pure white snow forming
Share the goodness when it's warming and rivers flow again to gentle paths of ancient cities standing not long ago
My heart belongs to the dreams that fill my soul but my body won't let me go alone so I'll ride a horse along until my destination is pure of essence and the owl knows at night to watch for wolves in the undergrowth
Soon I will find my end.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Ritual beings

My brain had worked out what my eyes could fail to see
The truth was you would never give your self to me
I fell in love with you the first time and I could not even breathe
I heard your voice on the telephone the next day and I could not believe
We soon got together as the boat moved up the stream
The river got much larger and liars watched me take a dream
I looked at her for the final time as I knew it was never meant to be
I stayed on my boat for a thousand years seeing things I wished I'd never seen
When it was time for me to face the music I had forgotten where I'd been
As the boats came and went I would bow my head down because I felt a failure although later my fever had gone it seemed.
Not a mystery
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017

Tomorrow will be pleasant and the flowers will rise to the Sun but never quite reaches
Tomorrow I'll play with my dog because he's fun and we never argue but glad to be with
Tomorrow I'll walk were the factories hum to hear the wheels of the cogs as it screeches
Tomorrow I'll dig a big hole then my work will be done and only one thing I know what it teaches
Tomorrow I'll put on my shoes and go for a run because no one can stop me and all that it impeaches.
Peter Kiggin Dec 2016
Sausage and mash

I watched a man have a heart attack outside the green grocers just the other day
I wonder if I'll have some sausages with mash potato and gravy for my dinner today
The wheel on the bicycle of the man that past me walking kept on turning any way
The rain came through my jacket and soaked me to the bone but I won't be using it as it returns to it's peg and that's were it will stay
My heart is weaker than it was and nothing gives me a buzz like the sunshine in may
I thought that someone cared for me as I did for them but it just turns out they didn't give a **** questions go astray
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
Save your tears

Words don't dry your eyes
You live until you die
You might see things and sigh
You wander and wander why
We are our own contradictions because we lie
Suffer in silence but always looking for somebody to ask to try
It's a complicated world and complicated people ask questions whether to sell or buy
Trillions of pounds filter through a computer system to keep float the hopes and dreams of why many look up to the sky
Orange Sun keeps us alive but the reason for this is not reason enough to make people feel free to do what they want to do and that is cut and dry
Half of the world lives in glory and half are just getting by but when judgement day comes we will all have a home living on clouds so high
I guess all I can say is it's been the most interesting life I have ever lived but it's time to say goodbye.
Rivers run wild
Peter Kiggin Dec 2016

A tear may fall for many reasons
Why did they fall so much for you
I was confused and now I'm not walking in blind mans shoes

The easiest thing to learn was that you shamed yourself possibly at first to amuse
When games are played you must always be prepared to lose
Suffering in my mind was one more clue to completely end the trip was a cruise

*** is now a minor note from hundreds of combinations for which you have the disease

Slowly you'll unwrap the riddle I put before you or you will ignore it just choose

Not everyone is deceitful like a man that I used to beat till he had the chance not to get caught doing which is turn the screws
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016

Thorn ed tree hold me naked amongst prickle blood falling free
I am comfortable as long as the hawk comes to feed me
The night the stars come out no clouds I never see
I hang in this tree and wonder why I'm alone to be
Something tempted me to climb above the ground a definite greed
Lightly I fall asleep under lack of energy then let me go and let hawks feast on meat
darkness comes and I am blind but feel no pain maybe I am not on the tree but it was the last thing I ever seed.
living is easy
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
Seen it in the Movies.

