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1.1k · Jun 2022
Ophelia Jun 2022
i've been told i have been silent recently
but maybe they just don't hear me
am i whispering?
i feel like im screaming from the depths of my soul
so why can't they hear me?
if your eyes wander long enough
you'll see the pain
if you're listening
you'll hear the long-held breath i let out
when i finally get the release
of detaching
and realising
what helps
855 · Jul 2023
Ophelia Jul 2023
sacrificing values and views
the uncomfortable space left behind

tight air leaving weak lungs
folding limbs like paper

eyes that saw too much
frozen as the witness

anything to quiet the noise
anything to cover the bruises

and the trauma begins again
386 · Aug 2019
to the hate i get
Ophelia Aug 2019
i've been keeping low
been off the grid for awhile now
the kindest eyes i have ever seen inspired me
to be the next kind eyes someone sees
don't hurt me please
being kind leaves you vulnerable
to the hate i get
you can surely see how good i am
tears keep falling
why must you tell me you think i should be *****
and dumped and left for no one to see
i deserve to be seen
please don't believe me when i say i'm okay
do not disturb is on i'm begging you
don't message me or i'm going to break
the ice is thin
i'm falling in
343 · Aug 2019
Ophelia Aug 2019
your problems have become mine
the beautiful thoughts that cross through your beautiful mind
the thoughts that cross through my terrifying mind
are you using me?
am i making a mistake?
will you let me be free?
is all of this fake?
i don't know
let me think
308 · Aug 2019
the angel is winning
Ophelia Aug 2019
the devil on my shoulder
he tells me to be selfish
get what i want
but that's stealing
devil, i cannot steal such a valuable treasure
it doesn't belong to me

the angel in my heart says be the one for others
be the one he wants and desires
your life will be misery
at the expense of him
be the girl he wants, don't be selfish
for being selfish is a sin
be there when he needs someone, but don't burden him with your thoughts
he deserves better than to deal with you
but he chose to
angel, so did the one who has my heart
he chose me
girl, you were put here to be the therapist
not the client
don't get it mistaken
274 · Aug 2019
i found you
Ophelia Aug 2019
why do i like the feeling
of the torturous buzz in my head
of nonstop thunder and pounding on the door
when the feeling comes in waves
how do i react
keep a smile on my face or show the misery that’s keeping me dazed
you’re so far away yet so close to my heart
i just want to see your face
i hold my breath waiting for the response of everything i say
i found the one i don’t want to push away
267 · Aug 2019
basic, right?
Ophelia Aug 2019
i thought of using my camera for once
take some memories with you
put them on my wall
basic, right?
i thought of how we will cuddle while watching christmas movies
you'll kiss me on the forehead
tell me you love me
basic, right?
we would play games together
have the same friends
perfect so far
basic, right?
you'll give me your clothes because i hate sleeping without you
spray it with the scent of you
just to make me happy
basic, right?
oh boy did i not see this coming
we did all that
it was perfect
but how long does perfection last before flaws are shown
your true face
the ugly behind the pretty
the comments behind the post
you just texted me
i feel guilty as every second passes by
i start to slow down
my mind starts to calm
do you feel that?
the sun in your eyes
the sand on your feet
the smile you give me
how can i give that up
for someone when i haven't seen their eyes
i saw their heart
it's a beautiful place inside your mind
but you want so much
and i can only give you a little bit of me
because the rest of me belongs to him
259 · Aug 2019
Ophelia Aug 2019
you put me through hell so many times
i'm sitting here as you're on the phone with your boy
and i'm just here so you aren't alone
are you trying to show off?
make me jealous?
your relationships are working and mine aren't?
you're laughing with him
proving to me that you're happy that i'm not in your life
thank you
i needed the clarification that you aren't worth my time
you don't know it but this is going to be the last time we talk like this
like we are close again
like we are friends and everything is okay
this is my goodbye
153 · Jul 2023
f*-k off
Ophelia Jul 2023
drifting thoughts never wandered to you
comfort was never brought
but i learned how to survive without your f-king apology

-cking gaslighter
f*-king manipulator
a killer of minds

the cycle continues
at my own hands
i'm fighting my hardest against you
96 · Nov 2024
the death of a poet
Ophelia Nov 2024
the poetry i’ve washed
prepped with my own limbs
has been formed
shaped for the heaviness in my heart
the aching in my bones
the static in my head
to find another home

it makes me yearn
for more

the poetry i’ve washed
prepped with my own limbs
is grieving
mourning for the death of the poet’s own guide
to the words
scrapes of scattered thoughts
in this f-cking grave

— The End —