I've seen it at the movies were the girlfriend goes off with another man
Living in the movies isn't like being just a person whose heart doesn't understand
I was only another victim not being the obvious type as the timer dripped down with sand
The cruel fate of a lover who just needed someone to hold his hand
I've seen it in the movies were the lover dies because the world he doesn't understand
I wonder what really happens maybe he finds another woman who makes him happy and loves him because his heart is good and will never brake her heart would n,t that be grand.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016

A silhouette holds my hand
When a whale is trapped on land
A cemetery for an old broken man
A church candle lit on a lamp stand
She tore my heart out;
She tore my heart out.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017

You've taken everything from inside of this man
All that's left are bottle tops and an old tin can
I'm sad and lonely like a kitten without it's mam
I guess after all these years I still don't know who I am
What is it I was supposed to plan
Will I just turn to dust or is there one last stand.
The ineptitude
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017

Situations change from red to blue then yellow and finally green
I wash my hands yet they are still ***** never ever clean
A memory of you is disturbing me because now and then I think that life is so very mean
The Sun shines in from the window and I can't help but think of the beauty of the rain I've seen
Taking snap shots of my performance in the middle of a conversation that my life is a dream
Someone wake me up because I have to say that reality is just a tantamount to death's final scene
Shame is on your shoulders and forever your knife is deep within the very same spleen.
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016
Smoke rings out of your ****.

Sitting in a wigwam playing tom toms
What a lovely day; tomtom along
Tambourine jingles while I'm playing this song
Look at all the children dancing; nothing shall be wrong
People always want something but I smell a fishy that's horrid and pongs
Playing tom toms calms me to centre thoughts of the past and the devil's tongue
You use people freely like a troublesome one who will string you like a puppet then simply move on.
Peter Kiggin Jan 2017
Snake bites

Dance with the fire to keep you warm
Grows inside me till blood boils them bones
Raw intentions come to me but time begs I must roam
Leave behind what have you become
A ridiculed man with all passion gone
All that I remember is the truth I drank the poison.
dangerous minds
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
Society declines

The green frog wears his bowler hat and carries an umberella while he's waiting for the train that takes him to Kings Cross
A Zebra reads the paper turning over pages as a badger sits on a bench smoking a cigarette for his health he doesn't really give a toss
The dragon fly is floating and it's colour seems to be blue and green shining in the morning as he checks the time and the train is late so now we're running at a loss
Two mice are still yawning because they stayed up last night to watch the boxing and they had to paint the house in matt or gloss
The train arrives and they all bundle on and no one sits beside the wasps in case they feel like stinging but lives are lost and the snails with their hair so long are going to uni to study slow motion as I guess anything else would be just a doss

The train arrives at it's destination and all the animals go their separate ways as another rat race starts at 8.08am and two ferrets drink their decaffs because they are so rich and they are  boss
The Zoo
Peter Kiggin Sep 2016
Soul defining

Drifting beyond confidence and breaking in two thoughts is what I have got
Barely lifting my arms to reach what I see and hitting my head on protuding rocks
Sitting in mud splattered water for days just taking the weather with no defence to what ends what
Watching the world as I pass by never to save me for mortality has had my soul and eaten it like a lion eating a deer till all that's left is rot
I stick my neck out and caught on the fields overflow I need to lock
I become part of the problem that everybody needs something even if that something is not a lot
I grow into a sapling beside the river and people come to fish here but the bait is your soul and everything else you fought
Now at night I listen for the wind whether it be cold or hot
Now I am part of nature and humans just plot to be something that they know they're really not.
Possibilities, nourishing, endless circle
Peter Kiggin Sep 2016
Southern skies

I look to the clear southern skies when I open my eyes and I see the lightest of blooms
Orange blue purple skies and saffron on the rise when the cosmic tunes
I want to live in a world that noises are all pearls and dropped from your eyes to ring on the strings that bind me to your voice that booms
Love all yellow flowers grow and the indigo but the greatest of all is the darkest red that deepens inside I'd almost say it consumes
I like to see you smile when no ones watching I take a peak when the door is open in rooms
If all was disclosed at once in my mind I think my senses would perpetuate and they'd stretch to the moon.
Peter Kiggin Feb 2017
Spelling with words

Pray and you will be heard
Lost memories or a single word
Many men die for love that was wasted shared
Give love to you because compassion once cared
Understanding life depends on your perception clear or blurred
Seeing life with eyes wide open as a child you see it clearly but understanding nothing perturbed
So when you kneel before me I only seek conviction and a purpose to be cured.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016

Feathers on a crows back are black and sleak
He wears a proud long billed beak
When he goes hunting far and wide and deep
You know the squawk that someone else is ever weak
The colour of the leaves are green and brown and red to me to seep
My mind is out their trying to reach the animal that was caught but no one can never ever speak
I watch the birds on tops of trees to see their prey they have to eat but isn't it horrid to be preyed upon when one moment you're alive then suddenly you are gone and my eyes can see to weep.
Death and life
Peter Kiggin Dec 2016

Please suggest a word that can keep me safe
This world has crushed me to the bones that I am made
I want to blame the flashing lights and the dancing parade
Everyone realizes one day that we all wear a masquerade
The real choices in life are those our eyes covet like a poem written to serenade
Minds are dangerous places for the ones who do not understand and lie in shade
The song is almost over forever as the crowd stand up and we leave alone across the empty stage .
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016

This world is in stagnation
From all the cruelty and deprivation
No one to be trusted in organisation
Disciples rocked to the very foundation
Only love can be our one true salvation
No fuel in the future to feed the ever frustrations
Come together ; Come together; come together now
You want to be a king but your crown is your mind alone
Without that you might as well return to dust and stone
Our lives are not our own to live
Our towns and villages are not long to give
Our cities become wastelands of a society that once did.
society, civilization
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016
Stand up

No commiseration across a world of abundant desperation
Or did I forget to mention what's going on in your available accommodation
No freedom just isolation and genocide for a nation
Acceleration of a political monopolisation
No say for you any more because you are an older generation
I used to think that listening to the elderly was a natural civilisation
All we do is make the same mistakes for the cost of another open eyed definition
So strap those guns real tight because there ain't no way the people are going to stand beside fascists,terrorists or a communist organisation.
Peter Kiggin Mar 2016

Train your eyes on something far away
Then look again another sunny day
Everything is coming fast
And you know it will never last
The sun goes down and the die is cast
Look at the stars they seem so vast
One day you'll be a part at last
A cosmic essence come to task
Around the universe you'll see everything
Not from one planet but true perspective ultraistic fascinating
Tomorrow you'll find it is today when time was constant imagining
In that you will find the parts of your mind set free and bright into stars in the night sky glistening.
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016
Station Master

Is there a place in this world to get my soul warm
I've been thinking and been running around for so long
Someone please take my hand and tell me everything I've seen is so wrong
No one ever comes because they're thinking of number one and why is your face badly drawn
I want you to know that I have been waiting for the whisper of the fear so **** strong
The human race is a poster board for other planets to look at and say the fact is that they don't know where they do come from
There is no equilibrium in fact the state of things are totally deformed
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
Stretching the rubber band

People all with different faces in my memory reflections of empty spaces
I look back and you're not their forever I sit and think of you as water runs down empty stairs
A white dress you've worn on a summers day while gazing through that which still remains
The long days with bright sunshine and glasses filled with cheap red wine whilst kissing you underneath the ripe grape vines
Words don't come easily as everything is and was and could been and if you did I didn't agree completely
That is why my long love lasts as I forget the present and hold dear the past but then was then and now is now that is why life is one long ask.
Peter Kiggin Jun 2016

My soul is trapped inside a bell that chimes every hour
Hells dogs bark and scowl waiting for my soul to escape for them to devour
Mystic transportation takes me higher than the buildings below
The secret to where I'm going is celestial and boundless in a glow
Take me to where it all started and let me look and feel and grow
Changes forever happening in the universe return to show
I come back a stronger energy force and light and darkness shower
I return perhaps to tell the story of time and the bell tolls in the village upon the high tower
The imagination rules the world yet it is our actions that turn things sour.
Peter Kiggin Dec 2016
Forever symmetrical

I've seen the devil and he keeps on punishing me
I was born to failure because everyone had such high hopes I could only be beaten don't you see
A child that had a fever and the world was so different because all of the colours disagreed
I swam across a river to find what was waiting and I looked back and saw what I could only possibly be
The colours shone right through me leaving me dry and symmetrically free
Until that very moment I knew nothing could be perfection and we were all trapped here looking at mirrors don't you believe
notes from the sand walker
Peter Kiggin May 2017
system error

We are born into ******* my friends
until you wake up it will be to the very ends
Imprinted pictures or words the mind bends
I want true freedom in body and in spirit to cleanse
To be part of another star system across many whens
Like so many others I feel a certain resemblance to history trends
Burnt out old bridges never will mend
Waiting for a train then waiting to get off again
Peter Kiggin Aug 2016

Our last becomes the end
In that our first determines the rest thus comprehend
Join two rivers that will never be a friend
The imposter is like a vein that bends
Honesty is lost and truth was a tale just to condescend
A vision of the future happens once and again
Like the bread we eat today for tomorrow it will stale offend
Travel lightly always or you will see beauty pass or descend
There are magical stepping stones to the path of eternal peace but you must come to terms in the end.
Peter Kiggin Aug 2016
The Brave

The bunch of flowers lay on the grave
The words inscribed their We can only save
The working policeman always the brave

The man was only 24 so young to die but he believed in a noble cause
All the people lined the streets and how many times must our children brake the laws
Three teenagers stabbed him with knives like swords but they weren't knights they were cowards whose lives and up bringing meant they blamed society who shut their doors
Who can save them from themselves only pawns on a chess board made in hell to show the future only blood now pours
The biggest tragedy of all concerned will wake up next morning while the dead in their coffin turned and the wars will go on till the thugs are in jail cells and children take account till the last black crow caws.
Peter Kiggin Jan 2017
The BuBBLe BUrsT

I burst a bubble in my brain
As the rain came down again
A wind so strong it was calling out your name
A memory of shame
A lighthouse with it's guidance of domain
The time I spent in agonizing pain
Oh so many years I've cried to tame
This killer kills it's self before others are to blame
So I ended it with alcohol and as many pills I claim
On King Street I sweated ****** through my vain
The price I payed to go insane but the memory still remains
Of the second and the minute and the hour that you shot me down but no help like once before ever came.
sabotage,neglect,ignited forces.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
The Clarity

There were a billion stars out for you girl
I could have played with celestial time
One bright star that was you girl
All the worlds were spinning aligned
I just wish you weren't so bright girl
Then I could have everything defined
I love all the faults in you girl
Why couldn't you live with mine
A window is all I need to see you girl
A place on the harbour is a ship called The Clarity of Peace and Mind.
Peter Kiggin Mar 2017
The devil approach

All day I slept long and the whisper of the devil spoke
I lay down with the only sound of evil as he laughed and told me about hope
Every day he mocked me and every night I watched him as he collected dead souls around town in a black cloak
He knows there's nothing God can do about him because the devil is in your mind as you live you also die and that's why circles have no point they just evoke
The secret is to stretch life to it's limits and see what you can find but unless you are a spirit soul you cannot pass the lines of reality so tired and provoked
You cannot be born again until the soul has left the comfort of the human body and accept the never ending spirit to guide you to cope
Believe what you will because every body does but the devil will creep and encroach your mind when the hands of the clock stops he will approach.
A tap running
Peter Kiggin Mar 2016
Come through the door

I've never seen you like I know that you do
You've got to see me more and more
I want to see you more than you do
Come through the door

I look around at what it is that you do
I can't believe there were ever any wars
I want to go somewhere that you do
Come through my door

You know I cried because I loved you too
You know I cried whilst trying to reach the door
You know I know you listened very closely
You brought me to the door

In the silence I can hear you
In the times that I've listened in awe before
I wash my body in the water to be near you
I am clean so help me through the door.
Peter Kiggin Sep 2016
The extraction of truth

There are always some truth you can extract from a lie
There is always someone following you with a beady little eye
Be carefull what you wish for because it may come true and all existence will crumble and all is left and we wonder why
A man walking alone with his thoughts is wise but to share them with others maybe taken the wrong way to be paid with lives
The worlds mistake is that no one is listening and the man speaking has no conviction in truth but justice is written to convince we are all civilised.
Time, truth, justice
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016
The famous man died

Someone famous died before I can
Was it drugs or something else terribly wrong
I lay in my bed and think of the famous person that died and the clock and it's hands
I wonder if they'll say what it was that killed him in the night as they play a video of him on the television
The people walk to their work or in the car or on a bus knowing this once famous man
Realize you might be dead tomorrow and don't beg and don't wallow just sing your song.
The famous man died
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016
The first time ever I saw your face

Believe please believe in me
I've walked the desert now I see
I hear the sound of the sun rising feeling free
I see all around now the light has come across the open sea
Why could night shade the sun from letting me just be
I wanted to see what I wanted to see listened to no one don't you agree
Stars go and come millions of light years from where it started was a collision incredibly
So now we've got the past and moments in my mind will forever last just debris floating endlessly
I can't forget the day we met and all we are you'll never accept peacefully hold my hand and once again we'll be free
Peter Kiggin Nov 2016
The fox took the rabbit.

Strange addiction caused affliction I try to wash it out of me
Deep inside only human sighs of what keeps me not free
A smokers vice is it's own device to burn can't you see
Death defy one more try to give up what I breathe
Two blind holes where are my eyes burnt into black grief
I can only sympathise arthritis is coming like a thief
It's time to realize a waste of passion of everything that lies beneath
We were meant for greater things like athletes but our peers disagreed and not strong enough to resist the fox took the rabbit across the heath.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016

On the train that rides alone
along this track of skin and bone,
find locations to us unknown -
the Ghost Train comes.

Sitting, staring, watching paths
of lives unfolding,
to me just laughs -
the Ghost Train comes.

Darker now the tunnels come,
feelings gone and nothing done.
I look for signs of where I've been;
but cannot see because eyes are dim -
the Ghost Train comes.

I'm on this train for life I think
but Ghost Trains aren't real just minds out of sync.
I look outside, the door is open,
my brain all rattled, slow and broken.

I step off now the train has gone.
I reflect inside of what I've done.
For nine years I rode that train,
I lost true love and half my brain.

And what I've learned is one **** thing -
don't live your life to love one thing.
For me, a little lives inside.
Still taking people for a ride

So when you decide to take a train,
take the track that is true and sane.
Please don't live a life in vain -
The Ghost Train.

This is the age of the train.
Effects of a long journey
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016
The Jealous Beasts

Why are feathers touched by angels clipped to stop them knowing how far they can fly
Why do birds who can't reach to know always try
Why is it sometimes that we love for no reason other than to watch a bird stretch their wings then never say goodbye
All these things I have learned and yet we see and do it every time because our natural instincts are to fear what's not known and stop it by any means I sigh
Being different makes stranded birds float upon ponds and just drift around featureless reticent awry
The Albatross floats on winds without energy for miles and miles to face any mountain or the lightest bluest sky and that is the freest; learning to let the wind blow wherever it may remember to go high and dry
So soon in your life you must remember everything for a purpose and a reason or we might all just die
Peter Kiggin Apr 2017
In the midnight room

In the midnight room you can take off your socks and shoes
In the midnight room you can drift to a land that you only snooze
In the midnight room you can be who you want to be on a ship you may cruise
In the midnight room all is what you want it to be behind the curtains behind what you will lose
In the midnight room you feel indestructible and you have an angel for a muse
In the midnight room forget you may be nobody but sunlight will surely come like the newest news
In the midnight room you can listen to the music that drowns out the sound I love the best inevitability proves
Peter Kiggin Jan 2017
The reign came down today
No nation anymore
No wars or tyranny everyday
No armies needed like before
Just people shaking hands and saying this is the way
No reason to run just explore
No more barriers or games to play
I walk happily through this door
Peter Kiggin Sep 2016
The room

If silence has a place then it must be a room
No bigger than you would expect or smaller with a sense of gloom
Not that silence portrays misery just that if meant in time purgatory could scoop out the evil with a large dessert spoon
Contemplation is said to be good for the soul then why hasn't anyone in thousands of years ever transcended to a higher level of understanding the universe or are we reaching for the stars too soon
Maybe within ourselves we know why we draw rivers with ripples of the almighty vision the moon
The science fiction movies made to take us places that we can never reach or see because we are born of a monkey and that is innate sealing our doom
The whole of the Earth exploding until silence and a gloom that shatters the moon then total doom but you will always have the room
Peter Kiggin Aug 2016
The wheel will turn.

There is no rhyme or no wrong or no season

We are all just living for no reason

When the monkey came out of the tree

He knew then he'd see me looking so we had a big party

All the world lets shake hands and sing a little song and rattle your pans

It's easy if you try I've done it before a billion years ago when the dinosaurs roared

I look at us now and we're still trying to figure it out so why not beat your chest and give a big shout

The worlds a big mess and people are looking more confused wearing earings in their ***** and writing tattoos then one day we'll meet again in the trees with our furry little children and the wheel will turn once again.
The human race is almost run
Peter Kiggin Nov 2016
The world will die.

So called freaks of nature are a reminder and a warning that we are not in control
Forces of ancient times past before man or beast lived the world fashioning an excellence so beautiful it would blind you to behold
The world was so perfectly made that life had to happen it could not stop or be told
At the birth of organisms that soon will shape the earth into it's own dream became many fold
Soon life was everywhere and land was precious to all who knew the power it bestowed
A belief that everyone should live with the same rights as the man standing beside him became archaic even old
If the world doesn't change then the earth will die with it and the sun will not shine nor moon because of a perfect idea that have taken our souls.
Peter Kiggin May 2016
Think then always think again.

Chances are by now you have had the experience to know what fate means
A none coincidental natural occurrence that changes you and possibly all you have ever dreamed
You cannot avoid these occurrences as they happen when you least expect them or naturally without you being aware it seems
There will come a time in space when an occurrence will happen that will mean the end of human existence and everything will be as if we have never been
All scientists realise this yet they have sheer hope and that is all they have to find a mathematical definition of what could be done to carry on living through deep space and find a place in a universes means
Will nature show us the ultimate key to our salvation or has nature shown us the pathway to a brighter more intelligent scheme
Perhaps this is why we spend so much time sleeping because the brain needs to compute all the components neccessary for such magnitude yet foreseen
Many men on this place we call Earth have given up on the idea that this will ever happen but fate tells us otherwise so when you watch the sky at night don't be surprised if we're being watched by beings already been handed fate to them now I am ready to beam.
Peter Kiggin Apr 2016
Till the break of morning
Till the break of morning I'll sit and watch and hear the birds making sounds
Till the sun comes calling I'll sit in darkness while there's no one else around
Till the first cars are starting I'll wonder where are you to be found
Walking gently in the meadow with my mind circling and dry leaves on the ground
I see the first light turning black to blue and the blue eyes that I remember I first drowned
I light a fire in the morning to warm my hands then gather berries on bushes and mushrooms that are crowned
I go to the stream and wash my face and fill some water then cook my food and eat as nature becomes my shroud
I cannot smile with joy anymore but I have peace and harmony to know you were never meant for me as you were always some one else's to be bound.
You are a different bird not so easily flattered and one that is looking to challenge you feathered mostly brown.
The sunlight shatters the clouds in my head and the green leaves make shards of light like a force that brightens even the darkest places and certainly I'm not down.
Peter Kiggin Jun 2017
To be Free

We come to be
We come to see
We come through the night to the morning light
We come from trees
We come from the sea
We come to understand we have to work the land just to feed
We all need we all agreed
We hunted for meat
We come to see
We come to be
We have found that something found is not necessarily free
Peter Kiggin Jul 2016

Tulips under brown carpet born again
The rain provides the water makes purple stain
Watch the flower grow then peaks out his head in summer first starts the pain
Beautiful eye of the beholder like the yellow sunshine on the brightest field of grain
Tulips purple colour seem to wash the pathway along the lane
Sleep sleep travel to find things unexplained
Follow the greatest journey inside your brain
The first thought in your minds eye is never the beginning but somethings are unobtained.
dreaming of being reborn
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